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2016-06-26 10:33:07 +02:00
.tx Add transifex support. Fix #6. 2014-03-29 16:37:52 +01:00
djangocms_blog Fix lieblog channels group 2016-06-26 10:33:07 +02:00
docs Improve multisite documentation 2016-06-16 18:00:37 +02:00
tests Update channels configuration 2016-06-26 10:33:07 +02:00
.checkignore Add migrations to .checkignore 2016-02-15 19:37:57 +01:00
.codeclimate.yml Fix quotes 2015-10-18 15:25:50 +02:00
.coveragerc Exclude compat library 2014-06-10 08:20:40 +02:00
.editorconfig Add editorconfig 2015-09-13 00:58:03 +02:00
.gitignore Add docs 2016-06-06 08:37:26 +02:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Add gitlab-ci configuration 2016-02-07 19:41:04 +01:00
.travis.yml Add docs 2016-06-06 08:37:26 +02:00
addon.json Rename addon on aldryn 2016-06-03 15:36:29 +02:00 Basic aldryn setup 2016-06-03 09:28:36 +02:00
AUTHORS.rst Update authors file 2016-06-12 09:31:44 +02:00 Update channels configuration 2016-06-26 10:33:07 +02:00
CONTRIBUTING.rst Update links 2015-02-24 16:16:07 +01:00
HISTORY.rst Bump version 2016-06-26 10:24:49 +02:00
LICENSE Boilerplate (still needs working) 2014-01-04 17:07:47 +01:00
Makefile Update makefile 2015-10-18 15:34:03 +02:00 Fix locale packaging issue 2014-11-26 13:01:17 +01:00
README.rst Merge pull request #283 from nephila/feature/thumbnailoption_migrations 2016-06-25 18:28:04 +02:00
requirements-test.txt Use modern parler in tests 2016-02-07 13:02:32 +01:00
requirements.txt Update requirements 2015-10-25 09:14:58 +01:00
setup.cfg Fix code style 2015-09-13 00:57:46 +02:00 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/0.8.x' into develop 2016-06-22 23:20:21 +02:00
tox.ini Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/0.8.x' into develop 2016-06-22 23:20:21 +02:00


.. image::
    :alt: Latest PyPI version

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    :alt: Monthly downloads

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    :alt: Python versions

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    :alt: Latest Travis CI build status

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    :alt: Test coverage

.. image::
    :alt: Test coverage

.. image::
   :alt: Code Climate

django CMS blog application - Support for multilingual posts, placeholders, social network meta tags and configurable apphooks.

Supported Django versions:

* Django 1.8
* Django 1.9

Supported django CMS versions:

* django CMS 3.2+

.. warning:: Version 0.8 will be the last one supporting Python 2.6, Python 3.3,
             Django<1.8 and django CMS<3.2.

.. warning:: Starting from version 0.8, date_published is not set anymore
             when creating a post but rather when publishing.
             This does not change the overall behavior, but be warned if you
             expect it to be not null in custom code.

.. warning:: Version 0.6 changes the field of LatestPostsPlugin.tags field.
             A datamigration is in place to migrate the data, but check that
             works ok for your project before upgrading, as this might delete
             some relevant data.
             Some plugins have a broken tag management prior to 0.6, in case
             you have issues with tags, upgrade to latest version to have it fixed.

Upgrading cmsplugin-filer from 1.0 to 1.1

Due to changes in cmsplugin-filer/filer which moved ``ThumbnailOption`` model from the
former to the latter, ``djangocms-blog`` must be migrated as well.

Migrating cmsplugin-filer to 1.1 and djangocms-blog up to 0.8.4

If you have djangocms-blog up to 0.8.4 (included) installed or you are upgrading from a previous
djangocms-blog version together with cmsplugin-filer upgrade, you can just apply the migrations::

    pip install cmsplugin-filer==1.1.1 django-filer==1.2.2 djangocms-blog==0.8.4
    python migrate

Migrating cmsplugin-filer to 1.1 and djangocms-blog 0.8.5+

If you already a djangocms-blog 0.8.5+ or above, you have to de-apply some blog migrations when
doing the upgrade::

    python migrate djangocms_blog 0017 ## reverse for these migration is a noop
    pip install cmsplugin-filer==1.1.1 django-filer==1.2.2
    python migrate

.. note:: de-apply migration **before** upgrading cmsplugin-filer. If running before upgrade, the
          backward migration won't alter anything on the database, and it will just allow the code
          to migrate ``ThumbnailOption`` from cmsplugin-filer to filer


* Placeholder content editing
* Frontend editing using django CMS 3.x frontend editor
* Multilingual support using django-parler
* Support for Twitter cards, Open Graph and Google+ snippets meta tags
* Optional support for simpler TextField-based content editing
* Multisite support (posts can be visible in one or more Django sites on the
  same project)
* Per-Apphook configuration
* Configurable permalinks
* Configurable django CMS menu support
* Per-Apphook templates set
* Auto Apphook setup
* Django sitemap framework support
* Support for django CMS 3.2+ Wizard
* Haystack index support


Check documentation at

Known djangocms-blog websites

See DjangoPackages for an updated list