2016-08-30 21:32:45 -05:00
blog.ungleich.ch Added translation support for ungleich contact page, 2016-04-12 00:50:15 -05:00
digitalglarus Added membership pricing view. Added membership pricing html. Added membership pricing url. Started booking view. Started integrating booking.js. Added calendar date range js lib. Fixing date picker. Added function to calculate remaining free days. Updated function to calculate booking price. Added BookingDatesForm. Added backend validation for booking dates. fixed booking form. adding pricing to booking payment view. Added free days to booking payment view. Started booking payment stripe flow. Redefined dispatch method to booking view. Now login is required for payment selecting dates and booking. Added date range to booking payment. Fixed booking select dates view. Added form validations to booking form. Created a order after a confirm a booking. Added free_days to booking model in order to facilitate free_days Availability for the next booking. Creating a Stripe charge. Creating Booking model instance. Refactor booking payment views. Associated an order to a stripe charge. Associated booking order instance with a booking instance. 2016-08-30 21:32:45 -05:00