Rewrite the netpfga p4 program

This commit is contained in:
Nico Schottelius 2019-07-23 12:21:49 +02:00
parent fb37c96a3b
commit 6e162ca63b
3 changed files with 283 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -6099,7 +6099,156 @@ nico@nsg-System:~/master-thesis/netpfga/minip4/simple_sume_switch/test/sim_switc
*** DONE 2019-07-23: check: switch_calc compiles *** DONE 2019-07-23: check: switch_calc compiles
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 08:59] CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 08:59]
*** TODO Reset project to plain send-to-port1 code, no includes
*** TODO 2019-07-23: merge/migrate code into switch calc until it breaks *** TODO 2019-07-23: merge/migrate code into switch calc until it breaks
*** TODO 2019-07-23: install xilinx & co. to -> 2nd compiler [MANUAL]
**** DONE Install SDNET via xsetup
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:03]
**** DONE Not enough space for installing vivado (40g+ required)
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:16]
root@ESPRIMO-P956:~# mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/
root@ESPRIMO-P956:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 7.0G 0 7.0G 0% /dev
tmpfs 1.4G 146M 1.3G 11% /run
/dev/sda5 100G 62G 34G 65% /
tmpfs 7.0G 192K 7.0G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 7.0G 0 7.0G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda2 96M 29M 68M 30% /boot/efi
tmpfs 1.4G 36K 1.4G 1% /run/user/108
tmpfs 1.4G 0 1.4G 0% /run/user/1000
tmpfs 1.4G 0 1.4G 0% /run/user/1001
/dev/sdb3 666G 122G 510G 20% /mnt
Need to move install files to different partition
**** DONE Install Vivado via xsetup
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:53]
**** DONE Install netpfga-live repo: mkdir + git clone
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:20]
- to ~/project/P4-NetFPGA
nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ mkdir ~/projects
nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ cd ~/projects/
nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~/projects$ git clone
Cloning into 'P4-NetFPGA-live'...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
remote: Enumerating objects: 1822, done.
remote: Total 1822 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1822
Receiving objects: 100% (1822/1822), 6.00 MiB | 3.20 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (970/970), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
**** DONE Change ~/projects/P4-NetFPGA/tools/ for minip4
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:59]
#export P4_PROJECT_NAME=switch_calc
export P4_PROJECT_NAME=minip4
export NF_PROJECT_NAME=simple_sume_switch
export SUME_FOLDER=${HOME}/projects/P4-NetFPGA
export SUME_SDNET=${SUME_FOLDER}/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch
export PROJECTS=${SUME_FOLDER}/projects
export DEV_PROJECTS=${SUME_FOLDER}/contrib-projects
export IP_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/hw/std/cores
export CONTRIB_IP_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/hw/contrib/cores
export CONSTRAINTS=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/hw/std/constraints
export XILINX_IP_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/hw/xilinx/cores
export NF_WORK_DIR=/tmp/${USER}
export PYTHONPATH=.:${SUME_SDNET}/bin:${SUME_FOLDER}/tools/scripts/:${NF_DESIGN_DIR}/lib/Python:${SUME_FOLDER}/tools/scripts/NFTest
export DRIVER_NAME=sume_riffa_v1_0_0
export DRIVER_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/sw/std/driver/${DRIVER_NAME}
export APPS_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/sw/std/apps/${DRIVER_NAME}
export HWTESTLIB_FOLDER=${SUME_FOLDER}/lib/sw/std/hwtestlib
**** DONE Allow password less sudo
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:17]
⚡ root  root cat /etc/sudoers.d/nico
**** DONE Install git
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:07]
**** Install python-scapy
**** DONE Install master thesis repo: git clone
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 11:20]
**** DONE Setup path sourcing in ~/.bashrc
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 12:05]
nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~$ tail -n 2 .bashrc
. ~/master-thesis/netpfga/bashinit
**** DONE Setup bind mount / links / paths for compiling minip4
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 12:05]
nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~/projects/P4-NetFPGA-live/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/projects$ ln -s ~/master-thesis/netpfga/minip4/nico@ESPRIMO-P956:~/projects/P4-NetFPGA-live/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/projects$
**** DONE Compile sume library
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 12:07]
cd $SUME_FOLDER/lib/hw/xilinx/cores/tcam_v1_1_0/ && make update && make
cd $SUME_FOLDER/lib/hw/xilinx/cores/cam_v1_1_0/ && make update && make
cd $SUME_SDNET/sw/sume && make
cd $SUME_FOLDER && make
**** TODO Install build deps
sudo apt-get -y install python-matplotlib
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip
sudo pip install ascii_graph
sudo apt-get install -y libc6-dev-i386
sudo apt install -y libc6-dev
*** 2019-07-23: compiling on ISG computer
**** DONE try1: "souce" files: / missing sumereg
CLOSED: [2019-07-23 Tue 12:14]
cc -c -fPIC /home/nico/projects/P4-NetFPGA/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/projects/minip4/sw/API/CAM.c -I/home/nico/projects/P4-NetFPGA/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/projects/minip4/sw/API
cc -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -fPIC -c libcam.c -I/home/nico/projects/P4-NetFPGA/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/sw/sume -I/home/nico/projects/P4-NetFPGA/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/projects/minip4/sw/API
cc -L/home/nico/projects/P4-NetFPGA/contrib-projects/sume-sdnet-switch/sw/sume -shared -o libcam.o CAM.o -lsumereg
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsumereg
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:52: recipe for target 'libcam' failed
make[1]: *** [libcam] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/nico/master-thesis/netpfga/minip4/sw/CLI'
ERROR: could not compile libcam souce files
**** TODO try2: includes missing
/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/lib/lnx64.o/../../tps/lnx64/gcc-6.2.0/bin/gcc -fPIC -c -Wa,-W -fPIC -m64 -B/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/lib/lnx64.o/../../tps/lnx64/gcc-6.2.0/bin/../../binutils-2.26/bin/ -I"/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/data/xsim/include" -I"/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/data/xsim/systemc" "./Testbench/CAM.c" -O1 -o "/home/nico/master-thesis/netpfga/minip4/nf_sume_sdnet_ip/SimpleSumeSwitch/xsim.dir/work/xsc/CAM.lnx64.o" -DXILINX_SIMULATOR
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:27:0,
from ./Testbench/CAM.c:30:
/usr/include/features.h:367:25: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory
# include <sys/cdefs.h>
compilation terminated.
ERROR: [XSIM 43-3409] Failed to compile generated C file ./Testbench/CAM.c.
ERROR: [XSIM 43-3915] Encountered a fatal error. Cannot continue. Exiting...
nico@nsg-System:~/master-thesis/netpfga/log$ dpkg -S /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h
libc6-dev-i386: /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h
*** the config writes madness *** the config writes madness
- step9 (sume simulation, the longest step) in the process calls - step9 (sume simulation, the longest step) in the process calls
"" ""
@ -6119,7 +6268,6 @@ nico@nsg-System:~/master-thesis/netpfga/minip4/simple_sume_switch/test/sim_switc
responsible for writing the content, which in turn uses responsible for writing the content, which in turn uses
axi4_lite_master_write_request_control axi4_lite_master_write_request_control
**** More notes for the config writes madness **** More notes for the config writes madness
xsc and xelab are described in xsc and xelab are described in

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ echo "First source all variables and THEN run this script"
read something read something
LOG=~/master-thesis/netpfga/log/compile-$(date +%F-%H%M%S) LOG=~/master-thesis/netpfga/log/compile-$(date +%F-%H%M%S)
exec | tee "$LOG" exec > "$LOG"
exec 2>&1 exec 2>&1
# Step 1..3: create code # Step 1..3: create code

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

p4src/minip4_solution.p4 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#include <core.p4>
#include <sume_switch.p4>
#include "headers.p4"
* Header
typedef bit<48> EthAddr_t;
header Ethernet_h {
EthAddr_t dstAddr;
EthAddr_t srcAddr;
bit<16> etherType;
struct Parsed_packet {
Ethernet_h ethernet;
// user defined metadata: can be used to share information between
// TopParser, TopPipe, and TopDeparser
struct user_metadata_t {
bit<8> unused;
// digest_data, MUST be 256 bits -- what is this used for?
struct digest_data_t {
bit<256> unused;
* Parser
parser TopParser(packet_in b,
out Parsed_packet p,
out user_metadata_t user_metadata,
out digest_data_t digest_data,
inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) {
state start {
user_metadata.unused = 0;
digest_data.unused = 0;
transition accept;
* Main
control TopPipe(inout Parsed_packet p,
inout user_metadata_t user_metadata,
inout digest_data_t digest_data,
inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) {
action swap_eth_addresses() {
EthAddr_t temp = p.ethernet.dstAddr;
p.ethernet.dstAddr = p.ethernet.srcAddr;
p.ethernet.srcAddr = temp;
/* set egress port */
sume_metadata.dst_port = sume_metadata.src_port;
action send_to_port1() {
sume_metadata.dst_port = 1;
action send_to_all_ports() {
/* Taken from commands.txt of the "int" project:
table_cam_add_entry forward set_output_port 0xffffffffffff => 0b01010101
python convert:
>>> 0b01010101
sume_metadata.dst_port = 85;
action do_nothing() {
EthAddr_t temp = p.ethernet.dstAddr;
table lookup_table {
key = {
p.ethernet.dstAddr: exact;
actions = {
size = 64;
// default_action = swap_eth_addresses; // test_mirror(): in
default_action = send_to_port1; // test_port1()
// default_action = send_to_all_ports; // test_allports():
apply {
* Deparser
control TopDeparser(packet_out b,
in Parsed_packet p,
in user_metadata_t user_metadata,
inout digest_data_t digest_data,
inout sume_metadata_t sume_metadata) {
apply {
* Switch
) main;