167 lines
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167 lines
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%** Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Lukas Ruf, <lukas.ruf@lpr.ch>
%** Information is provided under the terms of the
%** GNU Free Documentation License <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html>
%** Fairness: Cite the source of information, visit <http://www.topsy.net>
%** Last Modification: 2013-07-31
%** 2004-02-17: Lukas Ruf
%** Added recommendation by Thomas Duebendorfer
%** Added different babel languages
%** Added more comments
%** 2004-10-16: Lukas Ruf
%** More comments
%** Added subfigure
%** 2005-07-11 Bernhard Tellenbach
%** Added \abbrev command to generate a list of abbrevations
%** Removed support for psfig and epsfig (old)
%** Adapted syntax for new nomencl packet version
%** 2013-07-31 David Gugelmann (gugdavid)
%** Adapted for pdflatex
%** Added hyperref
%** Style of headers modified, adapted watermark command
%-% \usepackage[german]{babel}
%-% \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
\usepackage[pdftex]{color,graphicx} % pdftex does not read eps files -> use epstopdf to convert files
\usepackage{subcaption} % caption/subcaption replaces subfigure, which is deprecated
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbrevations}
\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1 \dotfill}
%For old nomencl package, uncomment this:
%For new nomencl package, uncomment this:
%% Thanks to Thomas Duebendorfer: Should create smoother fonts
%% No Serifs: Put comment markers in front of the next three lines otherwise
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} % Helvetica for roman type as well as sf
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} % use Courier for fixed pitch, if needed
%%-lpr Note: 'chapters' are defined for 'book's only
%%-lpr in articles, we make use of sections only
%%-lpr \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\fancyfoot[C]{\bfseries \thepage}
\fancyhead{}%get rid of headers on plain pages
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % an the line
\hyphenation{Lukas not-to-hyphen-else-where}
\protect\numberline{\appendixname~\thesection} %1
\flushright\large\bfseries\appendixname\ \thesection\par
\newcommand\myMargin[1]{\margin{\raggedright\scriptsize #1}}
%% adapt headers %%
% from http://www.markschenk.com/tensegrity/latexexplanation.html
% Result:
% - No headers on empty pages before new chapter
% - To avoid header on other pages (e.g. in the abstract), set pagestlye to plain
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
%% allow to set a watermark %%
% from http://www.goodcomputingtips.com/site/2010/06/how-to-insert-watermark-in-latexpdflatex-documents/
% - to include a watermark, define \watermark in the main document, e.g.: \newcommand{\watermark}{MY WATERMARK TXT}