New website of the [Swiss Society for Public Health](, developed by [datalets,ch]( using the open source, [Django]( [Wagtail CMS]( The frontend has been implemented by [moving water]( using [Bootstrap]( framework.
> Nota bene: this is a work in progress, licensing details and live site coming soon!
The easiest way to set up your machine would be to use [Vagrant](, then in the project folder in the terminal type: `vagrant liverun`.
To set up a full development environment, follow all these instructions.
**Frontend setup**
You will need to have Ruby and SASS installed on your system, e.g.:
Make sure a recent version of node.js (we recommend using [](, then:
npm install -g bower grunt-cli
npm install
bower install
The first command (`..install -g..`) may require `sudo` if you installed node.js as a system package.
If you are only working on the frontend, you can start a local webserver and work on frontend assets without the backend setup described below. Mock content is at `publichealth/static/mockup`
We use a StackScript to deploy to Linode, the basic system set up is to have a user in the sudoers and docker group, and a few basic system packages ready.