Commit graph

4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
1a8b5e69a0 Fixed issue 2624, Creating command to charge all members for their membership month, Fixing bug on make charge membership command, Added language activation for make charge command 2016-10-01 17:17:46 -05:00
fe52e61668 Configured django-filer plugin. Added thumbnail of 630x200 to each post in post list view. Now when the user click on digitalglarus on contact form in ungleich landing page, he is redirected to digitalglarus home.Started to change index digitalglarus styleChanged ungleich css. Fixed image thumbnail on post item list . Added email template after an user has been charge for his monthly donation. Fixed command to make donations charge, if there is any error with one donator, it skip him and go on to the next.Added new header to digitalglarus page. Added menu to new digitalglarus landing 2016-08-04 01:07:41 -05:00
4e07385949 Added command make_donations_charges in order to create stripe current monthly donations from all donators. Now the user can logout using navbar. Added restriction to user in order to make a donation when he has an active monthly donation . Added donations view where the user can view their recents donations. Now users receive an email after making his first donation. 2016-07-29 00:17:34 -05:00
4580a75f89 Added DonatorStatus model in order to know if an donator has canceled or not his monthly donation, Now we create a DonatorStatus for the user after receiving his first donation. Added DonatorStatus view. Added donator_status.html in order to allow an user view his donation status , Added action to allow user to cancel his monthly donations. Now the user can logout using navbar. added Donation model to admin.Added command make_donations_charges in order to create stripe current monthly donations from all donators 2016-07-27 00:08:45 -05:00