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## ungleich-certbot
This container is made for getting **real world** certificates
for your kubernetes cluster.
The assumption is that you can point the DNS name to the container
from outside. This is by default given for **IPv6 only kubernetes
## Usage
* Set the environment variable DOMAIN to specify the domain for which
to get a certificate
* Set the environment variable EMAIL (this is where letsencrypt sends
warnings to)
* Set the environment variable STAGING to "no" if you want to have
proper certificates - this is to prevent you from asking the real
letsencrypt service accidently by default
* By default the container allows world read access to the
certificates, so that non-root users can access the certificates.
Set the LEAVE_PERMISSIONS_AS_IS environment variable to instruct the
container not to change permissions
* If you setup the variable NGINX to any value, the container will
start nginx and reload after trying to renew the certificate
* If you set the variable NGINX_HTTP_REDIRECT, the container will
enable automatic redirect of http to https with the exception of the
path /.well-known/acme-challenge/
docker run -e DOMAIN=example.com \
-e EMAIL=root@example.com \
### Nginx support
docker run -e DOMAIN=example.com \
-e EMAIL=root@example.com \
-e NGINX=yes \
-e STAGING=no \
you will get a proper, real world usable nginx server. Inject the
nginx configuration by meains of a volume to /etc/nginx/conf.d
### Nginx HTTP redirect support
docker run -e DOMAIN=example.com \
-e EMAIL=root@example.com \
-e NGINX=yes \
-e STAGING=no \
the container will listen on port 80 and redirect the traffic to port
443 (https).
### Exiting after getting the certificate
By default, the container will stay alive and try to renew the
certificate every 86400 seconds. If you set the environment variable
`ONLYGETCERT`, then it will only get the certificates and exit.
### Only renewing the certificate
If you only want to trigger renewing existing certificates and skip
getting the certificates initially, you can set the variable
`RENEWCERTSONCE`, then it will only renew all certificates and exit.
* If `ONLYRENEWCERTS` is set, only the reguler renew loop will run.
* If `ONLYRENEWCERTSONCE` is set, renew will be run once and then the
container exits
## Volumes
If you want to keep / use your certificates, you are advised to create
a volume below /etc/letsencrypt.
## Changelog
* 0.1.0: usable with automatic renewal
* 0.2.0: added support for nginx webserver (based on official nginx
## Kubernetes
See https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/ungleich-k8s/.