2022-01-30 10:11:22 +01:00

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Kubernetes integration

Development / Minikube

To setup a development environment, start minikube on your local machine. Use kubectl get nodes to verify minikube is up and running.


Environment variables / Settings / Environment



Future (unplanned)

  • When/where to add timeframe constraints
  • Timeframe slug-or-id
  • Maybe slug and backlink to avail products
  • Timeframe in product
  • Should a product define list of time frames AND resources?
    • Then can do autoselect on and only show complete ones
    • resources are also timeframe bound
      • name != unique (?)
    • how do we link?
      • stays towards resource
      • we only show resources which have price_per_time with one of our timeframes
      • And we filter out timeframes that don't have all resources
  • Can we filter drop down in admin?
  • yes: ModelAdmin.formfield_for_manytomany(db_field, request, **kwargs)¶
  • resources should have a slug
  • can be used as an identifier and non unique names

3.1 (validation release, planned)

  • Ensure that one resource cannot have multiple price_per_timeframe of the same timeframe

3.0.2 (planned)

  • Add basic validation to ordering

3.0.1 (planned)

  • Show products [done]
  • Link to ProductOrderForm [done]
  • Find suitable timeframes for a product [done]
  • Continue to resources / add resources
    • Need to list resources [done]
    • Need to create manytomany relations for each resource resoluting in ResourceOrders1
      • Need to pass in the price for the selected timeframe [done]
    • On submit
      • Create ProductOrder
      • Create ResourceOrder(s)

3.0.0 (2022-01-14)

  • Introduce ProductOrderView

Pre-Production requirements

  • Products need to ensure all resources are consistent for different timeframes
  • Products cannot have same resource linked twice in same timeframe