import template from edgar

Signed-off-by: Nico Schottelius <>
This commit is contained in:
Nico Schottelius 2019-02-21 20:29:50 +01:00
parent 186f9e36aa
commit 1b835726ad
23 changed files with 3290 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
%** Copyright 2002 by Lukas Ruf,
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit
%** Last Modification: 2005-07-11 1600
%** 2005-07-11 Bernhard Tellenbach
%** Inserted new content
\vfil % or it might be \null
In journal articles, research papers, published patent applications and patents, an abstract is a short summary placed prior to the introduction, often with different line justification (blockquote) from the rest of the article, used to help readers determine the purpose of the paper. While the length of the abstract varies by field of study, it is typically a paragraph in length (3-5 sentences), and never more than a page. See
\url{} for details

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Description of the theory/software/hardware that you designed.

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
%** Copyright 2002 by Lukas Ruf,
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit
%Example structure for an introduction
%** Copyright 2002, 2003 by Lukas Ruf, <>
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License <>
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit <>
Introduce the related research field/the project.
The motivation to write this thesis was...
\section{\label{introduction:taskdescription}The Task}
Describe your task.
\section{\label{introduction:relatedwork}Related Work}
A relevant work was~\cite{Lamport:LaTeX} (this citation is just an example...)
Chapter 2 describes... Chapter 3 presents...

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
NOTE = !! change the next line to fit your filename; no spaces at file name end !!
FILE = Thesis
pdflatex $(FILE)
bibtex $(FILE)
pdflatex $(FILE)
pdflatex $(FILE)
rm -f *.dvi *.log *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lof *.lot *.cb *.~

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Here comes the original task description that you agreed on with your supervisor/tutor.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
What are the consequences of your work for future work?

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
%** Copyright 2002 by Lukas Ruf,
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit
%** Last Modification: 2005-07-11 1600
%** 2005-07-11 Bernhard Tellenbach
%** This is an addapted version of the Introduction.tex file
%** Added table example (footnotes,multicolumn)
%** Examples for different text sizes
%** Updated eps file inclusion example for use with graphicx pkt.
In \ref{introduction} we start with our introduction to the problem that we
are going to address. Since we do not want to waste the readers time we
go and show the essential issues of latex in section
Well this section can be further subdivided into subsection. We present
this in subsection \ref{chapter2:essentials:subsections}.
can be specially referenced as well.
Of further importance is the understanding of the following environments:
%*** itemized lists
\item This shows an itemized bullet list
\item Which can be used for several levels\ldots
%*** enumerated lists
\item The same applies to enumerated lists.
%** figures
% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth, angle=90]{file_name.eps}
\caption{This is a figure to be printed in a float}
By figure \ref{file_name}, we show some funny figures.
Table with caption and footnotes below the table.
\begin{tabular}{| c | p{130pt} | l |}
Column 1 & Column 2 \newline (additional line) & Column 3 \\
C1,R2 & C2,R2 & C2,R3 \\
C1,R3 & \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{C2\&C3,R3} \\
C1,R4 & C2,R4\footnote{Footnote to table~\ref{tab:table1}} & C3,R4\\
\caption{Table 1}
Examples of different text sizes:
\small Small \\
\scriptsize Script size \\
\normalsize Normal \\
\large Large \\
\huge Huge \\
If we reference to another document, we cite the document \cite{Lamport:LaTeX}.
%** landscape
Of some interest is also the landscape environment:
Even though we don't think full listings are useful in documents,
you can easily insert complete files by the verbatiminput{}-command.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
The results from your evaluations.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Sum up what you have done and recapitulate your key findings.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
%** Copyright 2002, 2003 by Lukas Ruf, <>
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License <>
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit <>
%** Last Modification: 2013-07-31
%** 2005-07-11 Bernhard Tellenbach
%** Switched default document class to: book
%** Added \include{appendix.tex}
%** 2013-07-31 David Gugelmann (gugdavid)
%** Use bibtex for references
%** Added new watermark command
%**Latex Master Document*********
\newcommand{\watermark}{DRAFT} % a watermark is included on all pages if \watermark is defined here
%** preamble.tex: here all the document-wide settings
% are defined
%** begin the document environment
%** Title.tex: Title page to be printed first
%** environments.tex: Predefined Environments
%** Abstract.tex: Contains a brief description
% of what the reader may expect
%** Table of Contents
%** Table of Figures
%** Table of Figures
%** Introduction.tex: Contains an introduction to
% the topic and motivates the work.
% State what the reader can find where.
%** Problem.tex: Documentation in own words of the problem to
% be addressed in this document:
% What is the challenge, why is it useful what you
% plan to do.
%** Design.tex: How was the problem attacked, what was the design
% the architecture
%** Results.tex: What were the results achieved including an evaluation
%** Outlook.tex: What needs to be done further, what is planed
%** Summary.tex: What have you achieved, what have you presented in this
% document. What are the highlights of your work.
% It should conclude by a conclusion.
%** Switch to appendix-mode in Latex.
%** I would like to have the appendices enumerated by Alphabetical
% characters.
%** appendix.tex: Install instructions, configurations, test results,
% simulation data, additional theoretical disquisitions, ...
%** Timetable.tex: Timetable you worked out.
%** Originalproblem.tex: The problem statement you received.
%** bibtex is used to automatically generate the bibliography
% references are stored in refs/refs.bib
% use a bibliography manager like JabRef ( to manage refs/refs.bib
%** end the document environment

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Here may come your thesis schedule (the original plan and ev. the actual outcome).

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
%** Copyright 2002 by Lukas Ruf,
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit
%** Extensions:
%** January 2003: Thomas Duebendorfer <>
%** changed the former ETH Header to the new, official one that is
%** mandatory since January 2003.
%** Extensions:
%** January 2005: Bernhard Tellenbach <>
%** changed the way the ETH Header is included. Slight modification of the
%** content.
\vspace{2 cm}
{\large FirstName Name}
\vspace{2 cm}
{\Huge Thesis Title}\\
(Master/Semester) Thesis (MA/SA)-20XX-XX\\
July 2005 to January 2006\\
Tutor: \\
Co-Tutor: \\
Supervisor: \\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
%** Copyright 2005 by Bernhard Tellenbach, <>
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License <>
%** Last Modification: 2005-07-11 1600
%** 2005-07-11 Updated the syntax to match the current nomencl packet
\section{\label{chapterA:section1}Section 1}
All is presented exactely the way you write it.
Page boundaries are not checked.....................................................................................
%Entries for the list of abbrevations:
%To generate the list of abbrevations, execute:
%makeindex Thesis.nlo -s -o Thesis.nls
%If you are using TeXniCenter, specify:
%"%bm.nlo" -s -o "%bm.nls"
%as beeing the argument list for makeindex.
%For old nomencl package uncomment this:
%For new nomencl package uncomment this:
\abbrev{XCA}{\markup{X}tremely \markup{C}ool \markup{A}bbrevations}

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\chapter{\label{conclusionoutlook}Conclusion and Outlook}

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
%** Copyright 2002 by Lukas Ruf,
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit
{\vspace{0.5 cm} \footnotesize \verbatim}%
{\endverbatim \normalsize \vspace{0.5 cm}}
{\vspace{0.5 cm} \footnotesize \verbatiminput{#1}}%
{\normalsize \vspace{0.5 cm}}
{\footnotesize \verbatiminput{#1}}%

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
This is an embedded
text piece in verbatim mode.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
%** Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Lukas Ruf, <>
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License <>
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit <>
%** Last Modification: 2013-07-31
%** 2004-02-17: Lukas Ruf
%** Added recommendation by Thomas Duebendorfer
%** Added different babel languages
%** Added more comments
%** 2004-10-16: Lukas Ruf
%** More comments
%** Added subfigure
%** 2005-07-11 Bernhard Tellenbach
%** Added \abbrev command to generate a list of abbrevations
%** Removed support for psfig and epsfig (old)
%** Adapted syntax for new nomencl packet version
%** 2013-07-31 David Gugelmann (gugdavid)
%** Adapted for pdflatex
%** Added hyperref
%** Style of headers modified, adapted watermark command
%-% \usepackage[german]{babel}
%-% \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
\usepackage[pdftex]{color,graphicx} % pdftex does not read eps files -> use epstopdf to convert files
\usepackage{subcaption} % caption/subcaption replaces subfigure, which is deprecated
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbrevations}
\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1 \dotfill}
%For old nomencl package, uncomment this:
%For new nomencl package, uncomment this:
%% Thanks to Thomas Duebendorfer: Should create smoother fonts
%% No Serifs: Put comment markers in front of the next three lines otherwise
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} % Helvetica for roman type as well as sf
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} % use Courier for fixed pitch, if needed
%%-lpr Note: 'chapters' are defined for 'book's only
%%-lpr in articles, we make use of sections only
%%-lpr \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\fancyfoot[C]{\bfseries \thepage}
\fancyhead{}%get rid of headers on plain pages
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % an the line
\hyphenation{Lukas not-to-hyphen-else-where}
\protect\numberline{\appendixname~\thesection} %1
\flushright\large\bfseries\appendixname\ \thesection\par
\newcommand\myMargin[1]{\margin{\raggedright\scriptsize #1}}
%% adapt headers %%
% from
% Result:
% - No headers on empty pages before new chapter
% - To avoid header on other pages (e.g. in the abstract), set pagestlye to plain
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
%% allow to set a watermark %%
% from
% - to include a watermark, define \watermark in the main document, e.g.: \newcommand{\watermark}{MY WATERMARK TXT}

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
It's highly recommended to use a bibliography reference manager to manage refs.bib.
For example JabRef proofed to work fine, get it from:

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
AUTHOR = "Leslie Lamport",
TITLE = "LaTeX User's Guide and Document Reference Manual",
PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
ADDRESS = "Reading, Massachusetts",
YEAR = "1986"}