
193 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 University of Cambridge
# Copyright (c) 2015 Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan, Georgina Kalogeridou
# All rights reserved.
# This software was developed by Stanford University and the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
# under National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0855268,
# the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory under EPSRC INTERNET Project EP/H040536/1 and
# by the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory under DARPA/AFRL contract FA8750-11-C-0249 ("MRC2"),
# as part of the DARPA MRC research programme.
# Licensed to NetFPGA C.I.C. (NetFPGA) under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
# additional information regarding copyright ownership. NetFPGA licenses this
# file to you under the NetFPGA Hardware-Software License, Version 1.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Work distributed
# under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
# CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# Author:
# Modified by Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan, Georgina Kalogeridou
import logging
from NFTest import *
import sys, os, random, json
from nf_sim_tools import *
from collections import OrderedDict
import config_writes
from switch_calc_headers import *
# read the externs defined in the P4 program
EXTERN_DEFINES_FILE = os.path.expandvars('$P4_PROJECT_DIR/testdata/SimpleSumeSwitch_extern_defines.json')
with open(EXTERN_DEFINES_FILE) as f:
p4_externs = json.load(f)
phy2loop0 = ('../connections/conn', [])
nftest_init(sim_loop = [], hw_config = [phy2loop0])
print "About to start the test"
def schedule_pkts(pkt_list, iface):
for pkt in pkt_list:
pkt.time = baseTime + delta*pkt.time
pkt.tuser_sport = nf_port_map[iface]
# configure the tables in the P4_SWITCH
nftest_regwrite(0x440200f0, 0x00000001)
nftest_regwrite(0x440200f0, 0x00000001)
nftest_regwrite(0x440200f0, 0x00000001)
nftest_regwrite(0x440200f0, 0x00000001)
nftest_regwrite(0x440200f0, 0x00000001)
# send packets after the configuration writes have finished
#baseTime = 1044e-9 + (232e-9)*config_writes.NUM_WRITES #120e-6
baseTime = 20e-6
delta = 1e-6 #1e-8
# pkt generation tools
# Pkt lists for SUME simulations
nf_applied = OrderedDict()
nf_applied[0] = []
nf_applied[1] = []
nf_applied[2] = []
nf_applied[3] = []
nf_expected = OrderedDict()
nf_expected[0] = []
nf_expected[1] = []
nf_expected[2] = []
nf_expected[3] = []
nf_port_map = {"nf0":0b00000001, "nf1":0b00000100, "nf2":0b00010000, "nf3":0b01000000, "dma0":0b00000010}
nf_id_map = {"nf0":0, "nf1":1, "nf2":2, "nf3":3}
def applyPkt(pkt, ingress, time):
pkt.time = time
def expPkt(pkt, egress):
if egress in ["nf0","nf1","nf2","nf3"]:
elif egress == "bcast":
# generate testdata #
MAC1 = "08:11:11:11:11:08"
MAC2 = "08:22:22:22:22:08"
pktCnt = 0
lookup_table = {1: 0x00000001, 2: 0x00000010, 3: 0x00000100, 4: 0x00001000}
for i in range(REG_DEPTH):
CONST_REG[i] = i
# write the const register entires
for i in range(REG_DEPTH):
nftest_regwrite(p4_externs['const']['base_addr'] + i, CONST_REG[i])
def test_reg_add(index, val):
global pktCnt
pkt = Ether(dst=MAC2, src=MAC1) / Calc(op1=index, opCode=ADD_REG_OP, op2=val, result=0)
pkt = pad_pkt(pkt, 64)
applyPkt(pkt, 'nf0', pktCnt)
pktCnt += 1
pkt = Ether(dst=MAC1, src=MAC2) / Calc(op1=index, opCode=ADD_REG_OP, op2=val, result=CONST_REG[index] + val)
pkt = pad_pkt(pkt, 64)
expPkt(pkt, 'nf0')
def test_reg_set(index, val):
global pktCnt
# test set reg
pkt = Ether(dst=MAC2, src=MAC1) / Calc(op1=index, opCode=SET_REG_OP, op2=val, result=0)
pkt = pad_pkt(pkt, 64)
applyPkt(pkt, 'nf0', pktCnt)
pktCnt += 1
pkt = Ether(dst=MAC1, src=MAC2) / Calc(op1=index, opCode=SET_REG_OP, op2=val, result=0)
pkt = pad_pkt(pkt, 64)
expPkt(pkt, 'nf0')
# generate the test data
for i in range(5):
index = random.randint(0,REG_DEPTH-1)
val = random.randint(0,2**31)
test_reg_add(index, val)
for i in range(5):
index = random.randint(0,REG_DEPTH-1)
val = random.randint(0,2**31)
test_reg_set(index, val)
CONST_REG[index] = val
schedule_pkts(nf_applied[0], 'nf0')
schedule_pkts(nf_applied[1], 'nf1')
schedule_pkts(nf_applied[2], 'nf2')
schedule_pkts(nf_applied[3], 'nf3')
# Apply and check the packets
nftest_send_phy('nf0', nf_applied[0])
nftest_send_phy('nf1', nf_applied[1])
nftest_send_phy('nf2', nf_applied[2])
nftest_send_phy('nf3', nf_applied[3])
nftest_expect_phy('nf0', nf_expected[0])
nftest_expect_phy('nf1', nf_expected[1])
nftest_expect_phy('nf2', nf_expected[2])
nftest_expect_phy('nf3', nf_expected[3])
# check to make sure the register entries were set correctly by the data-plane
for i in range(REG_DEPTH):
nftest_regread_expect(p4_externs['const']['base_addr'] + i, CONST_REG[i])