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2022-04-18 08:57:08 +00:00
* Famedly Matrix SDK
* Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
const Set<String> validSigils = {'@', '!', '#', '\$', '+'};
const int maxLength = 255;
extension MatrixIdExtension on String {
List<String> _getParts() {
final s = substring(1);
final ix = s.indexOf(':');
if (ix == -1) {
return [substring(1)];
return [s.substring(0, ix), s.substring(ix + 1)];
bool get isValidMatrixId {
if (isEmpty) return false;
if (length > maxLength) return false;
if (!validSigils.contains(substring(0, 1))) {
return false;
// event IDs do not have to have a domain
if (substring(0, 1) == '\$') {
return true;
// all other matrix IDs have to have a domain
final parts = _getParts();
// the localpart can be an empty string, e.g. for aliases
if (parts.length != 2 || parts[1].isEmpty) {
return false;
return true;
String? get sigil => isValidMatrixId ? substring(0, 1) : null;
String? get localpart => isValidMatrixId ? _getParts().first : null;
String? get domain => isValidMatrixId ? _getParts().last : null;
bool equals(String? other) => toLowerCase() == other?.toLowerCase();
/// Parse a matrix identifier string into a Uri. Primary and secondary identifiers
/// are stored in pathSegments. The query string is stored as such.
Uri? _parseIdentifierIntoUri() {
const matrixUriPrefix = 'matrix:';
const matrixToPrefix = '';
if (toLowerCase().startsWith(matrixUriPrefix)) {
final uri = Uri.tryParse(this);
if (uri == null) return null;
final pathSegments = uri.pathSegments;
final identifiers = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < pathSegments.length - 1; i += 2) {
final thisSigil = {
'u': '@',
'roomid': '!',
'r': '#',
'e': '\$',
if (thisSigil == null) {
identifiers.add(thisSigil + pathSegments[i + 1]);
return uri.replace(pathSegments: identifiers);
} else if (toLowerCase().startsWith(matrixToPrefix)) {
return Uri.tryParse('//' +
substring(matrixToPrefix.length - 1)
(m) => m[0]!.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp( != null ? '' : '[/?]'),
(m) => Uri.encodeComponent(!)))
.replaceAll('#', '%23'));
} else {
return Uri(
pathSegments: RegExp(r'/((?:[#!@+][^:]*:)?[^/?]*)(?:\?.*$)?')
.map((m) => m[1]!),
query: RegExp(r'(?:/(?:[#!@+][^:]*:)?[^/?]*)*\?(.*$)')
/// Separate a matrix identifier string into a primary indentifier, a secondary identifier,
/// a query string and already parsed `via` parameters. A matrix identifier string
/// can be an mxid, a or a matrix-uri.
MatrixIdentifierStringExtensionResults? parseIdentifierIntoParts() {
final uri = _parseIdentifierIntoUri();
if (uri == null) return null;
final primary = uri.pathSegments.isNotEmpty ? uri.pathSegments[0] : null;
if (primary == null || !primary.isValidMatrixId) return null;
final secondary = uri.pathSegments.length > 1 ? uri.pathSegments[1] : null;
if (secondary != null && !secondary.isValidMatrixId) return null;
return MatrixIdentifierStringExtensionResults(
primaryIdentifier: primary,
secondaryIdentifier: secondary,
queryString: uri.query.isNotEmpty ? uri.query : null,
via: (uri.queryParametersAll['via'] ?? []).toSet(),
action: uri.queryParameters['action'],
class MatrixIdentifierStringExtensionResults {
final String primaryIdentifier;
final String? secondaryIdentifier;
final String? queryString;
final Set<String> via;
final String? action;
{required this.primaryIdentifier,
this.via = const {},