explorer: make tests pass again

Signed-off-by: Steven Armstrong <steven@icarus.ethz.ch>
This commit is contained in:
Steven Armstrong 2011-10-14 16:07:50 +02:00
parent bbef928a6d
commit c30e112e4a
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Explorer(object):
def run_global_explorer(self, explorer):
"""Run the given global explorer and return it's output."""
script = os.path.join(self.remote.global_explorer_path, explorer)
return self.remote.run_script(script, env=self.env)
return self.remote.run_script(script, env=self.env, return_output=True)
### type
@ -126,4 +126,4 @@ class Explorer(object):
'__type_explorer': os.path.join(self.remote.type_path, cdist_type.explorer_path)
script = os.path.join(self.remote.type_path, cdist_type.explorer_path, explorer)
return self.remote.run_script(script, env=env)
return self.remote.run_script(script, env=env, return_output=True)