Matthias Stecher c24aedd4db __nextcloud: remove --webroot parameter
Because the detection of the webroot is not that good, it was removed.
Now, the object id contains the full path of the nextcloud installation.

This changes the installation process a bit, as it will download the
tarball to /tmp rather the webroot.

Also, this commit contains a bit overhaul work.
2020-11-15 16:21:56 +01:00

316 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/bin/sh -e
# __nextcloud/
# The environment variable "$install" should be set if nextcloud was installed
# now. This changes the behaviour to not trust gathered values from the
# explorer.
# Print the value of the given configuration.
# Arguments:
# 1: the nextcloud configuration name
# Returns with a unsuccessful return code if no parameter found.
getparam() {
awk -v FS=" = " -v name="$1" '
function ntostring(n) { ret=""; for(i=n; i<=NF; i++) ret=ret $i (i<NF ? OFS : ""); return ret }
$1 == name { print ntostring(2); success = 1 }
END { if(!success) exit 4 }
' "$__object/explorer/config"
return $?
# Test if the value exists as given.
# Arguments:
# 1: The nextcloud config name
# 2: The value that should be set
# Return code:
# 0: value exactly matched
# 1: value not matched or do not exist
testparam() {
# short-circuit after installation; the explorer may not be valid
if [ "$install" ]; then return 1; fi
if grep -q -Fx "$1 = $2" "$__object/explorer/config"; then
return 0
return 1
# Test if the parameter is somehow set.
# Arguments:
# 1: The nextcloud config name
# Return code:
# 0: param exists
# 1: param not found
paramexist() {
# short-circuit after installation; the explorer may not be valid
if [ "$install" ]; then return 0; fi
if grep -q "^$1 = " "$__object/explorer/config"; then
return 0
return 1
# Base for the basic function types.
# Arguments:
# 1: cdist type parameter name
# 2: nextcloud config name
# 3: conditially mandatory argument, value "required" if true
# 4: occ printf pattern to set the value
# 5: "installation" default value, can be used to backup the user value
conf_base() {
if [ -f "$__object/parameter/$1" ] || [ "$5" ]; then
value="$(cat "$__object/parameter/$1" || printf "%s" "$5")"
if ! testparam "$2" "$value"; then
# set it because it does not exist
# shellcheck disable=SC2059 # $4 contains patterns
printf "php occ config:system:$4\n" "$2" "$value"
if [ "$3" = "required" ]; then
# error because the parameter should be set
printf "Parameter '%s' not set by user, but required!\n" "$1" >&2
exit 4
if paramexist "$2"; then
# remove it because it exists
printf "php occ config:system:delete '%s'\n" "$2"
# Set's the cdist parameter value to nextcloud as specific value.
# Arguments:
# 1: cdist type parameter name
# 2: nextcloud config name
# 3: conditional mandatory of this parameter; value "required" if true
# 4: default value; will be used if parameter is absent
conf_string() {
conf_base "$1" "$2" "$3" "set '%s' --type=string --value='%s'" "$4"
conf_number() {
conf_base "$1" "$2" "$3" "set '%s' --type=integer --value='%s'" "$4"
conf_decimal() {
conf_base "$1" "$2" "$3" "set '%s' --type=double --value='%s'" "$4"
# Sets the nextcloud configuration option after a boolean cdist parameter.
# Arguments:
# 1: cdist type parameter name
# 2: nextcloud config name
conf_boolean() {
# map parameter to a php boolean (are outputted as 0 or 1)
if [ -f "$__object/parameter/$1" ]; then
if ! testparam "$2" "$testval"; then
# set it if does not already exist
printf "php occ config:system:set '%s' --type=boolean --value=%s\n" "$2" "$value"
# Corrects the array after all values given by the parameter. Values not given
# to this type will be removed.
# Arguments:
# 1: cdist type parameter name
# 2: nextcloud config name
# 3: conditional mandatory of this parameter; value "required" if true
# FIXME currently no default value due to complexity of arrays
conf_array() {
if [ -f "$__object/parameter/$1" ]; then
# reset array if installation is fresh
if [ "$install" ]; then
# just remove everything, because we don't know it
printf "php occ config:system:delete '%s' || true\n" "$2"
# counter is zero for sure
# else, default behaviour of the array
# save counter of the next free index
# shellcheck disable=SC1004 # the \ is required for awk
counter=$( awk -v FS=" = " -v name="$2" '
BEGIN { counter = 0 }
split($1, header, "|") == 2 && header[1] ~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/ && header[2] == name \
{ if(counter < header[1]) counter = header[1] }
END { print counter + 1 }
' "$__object/explorer/config"
# create a file which contains all lines not already resolved by this function
mkdir -p "$_dir"
grep "^[[:digit:]]*|$2 = " "$__object/explorer/config" > "$_dir/$2" || true # ignore not found
# iterate through every value
while read -r value; do
# check every value if he exists
if ! grep -q "^[[:digit:]]*|$2 = $value$" "$__object/explorer/config"; then
# add this value
printf "php occ config:system:set '%s' '%s' --type=string --value='%s'\n" \
"$2" "$(( counter ))" "$value"
counter=$(( counter + 1 ))
if [ -z "$install" ]; then
# removes it from the list of unhandled values
grep -v "^[[:digit:]]*|$2 = $value$" "$_dir/$2" > "$_dir/$2_tmp" || true # ignore not found
mv "$_dir/$2_tmp" "$_dir/$2" # because we can't do `cat foo > foo`
done < "$__object/parameter/$1"
if [ -z "$install" ]; then
# interate through the leftover values
# remove them, as they should not exist (at least can be)
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 # $equal left for readability
while read -r start equal value; do
# remove those specific elements from the array
printf "php occ config:system:delete '%s' '%s' --error-if-not-exists\n" \
"$2" "$( printf "%s" "$start" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}' )"
done < "$_dir/$2"
if [ "$3" = "required" ]; then
# error because the parameter should be set
printf "Parameter '%s' not set by user, but required!\n" "$1" >&2
exit 4
# remove everything because we don't know which was set by the user
if paramexist "$2"; then
# remove the whole array
printf "php occ config:system:delete '%s'\n" "$2"
# Migrate the database to a new database type
# Arguments:
# 1: the database type to convert to
migrate_db() {
# from argument
# hostname, database, username and password
database_host="$(cat "$__object/parameter/database-host" 2>/dev/null || printf "localhost")"
database_name="$(cat "$__object/parameter/database-name")"
database_user="$(cat "$__object/parameter/database-user")"
database_pass="$(cat "$__object/parameter/database-password")"
# Extract the port from the host
# this is required for pgsql, but mysql can do it itself, too
if printf "%s" "$database_host" | grep -q ":[[:digit:]]\+$"; then
# extract the last part, which is the port number
# set default port because the tool can not do this for pgsql
# it looks like mysql get struggles, too
case "$database_type" in
# Correct this value to the value set by the parameter
# this will prevent codegen in the run after the migration
# print out the correct command
printf "php occ db:convert-type --no-interaction --no-ansi --clear-schema --all-apps \
'%s' '%s' --password '%s' '%s' --port '%u' '%s'\n" \
"$database_type" "$database_user" "$database_pass" "$database_host" "$database_port" "$database_name"
printf "php occ maintenance:mode --on\n" # was disabled by database convertion
# Correct the database host value if it was not correctly set by the migration script
if [ "$correct_standard_port" = "yes" ]; then
printf "php occ config:system:set '%s' --type=string --value '%s'\n" "dbhost" "$database_host"
# Set the install variable if nextcloud was not installed before this type.
if ! testparam installed 1; then
# Map all parameters
# Generate the config changes
# misc
conf_array host trusted_domains
# If already set via the installer, we don't need to do this
# set default values from the nextcloud installer to do not override them
if [ -z "$install" ]; then
# Database to check if the type changed
# use the current type if no old type found to match instead of migrate
database_type="$(cat "$__object/parameter/database-type")"
old_db_type="$(getparam dbtype || printf "%s" "$database_type")"
case "$database_type" in
if [ "$old_db_type" != "sqlite3" ]; then
echo "Migrating to a SQLite database is not supported by upstream!" >&2
echo "Do it manually or reinstall nextcloud .." >&2
exit 1
conf_string database-type dbtype
if [ "$old_db_type" != "$database_type" ]; then
# the migration will change all database parameters itself
migrate_db "$database_type"
# no change of dbtype cause it will cause a migration
conf_string database-host dbhost installdef "localhost"
conf_string database-name dbname required
conf_string database-user dbuser required
conf_string database-password dbpassword required
# It may not be a good idea to change this parameter, but do what
# the user want to do.
conf_string database-prefix dbtableprefix
printf "Databasetype '%s' is unkown!\n" "$database_type" >&2
exit 3
# data-dir is handled in the gencode-remote
#conf_string data-directory datadirectory installdef "/$__object_id/data"