2022-04-18 14:27:08 +05:30

101 lines
4.8 KiB

* Famedly Matrix SDK
* Copyright (C) 2021 Famedly GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import 'package:matrix/src/utils/html_to_text.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('htmlToText', () {
final testMap = <String, String>{
'': '',
'hello world\nthis is a test': 'hello world\nthis is a test',
'<em>That\'s</em> not a test, <strong>this</strong> is a test':
'*That\'s* not a test, **this** is a test',
'Visit <del><a href="">our website</a></del> (outdated)':
'Visit ~~🔗our website~~ (outdated)',
'(cw spiders) <span data-mx-spoiler>spiders are pretty cool</span>':
'(cw spiders) ███████████████████████',
'<span data-mx-spoiler="cw spiders">spiders are pretty cool</span>':
'(cw spiders) ███████████████████████',
'<img src="test.gif" alt="a test case" />': 'a test case',
'List of cute animals:\n<ul>\n<li>Kittens</li>\n<li>Puppies</li>\n<li>Snakes<br/>(I think they\'re cute!)</li>\n</ul>\n(This list is incomplete, you can help by adding to it!)':
'List of cute animals:\n● Kittens\n● Puppies\n● Snakes\n (I think they\'re cute!)\n(This list is incomplete, you can help by adding to it!)',
'<em>fox</em>': '*fox*',
'<i>fox</i>': '*fox*',
'<strong>fox</i>': '**fox**',
'<b>fox</b>': '**fox**',
'<u>fox</u>': '__fox__',
'<ins>fox</ins>': '__fox__',
'<del>fox</del>': '~~fox~~',
'<strike>fox</strike>': '~~fox~~',
'<s>fox</s>': '~~fox~~',
'<code>&gt;fox</code>': '`>fox`',
'<pre>meep</pre>': '```\nmeep\n```',
'<pre>meep\n</pre>': '```\nmeep\n```',
'<pre><code class="language-floof">meep</code></pre>':
'before<pre>code</pre>after': 'before\n```\ncode\n```\nafter',
'<p>fox</p>': 'fox',
'<p>fox</p><p>floof</p>': 'fox\n\nfloof',
'<a href="">website</a>': '🔗website',
'<a href="">fox</a>': 'fox',
'<a href="matrix:u/">fox</a>': 'fox',
'<img alt=":wave:" src="mxc://fox">': ':wave:',
'fox<br>floof': 'fox\nfloof',
'<blockquote>fox</blockquote>floof': '> fox\nfloof',
'<blockquote><p>fox</p></blockquote>floof': '> fox\nfloof',
'<blockquote><p>fox</p></blockquote><p>floof</p>': '> fox\nfloof',
'a<blockquote>fox</blockquote>floof': 'a\n> fox\nfloof',
'> > fox\n> floof\nfluff',
'● hey\n ○ a\n ○ b\n● foxies',
'<ol><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>': '1. a\n2. b',
'<ol start="42"><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>': '42. a\n43. b',
'1. a\n 1. aa\n 2. bb\n2. b',
'1. a\n ○ aa\n ○ bb\n2. b',
'● a\n 1. aa\n 2. bb\n● b',
'<mx-reply>bunny</mx-reply>fox': 'fox',
'fox<hr>floof': 'fox\n----------\nfloof',
'<p>fox</p><hr><p>floof</p>': 'fox\n----------\nfloof',
'<h1>fox</h1>floof': '# fox\nfloof',
'<h1>fox</h1><p>floof</p>': '# fox\nfloof',
'floof<h1>fox</h1>': 'floof\n# fox',
'<p>floof</p><h1>fox</h1>': 'floof\n# fox',
'<h2>fox</h2>': '## fox',
'<h3>fox</h3>': '### fox',
'<h4>fox</h4>': '#### fox',
'<h5>fox</h5>': '##### fox',
'<h6>fox</h6>': '###### fox',
'<span>fox</span>': 'fox',
'<p>fox</p>\n<p>floof</p>': 'fox\n\nfloof',
'<mx-reply>beep</mx-reply><p>fox</p>\n<p>floof</p>': 'fox\n\nfloof',
'<pre><code></code></pre>': '``````',
for (final entry in testMap.entries) {
test(entry.key, () async {
expect(HtmlToText.convert(entry.key), entry.value);