6 changed files with 258 additions and 82 deletions
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# We could automate this, but are using it as an indicator for the
# latest branch with which we conciliated changes.
get_url() {
@ -86,18 +86,41 @@ fi
// callStatsThreshold: 5 // enable callstats for 5% of the users.
// Feature Flags.
flags: {
// Enables source names in the signaling.
// sourceNameSignaling: false,
// Disables moderator indicators.
// disableModeratorIndicator: false,
// Disables the reactions feature.
// disableReactions: true,
// Disables the reactions moderation feature.
// disableReactionsModeration: false,
// Disables polls feature.
// disablePolls: false,
// Disables self-view tile. (hides it from tile view and from filmstrip)
// disableSelfView: false,
// Disables self-view settings in UI
// disableSelfViewSettings: false,
// screenshotCapture : {
// Enables the screensharing capture feature.
// enabled: false,
// The mode for the screenshot capture feature.
// Can be either 'recording' - screensharing screenshots are taken
// only when the recording is also on,
// or 'always' - screensharing screenshots are always taken.
// mode: 'recording'
// }
// Disables ICE/UDP by filtering out local and remote UDP candidates in
// signalling.
// webrtcIceUdpDisable: false,
@ -237,7 +260,11 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// max: 5
// },
// Try to start calls with screen-sharing instead of camera video.
// This option has been deprecated since it is no longer supported as per the w3c spec.
// If the user has not
// interacted with the webpage before the getDisplayMedia call, the promise will be rejected by the browser. This
// has already been implemented in Firefox and Safari and will be implemented in Chrome soon.
// startScreenSharing: false,
// Recording
@ -459,6 +486,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// If Lobby is enabled starts knocking automatically.
// autoKnockLobby: false,
// DEPRECATED! Use \`breakoutRooms.hideAddRoomButton\` instead.
// Hides add breakout room button
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
@ -491,12 +519,21 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Default remote name to be displayed
// defaultRemoteDisplayName: 'Fellow Jitster',
// Hides the display name from the participant thumbnail
// hideDisplayName: false,
// Hides the dominant speaker name badge that hovers above the toolbox
// hideDominantSpeakerBadge: false,
// Default language for the user interface.
defaultLanguage: '${DEFAULT_LANGUAGE}',
// Disables profile and the edit of all fields from the profile settings (display name and email)
// disableProfile: false,
// Hides the email section under profile settings.
// hideEmailInSettings: false,
// Whether or not some features are checked based on token.
// enableFeaturesBasedOnToken: false,
@ -541,6 +578,9 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Document should be focused for this option to work
// enableAutomaticUrlCopy: false,
// Array with avatar URL prefixes that need to use CORS.
// corsAvatarURLs: [ '' ],
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to libravatar.
// gravatarBaseURL: '',
@ -607,41 +647,61 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// alwaysVisible: false
// },
// Toolbar buttons which have their click event exposed through the API on
// \`toolbarButtonClicked\` event instead of executing the normal click routine.
// Toolbar buttons which have their click/tap event exposed through the API on
// \`toolbarButtonClicked\`. Passing a string for the button key will
// prevent execution of the click/tap routine; passing an object with \`key\` and
// \`preventExecution\` flag on false will not prevent execution of the click/tap
// routine. Below array with mixed mode for passing the buttons.
// buttonsWithNotifyClick: [
// 'camera',
// 'chat',
// 'closedcaptions',
// 'desktop',
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
// 'feedback',
// 'filmstrip',
// 'fullscreen',
// 'hangup',
// 'help',
// 'invite',
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// 'raisehand',
// 'recording',
// 'security',
// 'select-background',
// 'settings',
// 'shareaudio',
// 'sharedvideo',
// 'shortcuts',
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'videoquality',
// '__end'
// 'camera',
// {
// key: 'chat',
// preventExecution: false
// },
// {
// key: 'closedcaptions',
// preventExecution: true
// },
// 'desktop',
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
// 'feedback',
// 'filmstrip',
// 'fullscreen',
// 'hangup',
// 'help',
// {
// key: 'invite',
// preventExecution: false
// },
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// {
// key: 'raisehand',
// preventExecution: true
// },
// 'recording',
// 'security',
// 'select-background',
// 'settings',
// 'shareaudio',
// 'sharedvideo',
// 'shortcuts',
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'videoquality',
// // The add passcode button from the security dialog.
// {
// key: 'add-passcode',
// preventExecution: false
// }
// '__end'
// ],
// List of pre meeting screens buttons to hide. The values must be one or more of the 5 allowed buttons:
@ -696,6 +756,9 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Enables detecting faces of participants and get their expression and send it to other participants
// enableFacialRecognition: true,
// Enables displaying facial expressions in speaker stats
// enableDisplayFacialExpressions: true,
// Controls the percentage of automatic feedback shown to participants when callstats is enabled.
// The default value is 100%. If set to 0, no automatic feedback will be requested
// feedbackPercentage: 100,
@ -999,6 +1062,14 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
dynamicBrandingUrl: "${DYNAMIC_BRANDING_URL}",
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces \`hideAddRoomButton\`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false
// },
// When true the user cannot add more images to be used as virtual background.
// Only the default ones from will be available.
// disableAddingBackgroundImages: false,
@ -1017,14 +1088,15 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// If true, tile view will not be enabled automatically when the participants count threshold is reached.
// disableTileView: true,
// If true, the tiles will be displayed contained within the available space rather than enlarged to cover it.
// If true, the tiles will be displayed contained within the available space rather than enlarged to cover it,
// with a 16:9 aspect ratio (old behaviour).
// disableTileEnlargement: true,
// Controls the visibility and behavior of the top header conference info labels.
// If a label's id is not in any of the 2 arrays, it will not be visible at all on the header.
// conferenceInfo: {
// // those labels will not be hidden in tandem with the toolbox.
// alwaysVisible: ['recording', 'local-recording'],
// alwaysVisible: ['recording', 'local-recording', 'raised-hands-count'],
// // those labels will be auto-hidden in tandem with the toolbox buttons.
// autoHide: [
// 'subject',
@ -1038,10 +1110,10 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// },
// Hides the conference subject
// hideConferenceSubject: true,
// hideConferenceSubject: false,
// Hides the conference timer.
// hideConferenceTimer: true,
// hideConferenceTimer: false,
// Hides the recording label
// hideRecordingLabel: false,
@ -1052,6 +1124,9 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Sets the conference subject
// subject: 'Conference Subject',
// Sets the conference local subject
// localSubject: 'Conference Local Subject',
// This property is related to the use case when jitsi-meet is used via the IFrame API. When the property is true
// jitsi-meet will use the local storage of the host page instead of its own. This option is useful if the browser
// is not persisting the local storage inside the iframe.
@ -1114,6 +1189,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
@ -1156,10 +1232,14 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// 'lobby.joinRejectedMessage', // shown when while in a lobby, user's request to join is rejected
// 'lobby.notificationTitle', // shown when lobby is toggled and when join requests are allowed / denied
// 'localRecording.localRecording', // shown when a local recording is started
// 'notify.chatMessages', // shown when receiving chat messages while the chat window is closed
// 'notify.disconnected', // shown when a participant has left
// 'notify.connectedOneMember', // show when a participant joined
// 'notify.connectedTwoMembers', // show when two participants joined simultaneously
// 'notify.connectedThreePlusMembers', // show when more than 2 participants joined simultaneously
// 'notify.leftOneMember', // show when a participant left
// 'notify.leftTwoMembers', // show when two participants left simultaneously
// 'notify.leftThreePlusMembers', // show when more than 2 participants left simultaneously
// 'notify.grantedTo', // shown when moderator rights were granted to a participant
// 'notify.invitedOneMember', // shown when 1 participant has been invited
// 'notify.invitedThreePlusMembers', // shown when 3+ participants have been invited
@ -1174,6 +1254,7 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// 'notify.mutedTitle', // shown when user has been muted upon joining,
// 'notify.newDeviceAudioTitle', // prompts the user to use a newly detected audio device
// 'notify.newDeviceCameraTitle', // prompts the user to use a newly detected camera
// 'notify.participantWantsToJoin', // shown when lobby is enabled and participant requests to join meeting
// 'notify.passwordRemovedRemotely', // shown when a password has been removed remotely
// 'notify.passwordSetRemotely', // shown when a password has been set remotely
// 'notify.raisedHand', // shown when a partcipant used raise hand,
@ -1197,6 +1278,13 @@ $(if [ -n "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS}" ]; then echo "${VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS},"; fi)
// Prevent the filmstrip from autohiding when screen width is under a certain threshold
// disableFilmstripAutohiding: false,
// filmstrip: {
// // Disables user resizable filmstrip. Also, allows configuration of the filmstrip
// // (width, tiles aspect ratios) through the interfaceConfig options.
// disableResizable: false,
// }
// Specifies whether the chat emoticons are disabled or not
// disableChatSmileys: false,
@ -74,18 +74,41 @@ var config = {
// callStatsThreshold: 5 // enable callstats for 5% of the users.
// Feature Flags.
flags: {
// Enables source names in the signaling.
// sourceNameSignaling: false,
// Disables moderator indicators.
// disableModeratorIndicator: false,
// Disables the reactions feature.
// disableReactions: true,
// Disables the reactions moderation feature.
// disableReactionsModeration: false,
// Disables polls feature.
// disablePolls: false,
// Disables self-view tile. (hides it from tile view and from filmstrip)
// disableSelfView: false,
// Disables self-view settings in UI
// disableSelfViewSettings: false,
// screenshotCapture : {
// Enables the screensharing capture feature.
// enabled: false,
// The mode for the screenshot capture feature.
// Can be either 'recording' - screensharing screenshots are taken
// only when the recording is also on,
// or 'always' - screensharing screenshots are always taken.
// mode: 'recording'
// }
// Disables ICE/UDP by filtering out local and remote UDP candidates in
// signalling.
// webrtcIceUdpDisable: false,
@ -224,7 +247,11 @@ var config = {
// max: 5
// },
// Try to start calls with screen-sharing instead of camera video.
// This option has been deprecated since it is no longer supported as per the w3c spec.
// If the user has not
// interacted with the webpage before the getDisplayMedia call, the promise will be rejected by the browser. This
// has already been implemented in Firefox and Safari and will be implemented in Chrome soon.
// startScreenSharing: false,
// Recording
@ -446,6 +473,7 @@ var config = {
// If Lobby is enabled starts knocking automatically.
// autoKnockLobby: false,
// DEPRECATED! Use `breakoutRooms.hideAddRoomButton` instead.
// Hides add breakout room button
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
@ -478,12 +506,21 @@ var config = {
// Default remote name to be displayed
// defaultRemoteDisplayName: 'Fellow Jitster',
// Hides the display name from the participant thumbnail
// hideDisplayName: false,
// Hides the dominant speaker name badge that hovers above the toolbox
// hideDominantSpeakerBadge: false,
// Default language for the user interface.
// defaultLanguage: 'en',
// Disables profile and the edit of all fields from the profile settings (display name and email)
// disableProfile: false,
// Hides the email section under profile settings.
// hideEmailInSettings: false,
// Whether or not some features are checked based on token.
// enableFeaturesBasedOnToken: false,
@ -528,6 +565,9 @@ var config = {
// Document should be focused for this option to work
// enableAutomaticUrlCopy: false,
// Array with avatar URL prefixes that need to use CORS.
// corsAvatarURLs: [ '' ],
// Base URL for a Gravatar-compatible service. Defaults to libravatar.
// gravatarBaseURL: '',
@ -594,41 +634,61 @@ var config = {
// alwaysVisible: false
// },
// Toolbar buttons which have their click event exposed through the API on
// `toolbarButtonClicked` event instead of executing the normal click routine.
// Toolbar buttons which have their click/tap event exposed through the API on
// `toolbarButtonClicked`. Passing a string for the button key will
// prevent execution of the click/tap routine; passing an object with `key` and
// `preventExecution` flag on false will not prevent execution of the click/tap
// routine. Below array with mixed mode for passing the buttons.
// buttonsWithNotifyClick: [
// 'camera',
// 'chat',
// 'closedcaptions',
// 'desktop',
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
// 'feedback',
// 'filmstrip',
// 'fullscreen',
// 'hangup',
// 'help',
// 'invite',
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// 'raisehand',
// 'recording',
// 'security',
// 'select-background',
// 'settings',
// 'shareaudio',
// 'sharedvideo',
// 'shortcuts',
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'videoquality',
// '__end'
// 'camera',
// {
// key: 'chat',
// preventExecution: false
// },
// {
// key: 'closedcaptions',
// preventExecution: true
// },
// 'desktop',
// 'download',
// 'embedmeeting',
// 'etherpad',
// 'feedback',
// 'filmstrip',
// 'fullscreen',
// 'hangup',
// 'help',
// {
// key: 'invite',
// preventExecution: false
// },
// 'livestreaming',
// 'microphone',
// 'mute-everyone',
// 'mute-video-everyone',
// 'participants-pane',
// 'profile',
// {
// key: 'raisehand',
// preventExecution: true
// },
// 'recording',
// 'security',
// 'select-background',
// 'settings',
// 'shareaudio',
// 'sharedvideo',
// 'shortcuts',
// 'stats',
// 'tileview',
// 'toggle-camera',
// 'videoquality',
// // The add passcode button from the security dialog.
// {
// key: 'add-passcode',
// preventExecution: false
// }
// '__end'
// ],
// List of pre meeting screens buttons to hide. The values must be one or more of the 5 allowed buttons:
@ -683,6 +743,9 @@ var config = {
// Enables detecting faces of participants and get their expression and send it to other participants
// enableFacialRecognition: true,
// Enables displaying facial expressions in speaker stats
// enableDisplayFacialExpressions: true,
// Controls the percentage of automatic feedback shown to participants when callstats is enabled.
// The default value is 100%. If set to 0, no automatic feedback will be requested
// feedbackPercentage: 100,
@ -986,6 +1049,14 @@ var config = {
// dynamicBrandingUrl: '',
// Options related to the breakout rooms feature.
// breakoutRooms: {
// // Hides the add breakout room button. This replaces `hideAddRoomButton`.
// hideAddRoomButton: false,
// // Hides the join breakout room button.
// hideJoinRoomButton: false
// },
// When true the user cannot add more images to be used as virtual background.
// Only the default ones from will be available.
// disableAddingBackgroundImages: false,
@ -1004,14 +1075,15 @@ var config = {
// If true, tile view will not be enabled automatically when the participants count threshold is reached.
// disableTileView: true,
// If true, the tiles will be displayed contained within the available space rather than enlarged to cover it.
// If true, the tiles will be displayed contained within the available space rather than enlarged to cover it,
// with a 16:9 aspect ratio (old behaviour).
// disableTileEnlargement: true,
// Controls the visibility and behavior of the top header conference info labels.
// If a label's id is not in any of the 2 arrays, it will not be visible at all on the header.
// conferenceInfo: {
// // those labels will not be hidden in tandem with the toolbox.
// alwaysVisible: ['recording', 'local-recording'],
// alwaysVisible: ['recording', 'local-recording', 'raised-hands-count'],
// // those labels will be auto-hidden in tandem with the toolbox buttons.
// autoHide: [
// 'subject',
@ -1025,10 +1097,10 @@ var config = {
// },
// Hides the conference subject
// hideConferenceSubject: true,
// hideConferenceSubject: false,
// Hides the conference timer.
// hideConferenceTimer: true,
// hideConferenceTimer: false,
// Hides the recording label
// hideRecordingLabel: false,
@ -1039,6 +1111,9 @@ var config = {
// Sets the conference subject
// subject: 'Conference Subject',
// Sets the conference local subject
// localSubject: 'Conference Local Subject',
// This property is related to the use case when jitsi-meet is used via the IFrame API. When the property is true
// jitsi-meet will use the local storage of the host page instead of its own. This option is useful if the browser
// is not persisting the local storage inside the iframe.
@ -1101,6 +1176,7 @@ var config = {
@ -1143,10 +1219,14 @@ var config = {
// 'lobby.joinRejectedMessage', // shown when while in a lobby, user's request to join is rejected
// 'lobby.notificationTitle', // shown when lobby is toggled and when join requests are allowed / denied
// 'localRecording.localRecording', // shown when a local recording is started
// 'notify.chatMessages', // shown when receiving chat messages while the chat window is closed
// 'notify.disconnected', // shown when a participant has left
// 'notify.connectedOneMember', // show when a participant joined
// 'notify.connectedTwoMembers', // show when two participants joined simultaneously
// 'notify.connectedThreePlusMembers', // show when more than 2 participants joined simultaneously
// 'notify.leftOneMember', // show when a participant left
// 'notify.leftTwoMembers', // show when two participants left simultaneously
// 'notify.leftThreePlusMembers', // show when more than 2 participants left simultaneously
// 'notify.grantedTo', // shown when moderator rights were granted to a participant
// 'notify.invitedOneMember', // shown when 1 participant has been invited
// 'notify.invitedThreePlusMembers', // shown when 3+ participants have been invited
@ -1161,6 +1241,7 @@ var config = {
// 'notify.mutedTitle', // shown when user has been muted upon joining,
// 'notify.newDeviceAudioTitle', // prompts the user to use a newly detected audio device
// 'notify.newDeviceCameraTitle', // prompts the user to use a newly detected camera
// 'notify.participantWantsToJoin', // shown when lobby is enabled and participant requests to join meeting
// 'notify.passwordRemovedRemotely', // shown when a password has been removed remotely
// 'notify.passwordSetRemotely', // shown when a password has been set remotely
// 'notify.raisedHand', // shown when a partcipant used raise hand,
@ -1184,6 +1265,13 @@ var config = {
// Prevent the filmstrip from autohiding when screen width is under a certain threshold
// disableFilmstripAutohiding: false,
// filmstrip: {
// // Disables user resizable filmstrip. Also, allows configuration of the filmstrip
// // (width, tiles aspect ratios) through the interfaceConfig options.
// disableResizable: false,
// }
// Specifies whether the chat emoticons are disabled or not
// disableChatSmileys: false,
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ var interfaceConfig = {
CLOSE_PAGE_GUEST_HINT: false, // A html text to be shown to guests on the close page, false disables it
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ var interfaceConfig = {
CLOSE_PAGE_GUEST_HINT: false, // A html text to be shown to guests on the close page, false disables it
DEFAULT_LOGO_URL: 'images/watermark.svg',
DEFAULT_WELCOME_PAGE_LOGO_URL: 'images/watermark.svg',
Add table
Reference in a new issue