2019-09-24 20:30:38 +09:00
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2019-09-25 00:30:33 +09:00
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2019-09-24 23:35:06 +09:00
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2019-09-24 20:30:38 +09:00
{% for href, title in [
2019-09-25 00:30:33 +09:00
['/u/blog', 'the new ungleich blog'],
2019-09-24 20:30:38 +09:00
] %}
< li { % if this . is_child_of ( href ) % } class = "active" { % endif
%}>< a href = "{{ href|url }}" > {{ title }}< / a > < / li >
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2019-09-25 00:30:33 +09:00
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2019-09-24 20:30:38 +09:00
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