Merge pull request #890 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-element-call-element-call
Translations update from Weblate
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 196 additions and 59 deletions
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@
"{{roomName}} - Walkie-talkie call": "{{roomName}} - Vysílačkový hovor",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Zapnout jedno-klávesové zkratky, např. 'm' pro vypnutí/zapnutí mikrofonu.",
"{{names}}, {{name}}": "{{names}}, {{name}}",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Toto bude odesílat anonymizovaná data (jako délku a počet účastníků hovoru) týmu Element Call, aby nám pomohly zlepšovat aplikaci podle toho, jak je používaná.",
"Talking…": "Mluvení…",
"Talk over speaker": "Mluvit přes mluvčího",
"Spotlight": "Soustředěný mód",
@ -131,8 +130,6 @@
"By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "Kliknutím na \"Připojit se do hovoru\", odsouhlasíte naše <2>Terms and conditions</2>",
"By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "Kliknutím na \"Pokračovat\", odsouhlasíte naše <2>Terms and conditions</2>",
"Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Jiný uživatel v tomto hovoru má problémy. Abychom mohli diagnostikovat problém, rádi bychom shromáždili protokoly ladění.",
"Allow analytics": "Povolit analytiku",
"Advanced": "Pokročilé",
"<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?</0><1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls</1>": "<0>Proč neskončit nastavením hesla, abyste mohli účet použít znovu?</0><1>Budete si moci nechat své jméno a nastavit si avatar pro budoucí hovory </1>",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Připojit se</0><1>Or</1><2>Zkopírovat odkaz a připojit se později</2>",
"<0>Already have an account?</0><1><0>Log in</0> Or <2>Access as a guest</2></1>": "<0>Už máte účet?</0><1><0>Přihlásit se</0> Or <2>Jako host</2></1>",
@ -129,15 +129,17 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Sende Debug-Protokolle …",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Anruf beitreten</0><1>Oder</1><2>Anruflink kopieren und später beitreten</2>",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (verbindet sich …)",
"Allow analytics": "Analysedaten senden",
"Advanced": "Erweitert",
"Copy": "Kopieren",
"Element Call Home": "Element Call-Startseite",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Dies wird anonymisierte Daten (wie z. B. die Dauer eines Anrufs und die Zahl der Teilnehmenden) dem Element Call-Team senden, um uns bei der Optimierung der Anwendung basierend auf dem Nutzungsverhalten zu helfen.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Ob Tastenkürzel mit nur einer Taste aktiviert sein sollen, z. B. „m“ um das Mikrofon stumm/aktiv zu schalten.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Ein-Tasten-Tastenkürzel",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Warte auf Video …)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Diese Funktion wird nur in Firefox unterstützt.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Übermittelte Problemberichte helfen uns, Fehler zu beheben.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Hoppla, etwas ist schiefgelaufen.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Hoppla, etwas ist schiefgelaufen.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Nutze das kommende Rastersystem",
"Privacy Policy": "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Zeige die Entwicklereinstellungen im Einstellungsfenster.",
"Developer Settings": "Entwicklereinstellungen",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Mit dem Anwählen dieses Feldes akzeptierst du die Sammlung anonymer Daten, die wir zur Verbesserung deiner Erfahrung verwenden. Weitere Informationen dazu, welche Daten wir sammeln, findest du in unserer "
@ -129,15 +129,15 @@
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}}, tu llamada ha finalizado",
"{{count}} people connected|other": "{{count}} personas conectadas",
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} persona conectada",
"Allow analytics": "Permitir analíticas",
"Advanced": "Avanzado",
"Element Call Home": "Inicio de Element Call",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Esto enviará datos anónimos (como la duración de la llamada y el número de participantes) al equipo de Element Call para ayudarnos a optimizar la aplicación dependiendo de cómo se use.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Habilita los atajos de teclado de una sola tecla, por ejemplo 'm' para silenciar/desilenciar el micrófono.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado de una sola tecla",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Esperando al video...)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Esta característica solo está disponible en Firefox.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Subir los registros de depuración nos ayudará a encontrar el problema.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ups, algo ha salido mal.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ups, algo ha salido mal.</0>",
"Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Muestra los ajustes de desarrollador en la ventana de ajustes.",
"Developer Settings": "Ajustes de desarrollador"
@ -129,15 +129,17 @@
"WebRTC is not supported or is being blocked in this browser.": "WebRTC pole kas selles brauseris toetatud või on keelatud.",
"This will make a speaker's audio seem as if it is coming from where their tile is positioned on screen. (Experimental feature: this may impact the stability of audio.)": "Muudab kõneleja heli nii, nagu tuleks see sealt, kus on tema pilt ekraanil. (See on katseline funktsionaalsus ja võib mõjutada heli stabiilsust.)",
"This site is protected by ReCAPTCHA and the Google <2>Privacy Policy</2> and <6>Terms of Service</6> apply.<9></9>By clicking \"Register\", you agree to our <12>Terms and conditions</12>": "Siin saidis on kasutusel ReCAPTCHA ning kehtivad Google <2>privaatsuspoliitika</2> ja <6>teenusetingimused</6>.<9></9>Klikkides „Registreeru“, nõustud meie <12>kasutustingimustega</12>",
"Allow analytics": "Luba analüütika",
"Advanced": "Lisaseadistused",
"Element Call Home": "Element Call Home",
"Copy": "Kopeeri",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Me saadame kõne anonüümsed andmed (nagu kõne kestus ja osalejate arv) meie arendustiimile ja see võimaldab levinud kasutusmustrite alusel arendust optimeerida.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Kas kasutame üheklahvilisi kiirklahve, näiteks „m“ mikrofoni sisse/välja lülitamiseks.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Üheklahvilised kiirklahvid",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Ootame videovoo algust...)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "See funktsionaalsus on toetatud vaid Firefoxis.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Kui saadad meile vealogid, siis on lihtsam vea põhjust otsida.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ohoo, midagi on nüüd katki.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ohoo, midagi on nüüd katki.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Kasuta tulevast ruudustiku-põhist paigutust",
"Privacy Policy": "Privaatsuspoliitika",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Näita seadistuste aknas arendajale vajalikke seadeid.",
"Developer Settings": "Arendaja seadistused",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Selle valiku märkimisel lubad meil koguda anonüümseid andmeid, mida me pruugime sinu kasutajakogemuse parandamiseks. Üksikasjalikumat teavet meie kogutavate andmete kohta leiad siit - "
@ -128,12 +128,9 @@
"Stop sharing screen": "توقف اشتراکگذاری صفحه نمایش",
"Spatial audio": "صدای جهتدار",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "این که میانبرهای صفحهکلید تککلیده مثل m برای خموشی و ناخموشی میکروفون به کار بیفتند یا نه.",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "دادههای ناشناس شده (از اطَلاعاتی مثل طول تماس و شمارهٔ طرفها) را به گروه تماس المنت فرستاده تا در بهینهسازی برنامه بر پایهٔ چگونگی استفادهاش یاریمان کنند.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "میانبرهای صفحهکلید تککلیده",
"Element Call Home": "خانهٔ تماس المنت",
"Copy": "رونوشت",
"Allow analytics": "نمایش تجزیهها",
"Advanced": "پیش رفته",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>اکنون به تماس پیوسته</0><1>یا</1><2>پیوند تماس را رونوشت کرده و بعداً بپیوندید</2>",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (منتظر تصویر…)",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (وصل شدن…)"
@ -129,15 +129,17 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Envoi des journaux de débogage…",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Rejoindre l’appel maintenant</0><1>Ou</1><2>Copier le lien de l’appel et rejoindre plus tard</2>",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (Connexion…)",
"Allow analytics": "Autoriser les statistiques",
"Advanced": "Avancé",
"Element Call Home": "Accueil Element Call",
"Copy": "Copier",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Cela enverra des données anonymisées (telles que la durée d’un appel et le nombre de participants) à l’équipe de Element Call pour aider à optimiser l’application en fonction de l’utilisation.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Bascule sur les raccourcis clavier à touche unique, par exemple « m » pour désactiver / activer le micro.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier en une touche",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (En attente de vidéo…)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Cette fonctionnalité est prise en charge dans Firefox uniquement.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Soumettre les journaux de débogage nous aidera à déterminer le problème.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Oups, quelque chose s’est mal passé.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Oups, quelque chose s’est mal passé.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Utiliser le futur système de grille",
"Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Affiche les paramètres développeurs dans la fenêtre des paramètres.",
"Developer Settings": "Paramètres développeurs",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "En cochant cette case vous consentez à la collecte de données anonymes, que nous nous utilisons pour améliorer votre expérience. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les données collectées dans notre "
@ -129,15 +129,17 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Mengirimkan catatan pengawakutuan…",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Bergabung panggilan sekarang</0><1>Atau</1><2>Salin tautan dan bergabung nanti</2>",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (Menghubungkan...)",
"Allow analytics": "Perbolehkan analitik",
"Advanced": "Tingkat lanjut",
"Element Call Home": "Beranda Element Call",
"Copy": "Salin",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Ini akan mengirimkan data anonim (seperti durasi dan jumlah peserta panggilan) ke tim Element Call untuk membantu kami mengoptimalkan aplikasi berdasarkan bagaimana penggunaannya.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Apakah pintasan papan ketik seharusnya diaktifkan, mis. 'm' untuk membisukan/menyuarakan mikrofon.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Pintasan papan ketik satu tombol",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Menunggu video...)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Fitur ini hanya didukung di Firefox.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Mengirim catatan pengawakutuan akan membantu kami melacak masalahnya.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Aduh, ada yang salah.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Aduh, ada yang salah.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Gunakan sistem kisi yang akan segera datang",
"Privacy Policy": "Kebijakan Privasi kami",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Ekspos pengaturan pengembang dalam jendela pengaturan.",
"Developer Settings": "Pengaturan Pengembang",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Dengan mencentang kotak ini Anda setuju untuk pengumpulan data anonim, yang kami gunakan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih banyak informasi tentang data yang kami lacak di "
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
"Accept camera/microphone permissions to join the call.": "通話に参加するには、カメラ・マイクの許可が必要です。",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>何かがうまく行きませんでした。</0>",
"Camera/microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "通話に参加する場合、カメラ・マイクの許可が必要です。",
"Allow analytics": "アナリティクスを許可",
"Camera": "カメラ",
"Call link copied": "通話リンクをコピーしました",
"By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "「今すぐ通話に参加」をクリックすると、<2>利用規約</2>に同意したとみなされます",
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
"Avatar": "アバター",
"Accept microphone permissions to join the call.": "通話に参加するには、マイクの許可が必要です。",
"Audio": "音声",
"Advanced": "高度",
"Connection lost": "接続が切断されました",
"Confirm password": "パスワードを確認",
"Close": "閉じる",
@ -101,7 +99,16 @@
"Your recent calls": "最近の通話",
"You can't talk at the same time": "同時に会話することはできません",
"WebRTC is not supported or is being blocked in this browser.": "お使いのブラウザでWebRTCがサポートされていないか、またはブロックされています。",
"Login to your account": "お持ちのアカウントでログイン",
"Login to your account": "アカウントにログイン",
"Freedom": "自由",
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}}、通話が終了しました"
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}}、通話が終了しました",
"Talking…": "話しています…",
"Remove": "削除",
"No": "いいえ",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "この機能はFirefoxでのみサポートされています。",
"This call already exists, would you like to join?": "この通話は既に存在します。参加しますか?",
"Take me Home": "ホームに戻る",
"Press and hold to talk": "押し続けて会話",
"{{name}} is presenting": "{{name}}が画面を共有しています",
"{{names}}, {{name}}": "{{names}}、{{name}}"
@ -129,8 +129,6 @@
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Ta funkcjonalność jest dostępna tylko w Firefox.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Skróty klawiszowe (pojedyncze klawisze)",
"Copy": "Kopiuj",
"Allow analytics": "Zezwól na analitykę",
"Advanced": "Zaawansowane",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Wysłanie logów debuggowania pomoże nam ustalić przyczynę problemu.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ojej, coś poszło nie tak.</0>",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Dołącz do rozmowy teraz</0><1>Or</1><2>Skopiuj link do rozmowy i dołącz później</2>",
@ -127,11 +127,8 @@
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}}, ваш звонок завершён",
"{{count}} people connected|other": "{{count}} подключилось",
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} подключился",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Это даст разрешение на отправку анонимизированных данных (таких, как продолжительность звонка и количество участников) команде Element Call, чтобы помочь нам оптимизировать работу приложения на основании того как оно используется.",
"Element Call Home": "Главная Element Call",
"Copy": "Копировать",
"Allow analytics": "Разрешить аналитику",
"Advanced": "Расширенные",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Присоединиться сейчас</0><1>или<1><2>cкопировать ссылку на звонок и присоединиться позже</2>",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (Соединение...)",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Включить горячие клавиши, например 'm' чтобы отключить/включить микрофон.",
@ -139,5 +136,6 @@
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Горячие клавиши",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Отправка журналов поможет нам найти и устранить проблему.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Упс, что-то пошло не так.</0>",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Ожидание видео...)"
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Ожидание видео...)",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Использовать сеточный показ"
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Či chcete povoliť jednotlačidlové klávesové skratky, napr. \"m\" na stlmenie/zapnutie mikrofónu.",
"Waiting for other participants…": "Čaká sa na ďalších účastníkov…",
"Waiting for network": "Čakanie na sieť",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Týmto spôsobom sa budú posielať anonymizované údaje (napríklad trvanie hovoru a počet účastníkov) tímu Element Call, aby nám pomohli optimalizovať aplikáciu na základe toho, ako sa používa.",
"This will make a speaker's audio seem as if it is coming from where their tile is positioned on screen. (Experimental feature: this may impact the stability of audio.)": "Zvuk reproduktora tak bude vyzerať, akoby vychádzal z miesta, kde je na obrazovke umiestnená jeho ikona. (Experimentálna funkcia: môže to mať vplyv na stabilitu zvuku.)",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Vďaka! Hneď sa do toho pustíme.",
"Talking…": "Rozprávanie…",
@ -120,8 +119,6 @@
"Avatar": "Obrázok",
"Audio": "Audio",
"Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Ďalší používateľ v tomto hovore má problém. Aby sme mohli lepšie diagnostikovať tieto problémy, chceli by sme získať záznam o ladení.",
"Allow analytics": "Povoliť analytiku",
"Advanced": "Pokročilé",
"Accept camera/microphone permissions to join the call.": "Prijmite povolenia kamery/mikrofónu, aby ste sa mohli pripojiť k hovoru.",
"Accept microphone permissions to join the call.": "Prijmite povolenia mikrofónu, aby ste sa mohli pripojiť k hovoru.",
"<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?</0><1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls</1>": "<0>Prečo neskončiť nastavením hesla, aby ste si zachovali svoj účet? </0><1>Budete si môcť ponechať svoje meno a nastaviť obrázok, ktorý sa bude používať pri budúcich hovoroch</1>",
@ -139,5 +136,10 @@
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} osoba pripojená",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Táto funkcia je podporovaná len v prehliadači Firefox.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Odoslanie záznamov ladenia nám pomôže nájsť problém.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Hups, niečo sa pokazilo.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Hups, niečo sa pokazilo.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Použiť pripravovaný systém mriežky",
"Privacy Policy": "Zásady ochrany osobných údajov",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Zobraziť nastavenia pre vývojárov v okne nastavení.",
"Developer Settings": "Nastavenia pre vývojárov",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Označením tohto políčka súhlasíte so zhromažďovaním anonymných údajov, ktoré používame na zlepšenie vašich skúseností. Viac informácií o tom, ktoré údaje sledujeme, nájdete v našich "
@ -129,15 +129,17 @@
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} під'єднується",
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>Приєднатися до виклику зараз</0><1>Or</1><2>Скопіювати посилання на виклик і приєднатися пізніше</2>",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (З'єднання...)",
"Allow analytics": "Дозволити аналітику",
"Advanced": "Розширені",
"Element Call Home": "Домівка Element Call",
"Copy": "Копіювати",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "Це дозволить надсилати анонімні дані (такі як тривалість виклику та кількість учасників) команді Element Call, щоб допомогти нам оптимізувати роботу застосунку на основі того, як він використовується.",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "Чи вмикати/вимикати мікрофон однією клавішею, наприклад, «m» для ввімкнення/вимкнення мікрофона.",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "Одноклавішні комбінації клавіш",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (Очікування на відео...)",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Ця функція підтримується лише в браузері Firefox.",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Надсилання журналів зневадження допоможе нам виявити проблему.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Йой, щось пішло не за планом.</0>"
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Йой, щось пішло не за планом.</0>",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Використовувати майбутню сіткову систему",
"Privacy Policy": "Політика приватності",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Відкрийте налаштування розробника у вікні налаштувань.",
"Developer Settings": "Налаштування розробника",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Ставлячи прапорець у цьому полі, ви погоджуєтеся на збір анонімних даних, які ми використовуємо для поліпшення роботи. Ви можете знайти більше інформації про те, які дані ми відстежуємо в нашому "
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"Unmute microphone": "取消麦克风静音",
"Turn on camera": "开启摄像头",
"Turn off camera": "关闭摄像头",
"This will send anonymised data (such as the duration of a call and the number of participants) to the Element Call team to help us optimise the application based on how it is used.": "这将向Element Call团队发送匿名数据(如通话的持续时间和参与者的数量),以帮助我们根据使用方式优化应用程序。",
"This will make a speaker's audio seem as if it is coming from where their tile is positioned on screen. (Experimental feature: this may impact the stability of audio.)": "这将使发言人的音频看起来像是来自他们在屏幕上的位置。(实验性功能:这可能影响音频的稳定性)",
"This site is protected by ReCAPTCHA and the Google <2>Privacy Policy</2> and <6>Terms of Service</6> apply.<9></9>By clicking \"Register\", you agree to our <12>Terms and conditions</12>": "本网站受reCaptcha保护,并适用Google<2>隐私政策</2>和<6>服务条款</6>。<9></9>点击\"注册\"则表明您同意我们的<12>条款和条件</12>",
"This call already exists, would you like to join?": "该通话已存在,你想加入吗?",
@ -38,8 +37,6 @@
"Sign in": "登录",
"Audio": "音频",
"Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "这个通话中的另一个用户出现了问题。为了更好地诊断这些问题,我们想收集调试日志。",
"Allow analytics": "允许进行分析",
"Advanced": "偏好",
"Accept microphone permissions to join the call.": "授予麦克风权限以加入通话。",
"Accept camera/microphone permissions to join the call.": "授予摄像头/麦克风权限以加入通话。",
"<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?</0><1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls</1>": "<0>为什么不设置一个密码来保留你的账户?</0><1>你将可以保留你的名字并设置一个头像,以便在未来的通话中使用。</1>",
@ -1,14 +1,145 @@
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>加入通話</0><1>或</1><2>複製通話連結並稍候加入</2>",
"<0>Create an account</0> Or <2>Access as a guest</2>": "<0>建立帳號</0> 或 <2>訪客模式</2>",
"<0>Already have an account?</0><1><0>Log in</0> Or <2>Access as a guest</2></1>": "<0>已經有帳號了?</0><1><0>登入</0> Or <2>訪客模式登入</2></1>",
"{{roomName}} - Walkie-talkie call": "{{roomName}} - 無線電通話",
"{{names}}, {{name}}": "{{names}},{{name}}",
"{{name}} is talking…": "{{name}} 正在交談中…",
"{{name}} is presenting": "{{name}} 正在報告",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (等待視訊畫面 ...)",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (連線中 ...)",
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}},您的通話現在已結束",
"{{count}} people connected|other": "{{count}} 人已連線",
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} 人已連線"
"<0>Join call now</0><1>Or</1><2>Copy call link and join later</2>": "<0>現在加入通話</0><1>或</1><2>複製通話連結,稍後再加入</2>",
"<0>Create an account</0> Or <2>Access as a guest</2>": "<0>建立帳號</0> 或<2>以訪客身份登入</2>",
"<0>Already have an account?</0><1><0>Log in</0> Or <2>Access as a guest</2></1>": "<0>已經有帳號?</0><1><0>登入</0> 或<2>以訪客身份登入</2></1>",
"{{roomName}} - Walkie-talkie call": "{{roomName}} - 對講機式通話",
"{{names}}, {{name}}": "{{names}}, {{name}}",
"{{name}} is talking…": "{{name}} 正在發言…",
"{{name}} is presenting": "{{name}} 已上線",
"{{name}} (Waiting for video...)": "{{name}} (等候視訊中...)",
"{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (連結中...)",
"{{displayName}}, your call is now ended": "{{displayName}},您的通話已結束",
"{{count}} people connected|other": "{{count}} 人已連結",
"{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} 人已連結",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "使用即將推出的網格系統",
"Privacy Policy": "隱私權政策",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "在設定視窗中顯示開發者設定。",
"Developer Settings": "開發者設定",
"By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "勾選這個選取盒,代表您同意我們以匿名方式收集資料,用於改善您的使用體驗。您可以在下列位置找到我們會收集哪些資料的相關資訊: ",
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>送出除錯紀錄,可幫助我們修正問題。</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>喔喔,有些地方怪怪的。</0>",
"Your recent calls": "您最近的通話",
"You can't talk at the same time": "您無法在同一時間發言",
"Yes, join call": "是,加入對話",
"Whether to enable single-key keyboard shortcuts, e.g. 'm' to mute/unmute the mic.": "是否要啟用快捷鍵,例如:開/關麥克風。",
"WebRTC is not supported or is being blocked in this browser.": "此瀏覽器未支援 WebRTC 或 WebRTC 被瀏覽器封鎖。",
"Walkie-talkie call name": "對講機式通話名稱",
"Walkie-talkie call": "即時通話",
"Waiting for other participants…": "等待其他參加者…",
"Waiting for network": "等待網路連線",
"Video call name": "視訊通話姓名",
"Video call": "視訊通話",
"Video": "視訊",
"Version: {{version}}": "版本: {{version}}",
"Username": "使用者名稱",
"User menu": "使用者選單",
"User ID": "使用者 ID",
"Unmute microphone": "取消麥克風靜音",
"Turn on camera": "開啟相機",
"Turn off camera": "關閉相機",
"This will make a speaker's audio seem as if it is coming from where their tile is positioned on screen. (Experimental feature: this may impact the stability of audio.)": "這會使得發言者的聲音聽起來,像從他們在畫面中的位置傳來(實驗性功能:這可能會影響語音的穩定性。)",
"This site is protected by ReCAPTCHA and the Google <2>Privacy Policy</2> and <6>Terms of Service</6> apply.<9></9>By clicking \"Register\", you agree to our <12>Terms and conditions</12>": "此網站使用Google 驗證碼技術保護,適用<2>隱私條款</2> 與<6>條款與細則</6> 。<9></9>按下「註冊」,表示您同意我們的<12>條款與細則</12>",
"This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "只有 Firefox 支援此功能。",
"This call already exists, would you like to join?": "通話已經開始,請問您要加入嗎?",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "謝謝您!我們會盡快處理。",
"Talking…": "對話中…",
"Talk over speaker": "以擴音對話",
"Take me Home": "帶我回主畫面",
"Submitting feedback…": "遞交回饋…",
"Submit feedback": "遞交回覆",
"Stop sharing screen": "停止分享螢幕畫面",
"Spotlight": "聚焦",
"Speaker {{n}}": "發言者{{n}}",
"Speaker": "發言者",
"Spatial audio": "空間音效",
"Single-key keyboard shortcuts": "快捷鍵",
"Sign out": "登出",
"Sign in": "登入",
"Show call inspector": "顯示通話稽查員",
"Share screen": "分享畫面",
"Settings": "設定",
"Sending…": "傳送中…",
"Sending debug logs…": "傳送除錯記錄檔中…",
"Send debug logs": "傳送除錯紀錄",
"Select an option": "選擇一個選項",
"Saving…": "儲存中…",
"Save": "儲存",
"Return to home screen": "回到首頁",
"Remove": "移除",
"Release to stop": "放開以停止",
"Release spacebar key to stop": "放開空白鍵以停止",
"Registering…": "註冊中…",
"Register": "註冊",
"Recaptcha not loaded": "驗證碼未載入",
"Recaptcha dismissed": "略過驗證碼",
"Profile": "個人檔案",
"Press and hold to talk over {{name}}": "與{{name}}對話時,請按住按鍵",
"Press and hold to talk": "請按住按鍵來發言",
"Press and hold spacebar to talk over {{name}}": "與{{name}}對話時,請按住空白鍵",
"Press and hold spacebar to talk": "說話時請按住空白鍵",
"Passwords must match": "密碼必須相符",
"Password": "密碼",
"Other users are trying to join this call from incompatible versions. These users should ensure that they have refreshed their browsers:<1>{userLis}</1>": "有使用者試著加入通話,但他們的軟體版本不相容。這些使用者需要確認已將瀏覽器更新到最新版本:<1>{userLis}</1>",
"Not registered yet? <2>Create an account</2>": "還沒註冊嗎?<2>建立帳號</2>",
"Not now, return to home screen": "現在不行,回到首頁",
"No": "否",
"Mute microphone": "麥克風靜音",
"More menu": "更多選單",
"More": "更多",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "加入通話前需要取得麥克風的權限。",
"Microphone {{n}}": "麥克風 {{n}}",
"Microphone": "麥克風",
"Login to your account": "登入您的帳號",
"Login": "登入",
"Logging in…": "登入中…",
"Local volume": "您的音量",
"Loading…": "載入中…",
"Loading room…": "載入聊天室…",
"Leave": "離開",
"Join existing call?": "加入已開始的通話嗎?",
"Join call now": "現在加入通話",
"Join call": "加入通話",
"Invite people": "邀請夥伴",
"Invite": "邀請",
"Inspector": "稽查員",
"Incompatible versions!": "不相容版本!",
"Incompatible versions": "不相容版本",
"Include debug logs": "包含除錯紀錄",
"Home": "首頁",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "遇到問題嗎?請讓我們協助您。",
"Grid layout menu": "格框式清單",
"Go": "前往",
"Full screen": "全螢幕",
"Freedom": "自由",
"Fetching group call timed out.": "加入群組對話已逾時。",
"Exit full screen": "退出全螢幕",
"Element Call Home": "Element Call 首頁",
"Download debug logs": "下載偵錯報告",
"Display name": "顯示名稱",
"Developer": "開發者",
"Details": "詳細說明",
"Description (optional)": "描述(選擇性)",
"Debug log request": "請求偵錯報告",
"Debug log": "除錯紀錄",
"Create account": "建立帳號",
"Copy and share this call link": "複製並分享通話連結",
"Copy": "複製",
"Copied!": "已複製!",
"Connection lost": "連線中斷",
"Confirm password": "確認密碼",
"Close": "關閉",
"Change layout": "變更排列",
"Camera/microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "加入通話需要取得相機/麥克風的權限。",
"Camera {{n}}": "相機 {{n}}",
"Camera": "相機",
"Call type menu": "通話類型選單",
"Call link copied": "已複製通話連結",
"By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "當您按下「加入通話」,您也同時同意了我們的條款與細則",
"By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "當您按下「前往」,你也同意了我們的條款與細則",
"Avatar": "大頭照",
"Audio": "語音",
"Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "這通對話中的另一位使用者遇到了某些問題。為了診斷問題,我們將會建立除錯紀錄。",
"Accept microphone permissions to join the call.": "請授權使用您的麥克風以加入通話。",
"Accept camera/microphone permissions to join the call.": "請授權使用您的相機/麥克風以加入對話。",
"<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?</0><1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls</1>": "<0>何不設定密碼以保留此帳號?</0><1>您可以保留暱稱並設定頭像,以便未來通話時使用</1>"
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