2016-10-01 17:17:46 -05:00
emails Fixed issue 2624, Creating command to charge all members for their membership month, Fixing bug on make charge membership command, Added language activation for make charge command 2016-10-01 17:17:46 -05:00
about.html Handled success message from contact form in ungleich, Contact section in ungleich now supports translation, About section in ungleich now supports translation, Footer section in ungleich now supports translation, Portfolio section in ungleich now supports translation, Services section in ungleich now supports translation, Software section in ungleich now supports translation, Fixed digitalglarus about page 2016-04-15 20:18:29 -05:00
booking.html Fixing css bugs, Changed booking form, Changed booking input from range to two separated inputs , Change booking view validations 2016-09-15 23:16:21 -05:00
booking_orders_detail.html finishing digitalglarus booking 2016-09-29 00:04:40 -05:00
booking_orders_list.html Reduced pixels needed to navbar transition color, Added membership deactivation form, Added membership deactivation view, Added membership status, Added membership charged.html, Added membership charged.txt, Extended class to send membership charge email, After membership, charge for first time an email is sent to the user, Fixed bug on redirecting, user to membership payment after signup, Fixed redirecting after buying a membership 2016-09-14 00:24:20 -05:00
booking_payment.html finishing digitalglarus booking 2016-09-29 00:04:40 -05:00
confirm_reset_password.html Fixed blling form goes out of background image, Fixed billing address page "amount" field seems broken, Changed authentication page fonts 2016-08-20 00:57:46 -05:00
contact.html Handled success message from contact form in ungleich, Contact section in ungleich now supports translation, About section in ungleich now supports translation, Footer section in ungleich now supports translation, Portfolio section in ungleich now supports translation, Services section in ungleich now supports translation, Software section in ungleich now supports translation, Fixed digitalglarus about page 2016-04-15 20:18:29 -05:00
history.html fixed history.html , contact us section added again history.html, supporter list style added, changed digitalglarus login, Fixed digitalglarus login form when user sent nothing,Fixed digitalglarus signup form , Fixed relaway font bug 2016-08-15 23:56:14 -05:00
index.html added new index.html and history.html to digitalglarus 2016-08-09 00:54:25 -05:00
login.html #hotfix Fixed select date picker 2016-09-19 19:20:57 -05:00
membership_activated.html Now booking is only for users with memberships. Added method to know if a membership is active or not. Added new formula for booking pricing. handling border cases when an user want to book. Added booking order detail view. Added booking order detail html. 2016-09-05 19:45:45 -05:00
membership_deactivated.html Reduced pixels needed to navbar transition color, Added membership deactivation form, Added membership deactivation view, Added membership status, Added membership charged.html, Added membership charged.txt, Extended class to send membership charge email, After membership, charge for first time an email is sent to the user, Fixed bug on redirecting, user to membership payment after signup, Fixed redirecting after buying a membership 2016-09-14 00:24:20 -05:00
membership_deactivated_success.html #hotfix Fixed select date picker 2016-09-19 19:20:57 -05:00
membership_orders_detail.html Fixed issue 2624, Creating command to charge all members for their membership month, Fixing bug on make charge membership command, Added language activation for make charge command 2016-10-01 17:17:46 -05:00
membership_orders_list.html Reduced pixels needed to navbar transition color, Added membership deactivation form, Added membership deactivation view, Added membership status, Added membership charged.html, Added membership charged.txt, Extended class to send membership charge email, After membership, charge for first time an email is sent to the user, Fixed bug on redirecting, user to membership payment after signup, Fixed redirecting after buying a membership 2016-09-14 00:24:20 -05:00
membership_payment.html Fixed membership payment view issues, Membership creation after a stripe charge, Membership order creation after stripe charge, Added membership activated view, Added membership activated html, Fixing membership cost function, Added function to format membership date ranges, Added membership calculated dates for first month into membership_payment html and membership_activated html 2016-08-22 02:52:29 -05:00
membership_pricing.html Added membership pricing view. Added membership pricing html. Added membership pricing url. Started booking view. Started integrating booking.js. Added calendar date range js lib. Fixing date picker. Added function to calculate remaining free days. Updated function to calculate booking price. Added BookingDatesForm. Added backend validation for booking dates. fixed booking form. adding pricing to booking payment view. Added free days to booking payment view. Started booking payment stripe flow. Redefined dispatch method to booking view. Now login is required for payment selecting dates and booking. Added date range to booking payment. Fixed booking select dates view. Added form validations to booking form. Created a order after a confirm a booking. Added free_days to booking model in order to facilitate free_days Availability for the next booking. Creating a Stripe charge. Creating Booking model instance. Refactor booking payment views. Associated an order to a stripe charge. Associated booking order instance with a booking instance. 2016-08-30 21:32:45 -05:00
old_index.html added old dg index 2016-08-16 00:14:57 -05:00
reset_password.html Fixed blling form goes out of background image, Fixed billing address page "amount" field seems broken, Changed authentication page fonts 2016-08-20 00:57:46 -05:00
signup.html Added membership pricing view. Added membership pricing html. Added membership pricing url. Started booking view. Started integrating booking.js. Added calendar date range js lib. Fixing date picker. Added function to calculate remaining free days. Updated function to calculate booking price. Added BookingDatesForm. Added backend validation for booking dates. fixed booking form. adding pricing to booking payment view. Added free days to booking payment view. Started booking payment stripe flow. Redefined dispatch method to booking view. Now login is required for payment selecting dates and booking. Added date range to booking payment. Fixed booking select dates view. Added form validations to booking form. Created a order after a confirm a booking. Added free_days to booking model in order to facilitate free_days Availability for the next booking. Creating a Stripe charge. Creating Booking model instance. Refactor booking payment views. Associated an order to a stripe charge. Associated booking order instance with a booking instance. 2016-08-30 21:32:45 -05:00