ungleich-admin can do anything, but verify ungleich-auth can only verify rest cannot login
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ungleich-otp is a full blown authentication and authorisation service made for micro services.
The basic idea is that every micro service has a (long term) triple constisting of (name, realm, seed) and creates time based tokens.
This basically revamps Kerberos in a simple way into the web area.
ungleichotp has been created and is maintained by ungleich.
Related documentation:
This repository the reference implementation of the ungleichotp server.
Using the ungleichotpclient
python manage.py ungleichotpclient create \
--server-url https://otp.ungleich.ch/ungleichotp/
--name admin
--realm ungleich-admin
Assuming you want to verify (name=ipv6only, realm=ungleich-intern, token=498593) is a valid triple and you do have credentials to access ungleich-otp (name=info@ungleich.ch, realm=ungleich-admin, seed=PZKBPTHDGSLZBKIZ), then the following call will verify the token:
UNGLEICHOTPNAME=info@ungleich.ch \
UNGLEICHOTPREALM=ungleich-admin \
UNGLEICHOTPSERVER=http://localhost:8000/ungleichotp/verify/ \
python ungleichotpclient.py -n -r ungleich --token 498593
You can also verify using a seed:
UNGLEICHOTPNAME=info@ungleich.ch \
UNGLEICHOTPREALM=ungleich-admin \
UNGLEICHOTPSERVER=http://localhost:8000/ungleichotp/verify/ \
python ungleichotpclient.py -n -r ungleich --seed CEKXVG3235PO2HDW
The client requires pyotp.
Sample 2018-12-30
create: (venv) [23:07] line:ungleich-otp% python manage.py ungleichotpclient create --server-url http://localhost:8000/ungleichotp/ --auth-name info@ungleich.ch --auth-realm ungleich-admin --auth-seed PZKBPTHDGSLZBKIZ --name nico$(date +%s) --realm ungleich-admin
(venv) [23:07] line:ungleich-otp% python manage.py ungleichotpclient verify --server-url http://localhost:8000/ungleichotp/ --auth-name info@ungleich.ch --auth-realm ungleich-admin --auth-seed PZKBPTHDGSLZBKIZ --name nico1546206660 --realm ungleich-admin --seed IXTARIU4H2F574M3
(venv) [23:14] line:ungleich-otp% python manage.py ungleichotpclient list --server-url http://localhost:8000/ungleichotp/ --auth-name info@ungleich.ch --auth-realm ungleich-admin --auth-seed PZKBPTHDGSLZBKIZ
Server Setup instructions
This is a standard django project and thus can be easily setup using
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
Access is granting/denied based on realms. There are two reserved realms, all other realms can be used by the users:
Reserved realms
Conceptually the realms "ungleich-admin" and "ungleich-auth" are reserved for higher priviliged applications.
Usually there is only 1 entry in ungleich-admin that is used to bootstrap and manage ungleich-otp.
All micro services that are trusted to authenticate another micro service should have an entry in the ungleich-auth realm, which allows them to verify a token of somebody else.
| Name | Capabilities | |------------------+--------------------------------------------| | ungleich-admin | authenticate, create, delete, list, update | | ungleich-auth | authenticate | | all other realms | NO ACCESS |
Verify using http POST
Post a JSON object to the server at /ungleichotp/verify/ that contains the following elements:
Request JSON object:
name: "your-name",
realm: "your-realm",
token: "current time based token",
verifyname: "name that wants to be authenticated",
verifyrealm: "realm that wants to be authenticated",
verifytoken: "token that wants to be authenticated",
Response JSON object:
Either HTTP 200 with
status: "OK",
OR return code 403:
- If token for authenticating is wrong, you get
{"detail":"Incorrect authentication credentials."}
- If token that is being verified is wrong, you get
{"detail":"You do not have permission to perform this action."}
Authorize the request
From the ungleichotp-server, you get a validated information that a name on a realm authenticated successfully. The associated permissions ("authorization") is application specific and needs to be decided by your application.
- Name, Realm and seed are hard coded to 128 bytes length. This can be changed, if necessary.
- Only python3 support for ungleichotp
- (server) Serialize / input request
- (server) Make seed read only
- (server) Implement registering of new entries
- (server) OTPSerializer: allow to read seed for admin
- (server) Implement deleting entry
- (server) Include verify in ModelSerializer
- (server) Map name+realm == User (?)
- name == name@realm
- password is used for admin login (?)
- seed
- custom auth method
- [n] (server) Try to fake username for django based on name+realm (?)
- No need
- [n] (server) maybe overwrite get_username()
- No need
- (server) Use Custom authentication - needs to have a user!
- (server) Implement creating new "User" by POST / Model based
- [n] (server) Remove hard coded JSON in /verify (no - good enough for the moment)
- (server) Fully rename server from ungleichotp to ungleichotpserver
- (security) Ensure that only the right realms can verify
- (security) Ensure that only the right realms can manage
- (doc) Add proper documentation
- (server) Add tests for verify
- (server) Add tests for authentication
- (server) move totp constants into settings
- (server) move field lengths into settings
- (server) Document how admin vs. rest works
- (server, client) Make settings adjustable by environment - k8s/docker compatible
- (server, client) Read DB from outside (?) (fallback to sqlite)
- (client) Establish auth using urllib
- (client) Bootstrap Django + DRF (including an object for CRUD)
- (client) Add custom authentication / remote auth
- (client) Show case: any realm vs. specific realm
- (library) Write a "client library" that can use ungleichotp
- (library) extract generic parts from server
- (library) upload to pypi
0.6, 2018-11-18
- Reuse TokenSerializer for VerifySerializer logic
0.5, 2018-11-18
- Require authentication on all rest endpoints by token