2021-06-20 09:19:48 +02:00
## Apps
This directory contains test applications which are using kustomize or
helm for testing. The objective of these apps is to create typical
flows for adding apps into clusters.
## Use case 1: common anchor
We want to achieve the following:
* have a common anchor to define the name of a service ("service1")
* That anchor steers generation of configuration files in config maps
("nginx config with hostname
Best case: $clusterdomain can be queried from the cluster.
### kustomize
It does not seem kustomize has a logical way to support this, as it
does not have variables that can be injected into fields.
One can use the name-prefix or similar for modifying the service name,
but that prefix is not automatically injected into the relevant
configuration within a configmap.
### helm
Helm seems to cope with the anchor case easily using values.yaml as the
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## Use case 2: Handling of configmap updates
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Assuming one updates a configmap (new configuration), what happens to
the old configmap? Is it left alone, is it deleted automatically?
### kustomize
Kustomize usually generates the ConfigMaps and appends a hash to its
name. Thus the referencing objects (Pods mostly) will also get updated
and refer to a new configmap.
Untested, but the assumption is that kustomize will leave the old
configmap behind.
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Update: it is possible to avoid appending the hash to the name, which
might solve the problem of leaving the ConfigMap behind.
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### helm
Helm does not have a concept of generating confimaps, so in theory it
would update the same configmap (depending on how you named it).
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## Use case 3: Handling of out-of-band updates
Using secondary Jobs or Cronjobs data like Letsencrypt certificates
can be updated. Pods using these certificates should then be
deleted/replaced or the services that use the certificates need to be
### In pod solution
One solution can be instead of launching something like nginx directly
to wrap it into a shell script looking like this:
while [ ! -f $file ]; do
echo "Waiting for ${file} ..."
sleep 2
# Now we can start nginx as a daemon
cksum=$(cksum $file)
# Check every 10 minutes for new certs
# If they are there, reload nginx
while true; do
cksum_new=$(cksum $file)
if [ $cksum != $cksum_new ]; then
nginx -s reload
sleep 600
Advantage: everything is handled inside the container, no pod
deletes/rollover necessary.
Disadvantage: it requires patching of almost every container out there.
### Pod replacment
In theory, if a Cronjob knows that resources are updated for a
specific use case, the cronjob could start deleting the relevant
pods. Using a deployment, they'd be restarted.
Advantage: this might be a cron job specific solution and is probably
going to work with every container without modifications.
Disadvantage: the Job pod needs to modify cluster resources.
## Use case 4: Name space placement
Both kustomize and helm seem to support adjusting the namespace for
resources easily.
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## Helm specific notes
* Should we use the {{ .Release.name }} for matching on pods?
* What is the best strategy for naming deployments?
* What is the best strategy for naming configmaps?
* What is the best strategy for naming volumes?
Generally speaking, which resources
* stay the same when upgrading?
* should be different for different deployments?
Objective for a deployment is to continue functioning with rollover of
### Relevant objects
* .Release.Name = "per installation name"
. .Chart.Name = "name of the application (chart)"
* .Chart.Version = "version of the application (chart)"
### .Release (.Name) assumptions
Per release (name) we will include a specific service that should be
kept running and keep the same name even when the charts change
### General identifier
#### v2
The .Release.Name includes the .Chart.name if we are using
--generate-name. However if we manually specify a release name
(like "rrrrrrrr") the .Chart.Name is not included.
As the admin of the cluster decides on the naming, it seems to make
sense to use .Release.Name alone as an identifier, as it can be
directly influenced by the admin.
#### v1
Using something like **{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Release.Name }} as an
identifier or prefix for most "static" objects seems to make sense:
- .Chart.Name introduces the admin to where that objects belongs to
- .Release.Name makes it unique per release
In theory .Chart.Name could be omitted, but including it should make
maintaining the apps more easy.
### Service
The service name steers the DNS name
** If externally exposed, should probably stay the same during upgrade
** Should probably not change depending on the release
*** Or should it? Depends on the intent.
The service selector
* should probably target the .Release.Name and also something like
`use-as-service: true` to exclude other pods that might be around.
### Deployment
* Should probably be **named** depending on .Release.Name to allow
* Should probably **match** on .Release.Name to select/create correct pods
If there are multiple deployments within one release, probably suffix
them (for name and matching).
### Volumes
* Should probably be **named** depending on .Release.Name to allow
multiple: {{ .Release.name }}-volumename
* Will usually contain release specific data or persistent data we
want to keep
* ... unless the release is removed, then data / volumes / PV / PVC can be
deleted, too