[__jitsi_meet*] Update to 2.0.7416-1
Changelog: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-release-notes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-WEB.md#207416-2022-06-16 Sponsored by: camilion.eu, eXO.cat
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 92 additions and 78 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# We could automate this, but are using it as an indicator for the
# latest branch with which we conciliated changes.
get_url() {
@ -302,6 +302,9 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Whether to enable live streaming or not.
// liveStreamingEnabled: false,
// Whether to enable local recording or not.
// enableLocalRecording: false,
// Transcription (in interface_config,
// subtitles and buttons can be configured)
// transcribingEnabled: false,
@ -566,6 +569,10 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// // When 'true', it shows an intermediate page before joining, where the user can configure their devices.
// // This replaces \`prejoinPageEnabled\`.
// enabled: true,
// // Hides the participant name editing field in the prejoin screen.
// // If requireDisplayName is also set as true, a name should still be provided through
// // either the jwt or the userInfo from the iframe api init object in order for this to have an effect.
// hideDisplayName: false,
// // List of buttons to hide from the extra join options dropdown.
// hideExtraJoinButtons: ['no-audio', 'by-phone']
// },
@ -593,8 +600,17 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Array with avatar URL prefixes that need to use CORS.
// corsAvatarURLs: [ 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' ],
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to libravatar.
// gravatarBaseURL: 'https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/',
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to Gravatar.
// DEPRECATED! Use \`gravatar.baseUrl\` instead.
// gravatarBaseURL: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/',
// Setup for Gravatar-compatible services.
// gravatar: {
// // Defaults to Gravatar.
// baseUrl: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/',
// // True if Gravatar should be disabled.
// disabled: false
// },
// App name to be displayed in the invitation email subject, as an alternative to
// interfaceConfig.APP_NAME.
@ -616,6 +632,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// 'chat',
// 'closedcaptions',
// 'desktop',
// 'dock-iframe'
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
@ -629,8 +646,6 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// 'linktosalesforce',
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// 'raisehand',
@ -644,6 +659,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'undock-iframe',
// 'videoquality',
// '__end'
// ],
@ -770,7 +786,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// enableEmailInStats: false,
// faceLandmarks: {
// // Enables sharing your face cordinates. Used for centering faces within a video.
// // Enables sharing your face coordinates. Used for centering faces within a video.
// enableFaceCentering: false,
// // Enables detecting face expressions and sharing data with other participants
@ -782,8 +798,11 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// // Minimum required face movement percentage threshold for sending new face centering coordinates data.
// faceCenteringThreshold: 10,
// // Miliseconds for processing a new image capture in order to detect face coordinates if they exist.
// captureInterval: 100
// // Milliseconds for processing a new image capture in order to detect face coordinates if they exist.
// captureInterval: 1000,
// // Maximum number of faces that can be detected from a video track.
// maxFacesDetected: 4
// },
// Controls the percentage of automatic feedback shown to participants when callstats is enabled.
@ -948,23 +967,6 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
// ]
// },
// Local Recording
// localRecording: {
// Enables local recording.
// Additionally, 'localrecording' (all lowercase) needs to be added to
// the \`toolbarButtons\`-array for the Local Recording button to show up
// on the toolbar.
// enabled: true,
// The recording format, can be one of 'ogg', 'flac' or 'wav'.
// format: 'flac'
// },
// e2ee: {
// labels,
// externallyManagedKey: false
@ -1010,7 +1012,8 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
// Disables all invite functions from the app (share, invite, dial out...etc)
// disableInviteFunctions: true,
// Disables storing the room name to the recents list
// Disables storing the room name to the recents list. When in an iframe this is ignored and
// the room is never stored in the recents list.
// doNotStoreRoom: true,
// Deployment specific URLs.
@ -1107,16 +1110,8 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
dynamicBrandingUrl: "${DYNAMIC_BRANDING_URL}",
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces \`hideAddRoomButton\`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the auto assign participants button.
// hideAutoAssignButton: false,
// // Hides the participants pane footer menu.
// hideFooterMenu: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false,
// Options related to the participants pane.
// participantsPane: {
// // Hides the moderator settings tab.
// hideModeratorSettingsTab: false,
// // Hides the more actions button.
@ -1125,6 +1120,16 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
// hideMuteAllButton: false
// },
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces \`hideAddRoomButton\`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the auto assign participants button.
// hideAutoAssignButton: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false
// },
// When true the user cannot add more images to be used as virtual background.
// Only the default ones from will be available.
// disableAddingBackgroundImages: false,
@ -1297,7 +1302,6 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
// 'liveStreaming.unavailableTitle', // shown when livestreaming service is not reachable
// 'lobby.joinRejectedMessage', // shown when while in a lobby, user's request to join is rejected
// 'lobby.notificationTitle', // shown when lobby is toggled and when join requests are allowed / denied
// 'localRecording.localRecording', // shown when a local recording is started
// 'notify.chatMessages', // shown when receiving chat messages while the chat window is closed
// 'notify.disconnected', // shown when a participant has left
// 'notify.connectedOneMember', // show when a participant joined
@ -1343,6 +1347,9 @@ ${ANALYTICS_SETTINGS}
// 'transcribing.failedToStart' // shown when transcribing fails to start
// ],
// List of notifications to be disabled. Works in tandem with the above setting.
// disabledNotifications: [],
// Prevent the filmstrip from autohiding when screen width is under a certain threshold
// disableFilmstripAutohiding: false,
@ -295,6 +295,9 @@ var config = {
// Whether to enable live streaming or not.
// liveStreamingEnabled: false,
// Whether to enable local recording or not.
// enableLocalRecording: false,
// Transcription (in interface_config,
// subtitles and buttons can be configured)
// transcribingEnabled: false,
@ -559,6 +562,10 @@ var config = {
// // When 'true', it shows an intermediate page before joining, where the user can configure their devices.
// // This replaces `prejoinPageEnabled`.
// enabled: true,
// // Hides the participant name editing field in the prejoin screen.
// // If requireDisplayName is also set as true, a name should still be provided through
// // either the jwt or the userInfo from the iframe api init object in order for this to have an effect.
// hideDisplayName: false,
// // List of buttons to hide from the extra join options dropdown.
// hideExtraJoinButtons: ['no-audio', 'by-phone']
// },
@ -586,8 +593,17 @@ var config = {
// Array with avatar URL prefixes that need to use CORS.
// corsAvatarURLs: [ 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' ],
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to libravatar.
// gravatarBaseURL: 'https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/',
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to Gravatar.
// DEPRECATED! Use `gravatar.baseUrl` instead.
// gravatarBaseURL: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/',
// Setup for Gravatar-compatible services.
// gravatar: {
// // Defaults to Gravatar.
// baseUrl: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/',
// // True if Gravatar should be disabled.
// disabled: false
// },
// App name to be displayed in the invitation email subject, as an alternative to
// interfaceConfig.APP_NAME.
@ -609,6 +625,7 @@ var config = {
// 'chat',
// 'closedcaptions',
// 'desktop',
// 'dock-iframe'
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
@ -622,8 +639,6 @@ var config = {
// 'linktosalesforce',
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// 'raisehand',
@ -637,6 +652,7 @@ var config = {
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'undock-iframe',
// 'videoquality',
// '__end'
// ],
@ -763,7 +779,7 @@ var config = {
// enableEmailInStats: false,
// faceLandmarks: {
// // Enables sharing your face cordinates. Used for centering faces within a video.
// // Enables sharing your face coordinates. Used for centering faces within a video.
// enableFaceCentering: false,
// // Enables detecting face expressions and sharing data with other participants
@ -775,8 +791,11 @@ var config = {
// // Minimum required face movement percentage threshold for sending new face centering coordinates data.
// faceCenteringThreshold: 10,
// // Miliseconds for processing a new image capture in order to detect face coordinates if they exist.
// captureInterval: 100
// // Milliseconds for processing a new image capture in order to detect face coordinates if they exist.
// captureInterval: 1000,
// // Maximum number of faces that can be detected from a video track.
// maxFacesDetected: 4
// },
// Controls the percentage of automatic feedback shown to participants when callstats is enabled.
@ -940,23 +959,6 @@ var config = {
// ]
// },
// Local Recording
// localRecording: {
// Enables local recording.
// Additionally, 'localrecording' (all lowercase) needs to be added to
// the `toolbarButtons`-array for the Local Recording button to show up
// on the toolbar.
// enabled: true,
// The recording format, can be one of 'ogg', 'flac' or 'wav'.
// format: 'flac'
// },
// e2ee: {
// labels,
// externallyManagedKey: false
@ -1002,7 +1004,8 @@ var config = {
// Disables all invite functions from the app (share, invite, dial out...etc)
// disableInviteFunctions: true,
// Disables storing the room name to the recents list
// Disables storing the room name to the recents list. When in an iframe this is ignored and
// the room is never stored in the recents list.
// doNotStoreRoom: true,
// Deployment specific URLs.
@ -1099,16 +1102,8 @@ var config = {
// dynamicBrandingUrl: '',
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces `hideAddRoomButton`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the auto assign participants button.
// hideAutoAssignButton: false,
// // Hides the participants pane footer menu.
// hideFooterMenu: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false,
// Options related to the participants pane.
// participantsPane: {
// // Hides the moderator settings tab.
// hideModeratorSettingsTab: false,
// // Hides the more actions button.
@ -1117,6 +1112,16 @@ var config = {
// hideMuteAllButton: false
// },
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces `hideAddRoomButton`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the auto assign participants button.
// hideAutoAssignButton: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false
// },
// When true the user cannot add more images to be used as virtual background.
// Only the default ones from will be available.
// disableAddingBackgroundImages: false,
@ -1289,7 +1294,6 @@ var config = {
// 'liveStreaming.unavailableTitle', // shown when livestreaming service is not reachable
// 'lobby.joinRejectedMessage', // shown when while in a lobby, user's request to join is rejected
// 'lobby.notificationTitle', // shown when lobby is toggled and when join requests are allowed / denied
// 'localRecording.localRecording', // shown when a local recording is started
// 'notify.chatMessages', // shown when receiving chat messages while the chat window is closed
// 'notify.disconnected', // shown when a participant has left
// 'notify.connectedOneMember', // show when a participant joined
@ -1335,6 +1339,9 @@ var config = {
// 'transcribing.failedToStart' // shown when transcribing fails to start
// ],
// List of notifications to be disabled. Works in tandem with the above setting.
// disabledNotifications: [],
// Prevent the filmstrip from autohiding when screen width is under a certain threshold
// disableFilmstripAutohiding: false,
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ Component "lobby.${JITSI_DOMAIN:?}" "muc"
-- Enabled dial-in for JaaS customers
-- Enables dial-in for Jitsi meet components customers
-- Note: make sure you have the following packages installed: lua-basexx, liblua5.3-dev, libssl-dev, luarocks
-- and execute $ sudo luarocks install luajwtjitsi 3.0-0
VirtualHost "jigasi.meet.jitsi"
enabled = false -- JaaS customers remove this line
enabled = false -- Jitsi meet components customers remove this line
modules_enabled = {
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ Component "lobby.jitmeet.example.com" "muc"
-- Enabled dial-in for JaaS customers
-- Enables dial-in for Jitsi meet components customers
-- Note: make sure you have the following packages installed: lua-basexx, liblua5.3-dev, libssl-dev, luarocks
-- and execute $ sudo luarocks install luajwtjitsi 3.0-0
VirtualHost "jigasi.meet.jitsi"
enabled = false -- JaaS customers remove this line
enabled = false -- Jitsi meet components customers remove this line
modules_enabled = {
Add table
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