2021-07-28 03:23:02 +05:30

416 lines
10 KiB

String.prototype.removeWhiteSpaces = function() {return(this.replace(/\s+/g,""));};
String.prototype.leftTrim = function() {return(this.replace(/^\s+/,""));};
String.prototype.rightTrim = function() {return(this.replace(/\s+$/,""));};
String.prototype.basicTrim = function() {return(this.replace(/\s+$/,"").replace(/^\s+/,""));};
String.prototype.superTrim = function() {return(this.replace(/\s+/g," ").replace(/\s+$/,"").replace(/^\s+/,""));};
String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) {return (this.match("^"+str)==str)};
String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) {return (this.match(str+"$")==str)};
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) {var i,idx=-1;for(i=0;i<this.length;i++){if(this[i]==obj){idx=i;break;}}return idx;};
Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(obj) {this.reverse();var i,idx=-1;for(i=0;i<this.length;i++){if(this[i]==obj){idx=(this.length-1-i);break;}}this.reverse();return idx;};
Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {var i,listed=false;for(i=0;i<this.length;i++){if(this[i]==obj){listed=true;break;}}return listed;};
* Parse url-params.
ZMI.prototype.parseURLParams = function(url) {
var qd = {};
var search = url.indexOf("?")>0?url.substr(url.indexOf("?")):"?";
search.substr(1).split("&").forEach(function(item) {
var s = item.split("="),
k = s[0],
v = s[1] && decodeURIComponent(s[1]);
(qd[k] = qd[k] || []).push(v);
return qd;
var zmiParams = {};
// Parse params (?) and pseudo-params (#).
var href = self.location.href;
var base_url = href;
var delimiter_list = ['?','#'];
for (var h = 0; h < delimiter_list.length; h++) {
var delimiter = delimiter_list[h];
var i = base_url.indexOf(delimiter);
if (i > 0) {
base_url = base_url.substr(0,i);
var i = href.indexOf(delimiter);
if (i > 0) {
var query_string = href.substr(i+1);
if (h < delimiter_list.length-1) {
i = query_string.indexOf(delimiter_list[h+1]);
if (i > 0) {
query_string = query_string.substr(0,i);
var l = query_string.split('&');
for ( var j = 0; j < l.length; j++) {
i = l[j].indexOf('=');
if (i < 0) {
if (typeof zmiParams[l[j].substr(0,i)] == "undefined") {
zmiParams[l[j].substr(0,i)] = unescape(l[j].substr(i+1));
zmiParams['base_url'] = base_url;
if (typeof zmiParams['zmi-debug'] != "undefined") {
$ZMI.setCursorWait("BO zmi.extensions");
// Execute registered onReady-callbacks.
$ZMI.writeDebug("zmi.extensions: Execute registered onReady-callbacks.");
// Content-Editable ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (self.location.href.indexOf('/manage')>0 || self.location.href.indexOf('preview=preview')>0) {
$("<style type='text/css'>.contentEditable.zmi-highlight{background-color:#f7f7f9;}</style>").appendTo("head");
.mouseover( function(evt) {
.mouseout( function(evt) {
.click( function(evt) {
if ( != "undefined" && $.inArray(,['a','button','input','select','textarea']) > -1) {
var href = $(this).attr("data-absolute-url");
var lang = getZMILang();
if (self.location.href.indexOf(href+'/manage_main')>=0) {
href += '/manage_properties';
else {
href += '/manage_main';
if (self.location.href.indexOf('/manage_translate')>0) {
href += '_iframe';
href += '?lang='+lang;
href += '&ZMS_NO_BODY=1';
else if (self.location.href.indexOf('/manage')>0) {
href += '?lang='+lang;
self.location.href = href;
else {
href += '_iframe';
href += '?lang='+lang;
.attr( "title", "Click to edit!");
// ZMS plugins
if (typeof zmiParams['ZMS_HIGHLIGHT'] != 'undefined' && typeof zmiParams[zmiParams['ZMS_HIGHLIGHT']] != 'undefined') {
files: ['/++resource++zms_/jquery/plugin/jquery.plugin.zmi_highlight.js']
$ZMI.setCursorAuto("EO zmi.extensions");
* Physical Path
ZMI.prototype.getPhysicalPath = function() {
var physical_path = $('meta[name="physical_path"]').attr('content');
if (typeof physical_path == 'undefined') {
physical_path = window.location.href;
return physical_path;
* Icon
ZMI.prototype.icon = function(name,extra) {
var tag = 'i';
var icon = '<' + tag + ' class="' + this.icon_clazz(name) + '"';
if (typeof extra != "undefined") {
icon += ' ' + extra;
icon += '></' + tag + '>';
return icon;
ZMI.prototype.icon_clazz = function(name) {
return name;
ZMI.prototype.icon_selector = function(name) {
var tag = 'i';
if (typeof name == "undefined") {
return tag
return tag+'.'+this.icon_clazz(name);
* Debug
ZMI.prototype.toggleDebug = function(b) {
var $div = $("div#zmi-debug");
if ($div.length==0) {
$("body").append('<div id="zmi-debug"></div>');
$div = $("div#zmi-debug");
if (b) {
else {
ZMI.prototype.writeDebug = function(s) {
var $div = $("div#zmi-debug");
if ($div.css("display")!="none") {
var d = new Date();
$div.html("<code>["+(d)+'...'+(d.getMilliseconds())+"] "+s.replace(/</gi,'&lt;')+'</code><br/>'+$div.html());
* Wait cursor.
var zmiCursor = [];
ZMI.prototype.setCursorWait = function(s) {
if (zmiCursor.length == 0) {
this.writeDebug(">>>> " + zmiCursor.join(" > "));
ZMI.prototype.setCursorAuto = function() {
this.writeDebug("<<<< " + zmiCursor.join(" > "));
if (zmiCursor.length == 0) {
* Returns language.
function getZMILang() {
if (typeof zmiParams['lang'] == 'undefined') {
if (typeof zmiLangStr != "undefined") {
zmiParams['lang'] = zmiLangStr['lang'];
if (typeof zmiParams['lang'] == 'undefined') {
zmiParams['lang'] = 'eng';
return zmiParams['lang'];
* Returns language-string for current manage-language.
function getZMILangStr(key, data) {
var langStr = $ZMI.getLangStr(key);
if (typeof langStr=="undefined") {
if (typeof zmiLangStr!="undefined") {
langStr = zmiLangStr[key];
if (typeof langStr=='undefined') {
langStr = key
return langStr;
* Returns language-string for current content-language.
ZMI.prototype.getLangStr = function(key, lang) {
var k = "get_lang_dict";
var v = this.getCachedValue(k);
if (typeof v=="undefined") {
var url = this.getBaseUrl();
v = $.ajax({
url: url+'/get_lang_dict',
datatype: 'json',
contentType:'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
async: false
if (typeof lang=="undefined") {
lang = getZMILang();
var langStr;
if (typeof v[key]!="undefined") {
langStr = v[key][lang];
return langStr;
* Cache Ajax requests.
var zmiCache = {};
ZMI.prototype.getCachedValue = function(k) {return zmiCache[k];}
ZMI.prototype.setCachedValue = function(k,v) {zmiCache[k]=v;return v;}
* Returns request-property.
ZMI.prototype.getReqProperty = function(key, defaultValue) {
var data = {};
data['key'] = key;
if (typeof defaultValue != "undefined") {
data['default'] = defaultValue;
var url = this.getPhysicalPath();
if (url.indexOf('/content/')>0 || url.slice(-8)=='/content' ) {
url = url.substr(0,url.indexOf('/content')+'/content'.length);
} else {
var r = $.ajax({
url: url+'/getReqProperty',
data: data,
datatype: 'text',
async: false
this.writeDebug(url+'/getReqProperty('+key+','+defaultValue+'): '+r);
return r;
* Returns base-url.
ZMI.prototype.getBaseUrl = function(key, defaultValue) {
var url = this.getPhysicalPath();
if (url.indexOf('/content/')>0 || url.slice(-8)=='/content' ) {
url = url.substr(0,url.indexOf('/content')+'/content'.length);
} else {
return url;
* Returns conf-property.
ZMI.prototype.getConfProperty = function(key, defaultValue) {
var r = this.getCachedValue(key);
if (typeof r=="undefined") {
var data = {};
data['key'] = btoa(key);
if (typeof defaultValue != "undefined") {
data['default'] = defaultValue;
var url = this.getBaseUrl();
var r = $.ajax({
url: url+'/getConfProperty',
data: data,
datatype: 'text',
async: false
this.writeDebug(url+'/getConfProperty('+key+','+defaultValue+'): '+r);
return r;
* Returns conf-properties.
ZMI.prototype.getConfProperties = function(prefix) {
var r = this.getCachedValue(prefix);
if (typeof r=="undefined") {
var data = {};
data['prefix'] = btoa(prefix);
var url = this.getBaseUrl();
var r = $.ajax({
url: url+'/getConfProperties',
data: data,
datatype: 'text',
async: false
this.writeDebug(url+'/getConfProperties('+prefix+'): '+r);
return eval("("+r+")");
* Returns display-icon.
ZMI.prototype.display_icon = function(meta_type) {
var k = "display_icon."+meta_type;
var v = this.getCachedValue(k);
if (typeof v=="undefined") {
var data = {}
data['meta_type'] = meta_type;
var url = this.getPhysicalPath();
if (url.indexOf('/content/')>0 || url.slice(-8)=='/content' ) {
url = url.substr(0,url.indexOf('/content')+'/content'.length);
} else {
v = $.ajax({
url: url+'/display_icon',
data: data,
datatype: 'text',
async: false
return this.setCachedValue(k,v);
*Decode HTML-Entities.
ZMI.prototype.HTMLDecode = function(str) {
var char_names = {
for (var char_name in char_names) {
var char_code = char_names[char_name].toString(16);
var re = new RegExp("&"+char_name+";","g");
str = str.replace(re,char_code);
return str;
* Copy to clipboard.
ZMI.prototype.CopyToClipboard = function(str) {
var $temp = $("<textarea></textarea>");
try {
} catch (e) {