meow cc0ca68498 * Refactoring
* Fix issue that causes a new image store to be created at every start of ucloud-api.
* VM Migration API call now takes hostname instead of host key.
* StorageHandler Classes are introduced. They transparently handles things related to importing of image, make vm out of image, resize vm image, delete vm image etc.
* Loggers added to __init__.py of every ucloud component's subpackage.
* Non-Trivial Timeout Events are no longer logged.
* Fix issue that prevents removal of stopped VMs (i.e VMs that are successfully migrated).
* Improved unit handling added. e.g MB, Mb, mB, mb are all Mega Bytes.
* VM migration is now possible on IPv6 host.
* Destination VM (receiving side of migration of a vm) now correctly expects incoming data on free ephemeral port.
* Traceback is no longer output to screen, instead it goes to log file.
* All sanity checks are put into a single file. These checks are run by ucloud.py before running any of ucloud component.
2019-11-25 11:52:36 +05:00

106 lines
2.9 KiB

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join
from .classes import SpecificEtcdEntryBase
class VMStatus:
# Must be only assigned to brand new VM
requested_new = "REQUESTED_NEW"
# Only Assigned to already created vm
requested_start = "REQUESTED_START"
# These all are for running vms
requested_shutdown = "REQUESTED_SHUTDOWN"
requested_migrate = "REQUESTED_MIGRATE"
requested_delete = "REQUESTED_DELETE"
# either its image is not found or user requested
# to delete it
deleted = "DELETED"
stopped = "STOPPED" # After requested_shutdown
killed = "KILLED" # either host died or vm died itself
running = "RUNNING"
error = "ERROR" # An error occurred that cannot be resolved automatically
class VMEntry(SpecificEtcdEntryBase):
def __init__(self, e):
self.owner = None # type: str
self.specs = None # type: dict
self.hostname = None # type: str
self.status = None # type: str
self.image_uuid = None # type: str
self.log = None # type: list
self.in_migration = None # type: bool
def uuid(self):
return self.key.split("/")[-1]
def declare_killed(self):
self.hostname = ""
self.in_migration = False
if self.status == VMStatus.running:
self.status = VMStatus.killed
def declare_stopped(self):
self.hostname = ""
self.in_migration = False
self.status = VMStatus.stopped
def add_log(self, msg):
self.log = self.log[:5]
self.log.append("{} - {}".format(datetime.now().isoformat(), msg))
class VmPool:
def __init__(self, etcd_client, vm_prefix):
self.client = etcd_client
self.prefix = vm_prefix
def vms(self):
_vms = self.client.get_prefix(self.prefix, value_in_json=True)
return [VMEntry(vm) for vm in _vms]
def by_host(self, host, _vms=None):
if _vms is None:
_vms = self.vms
return list(filter(lambda x: x.hostname == host, _vms))
def by_status(self, status, _vms=None):
if _vms is None:
_vms = self.vms
return list(filter(lambda x: x.status == status, _vms))
def except_status(self, status, _vms=None):
if _vms is None:
_vms = self.vms
return list(filter(lambda x: x.status != status, _vms))
def get(self, key):
if not key.startswith(self.prefix):
key = join(self.prefix, key)
v = self.client.get(key, value_in_json=True)
if v:
return VMEntry(v)
return None
def put(self, obj: VMEntry):
self.client.put(obj.key, obj.value, value_in_json=True)
def get_put(self, key) -> VMEntry:
# Updates object at key on exit
obj = self.get(key)
yield obj
if obj: