
274 lines
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cdist-type__netbox - Install and configure NetBox
This (singleton) type installs and configures a NetBox instance, a web
application to help manage and document computer networks.
It installs it with the user ``netbox`` at ``/opt/netbox`` with `python-venv`.
It setup systemd unit files for the services `netbox` and `netbox-rq`. The
`netbox` service only wrap all netbox related services, e.g. restarting and
so one will be delegated to all related services.
The application is still not accessable because a WSGI server is required. To
access the application through WSGI, uWSGI or Gunicorn can be used. The setup
can be done via there own types `__netbox_gunicorn` and `__netbox_uwsgi`.
The Gunicorn setup is recommended from the NetBox documentation. Consult each
manual page to decide. The types must be called after the `__netbox` type.
NetBox version to be installed. You can find the correct and newest version
on GitHub at the NetBox project page under
"`Releases <>`_".
PostgreSQL database name.
PostgreSQL database user.
PostgreSQL database password.
Hostname (domain or IP address) on which the application is served.
Multiple hostnames are possible; given as multiple arguments.
Random secret key of at least 50 alphanumeric characters and symbols. This
key must be unique to this installation and must not be shared outside the
local system. If no secret key is given, the type generates an own 50 chars
long key and saves it on the remote host to remember it for the next run.
The secret, random string is used to assist in the creation new
cryptographic hashes for passwords and HTTP cookies. It is not directly
used for hasing user passwords or for encrpted storage. It can be changed
at any time, but will invalidate all existing sessions.
PostgreSQL database hostname. Defaults to ``localhost``.
PostgreSQL database port. Defaults to empty (uses the default port).
LDAP server URI. Enables LDAP-backed authentication if specified.
DN for the NetBox service account. Required for LDAP authentication.
Password for the NetBox service account. Required for LDAP authentication.
Base used for searching user entries. Required for LDAP authentication.
Base used for searching group entries.
Group required to login.
Make members of this group to "staff". This gives the users "Admin Access",
which means access to the "NetBox Administration" site.
Make members of this groups superusers.
Redis database hostname. Defaults to ``localhost``.
Redis database port. Defaults to ``6379``.
Redis password. Defaults to empty password.
Offset to set the redis database id's. The `tasks` database id is
`offset + 0` and `caching` is `offset + 1`. The offset defaults to ``0``.
Host of the SMTP email server. Defaults to ``localhost``.
Port of the SMTP email server. Defaults to ``25``.
Username to access the SMTP email server. Defaults to empty.
Password to access the SMTP email server. Defaults to empty.
Email from which NetBox will be sent of. Defaults to empty.
Base URL path if accessing netbox within a directory instead of directly the
webroot ``/``. For example, if installed at, set
the value ``netbox/``.
Proxy which will be used with any HTTP request like webhooks.
This parameter set's the media, reports and scripts root to subdirectories
of the given directory. Values can be overwritten by special parameters like
`--media-root` for example. Use this option if you want to store persistant
data of netbox on an other partition. A trailing slash is not needed.
The data directories have following predefined sub-directory names:
media root:
reports root:
scripts root:
To preserve all data from installation upgrades - which just replace the
installation directory - the data will be kept in the netbox home directory
rather than the installation directory by default (``/opt/netbox/data/``).
This way, no data will be deleted after the installation directory
replacement because it remains outside of the installation directory.
The file path to where media files (like image attachments) are stored.
Change this path if you require to store data on an other partiotion.
A trailing slash is not needed. Defaults to ``$data_root/media``.
The file path of where custom reports are kept. Change this path if you
require to store data on an other partition. A trailing slash is not
needed. Defaults to ``$data_root/reports``.
The file path of where custom scripts are kept. Change this path if you
require to store data on an other partition. A trailing slash is not
needed. Defaults to ``$data_root/scripts``.
Enables a secure TLS/SSL connection to the redis database. By default, ssl
is disabled.
Uses TLS to connect to the SMTP email server. `See documentation
for more information.
Uses implicit TLS with the SMTP email server. `See documentation
for more information.
Sets if a login is required to access all sites. By default, anonymous
users can see most data (excluding secrets) but not make any changes.
Enables the NetBox version check for new upstream updates. It checks every
24 hours for new releases and notify the admin users in the gui if any.
installed $VERSION
Netbox was fresh installed or updated. The new version number is appended.
Some configuration files got updated and therefore the service was
restarted. This message will not be echoed if configuration got updated due
a standard installation.
.. code-block:: sh
__netbox --version 2.8.7 --database netbox \
--database-password "secretsecretsecret" \
--secret-key "secretsecretsecret" \
--host "${__target_host:?}" \
--host "" \
--ldap-server "ldaps://ldap.domain.tld" \
--ldap-bind-dn "uid=netbox,ou=services,dc=domain,dc=tld" \
--ldap-bind-password "secretsecretsecret" \
--ldap-user-base "ou=users,dc=domain,dc=tld" \
--ldap-group-base "ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld" \
--ldap-require-group "cn=netbox-login,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld" \
--ldap-superuser-group "cn=netbox-admin,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld"
# using recommended gunicorn setup
require="__netbox" __netbox_gunicorn
The configuration of NetBox contains more optional settings than that what can
be set with this type. If you think an important setting is missing or there
is a more good way to inject python code for dynamic configuration variables,
you are welcome to contribute!
- `Possible optional settings
If you not setup ldap authentification, you may be interested into how to
`setting up a super user
directly on the machine to be able to access and use NetBox.
You may also be interested of writing a own type which handles the creation of
the super user. To do this non-interactivly, see the ansible role as `reference
If you change the secret key while the netbox instance is running, there is a
time frame where the access to the application corrupts the whole database.
Then, you need to restore a backup or wipe the database.
Currently, the cause is not clear, but it should work if you do not touch
netbox while the configuration is done (do not shut it down, too). It only
applies for changes of the secret key, which not happen normally.
Maybe the `--restart` flag for the `__systemd_unit` types is not the best idea,
but avoids that the changes will not be applied. It could be solved if the type
would send messages from his actions.
`NetBox documentation <>`_
:strong:`cdist-type__netbox_gunicorn`\ (7)
:strong:`cdist-type__netbox_uwsgi`\ (7)
Timothée Floure <>
Matthias Stecher <>
Copyright \(C) 2020 Timothée Floure.
Copyright \(C) 2020 Matthias Stecher.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.