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2017-04-24 14:22:51 +02:00
# Change Log
## [3.2.0]( (2016-10-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- CentOS 7 selinux dependencies [\#76](
- Parameterise Banner and DebianBanner as defaults [\#77]( ([tsenart](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Some tasks are always run even if they are not needed [\#78](
- Selinux issue [\#75](
- Running the tests locally [\#61](
- SELinux-specific task still runs on SELinux-disabled systems [\#74](
**Closed issues:**
- Applied-Crypto-Hardening project and new cyphers. [\#28](
**Merged pull requests:**
- install selinux dependencies, check for already installed semodule [\#79]( ([rndmh3ro](
## [3.1.0]( (2016-08-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- use new ciphers, kex, macs and privilege separation for redhat family 7 or later [\#72](
## [3.1]( (2016-08-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add Xenial / Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to meta/main.yml [\#63](
- Use new ciphers, kex, macs and priv separation sandbox for redhat family 7 [\#73]( ([atomic111](
- add docker support [\#71]( ([rndmh3ro](
- add always\_run: true to task. fix \#64 [\#69]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Debian8 [\#68]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Fixed KexAlgorithms Conditional Statement [\#66]( ([cjsheets](
- Moves vars to defaults [\#60]( ([conorsch](
**Fixed bugs:**
- semodule ssh\_password error on AWS Centos 7 [\#64](
**Closed issues:**
- `ssh\_server\_ports` a bit misleading in the vars section? [\#62](
- sftp\_enabled: false will break Ansible's template module [\#55](
- Move cipher/kex/mac vars to defaults [\#53](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add SCP/SFTP to FAQ [\#58]( ([rndmh3ro](
## [3.0.0]( (2016-03-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Added sftp\_enabled, sftp\_chroot\_dir, and ssh\_client\_roaming from the … [\#57]( ([shirokatze](
- add test support for ansible 1.9 and 2.0 [\#56]( ([rndmh3ro](
- update platforms in meta-file [\#52]( ([rndmh3ro](
- add webhook for ansible galaxy [\#51]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Disable experimental client roaming. [\#49]( ([rndmh3ro](
- use inspec as test framework [\#48]( ([chris-rock](
- Change categories to tags for upcoming ansible 2.0 [\#47]( ([rndmh3ro](
- add changelog generator [\#46]( ([chris-rock](
**Closed issues:**
- Install from ansible galaxy missing files \(tasks\) [\#50](
- should generate new ssh host key files [\#45](
**Merged pull requests:**
- New release 3.0.0 [\#59]( ([rndmh3ro](
## [2.0.0]( (2015-11-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Fix directory structure. [\#43](
**Merged pull requests:**
- New dir layout. Fix \#43 [\#44]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Add var to travis job [\#42]( ([rndmh3ro](
- sftp\_enable option [\#41]( ([fitz123](
## [1.2.1]( (2015-10-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Allow whitelisted groups on ssh [\#40]( ([fheinle](
## [1.2]( (2015-09-28)
[Full Changelog](
## [1.2.0]( (2015-09-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- bugfix. Now option true for PrintLastLog is available again [\#39]( ([fitz123](
- Add more travis-tests [\#38]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Support for selinux and pam. fix \#23 [\#35]( ([rndmh3ro](
## [1.1]( (2015-09-01)
[Full Changelog](
## [1.1.0]( (2015-09-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- ssh\_ports - individual client/server config [\#33](
- UsePAM should probably default to yes on Red Hat Linux 7 [\#23](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Change variable for hmac from server to client [\#37]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Update kitchen-ansible, remove separate debian install [\#36]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Separate ssh client and server ports. Fix \#33 [\#34]( ([rndmh3ro](
- update common kitchen.yml platforms \(ansible\), kitchen\_debian.yml platforms \(ansible\) [\#32]( ([chris-rock](
- Make MaxAuthTries configurable [\#31]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Change oneliner if-statements to be more readable [\#30]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Make ssh client password login configurable. [\#29]( ([ypid](
- Fix join-filter, jinja-cases, intendation [\#27]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Short role review. Fixed role when ssh\_client\_weak\_kex == true. [\#26]( ([ypid](
- Make it configurable to only harden ssh client/server or both \(default\). [\#25]( ([ypid](
- Separate system-vars from editable vars [\#24]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Add correct CONTRIB-file [\#22]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Add Ansible Galaxy badge [\#21]( ([rndmh3ro](
- fix configuration of playbook path [\#20]( ([chris-rock](
- Debian install script [\#19]( ([rndmh3ro](
## [1.0.0]( (2015-04-30)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Update variable-documentation [\#12]( ([rndmh3ro](
**Closed issues:**
- add travis test for ubuntu 12.04 [\#7](
- Use handler for sshd restart [\#6](
- Running test-kitchen fails [\#2](
**Merged pull requests:**
- add self as author [\#18]( ([chris-rock](
- add badges [\#17]( ([chris-rock](
- fix meta.yml [\#16]( ([chris-rock](
- add more information to changelog [\#15]( ([chris-rock](
- Add meta-information for Ansible Galaxy [\#14]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Update [\#13]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Add handler to restart ssh only if necessary. Fix \#6 [\#11]( ([rndmh3ro](
- add more descriptions [\#10]( ([chris-rock](
- add travis config for ansible [\#9]( ([chris-rock](
- update .kitchen.yml to find playbook role in tests [\#8]( ([chris-rock](
- Oracle support [\#5]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Remove custom Vagrantfile-reference. Fix \#2 [\#4]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Remove custom Vagrantfile-reference. Fix \#2 [\#3]( ([rndmh3ro](
- Fix missing gem [\#1]( ([chris-rock](
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*