2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
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< / head >
< body >
< div id = "header" >
< h1 > ccollect - Installing, Configuring and Using< / h1 >
< span id = "author" > Nico Schottelius< / span > < br / >
< span id = "email" > < tt > < < a href = "mailto:nico-ccollect__@__schottelius.org" > nico-ccollect__@__schottelius.org< / a > > < / tt > < / span > < br / >
< span id = "revision" > version 0.7.1,< / span >
for ccollect 0.7.1, Initial Version from 2006-01-13
< / div >
< div id = "preamble" >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > (pseudo) incremental backup
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
with different exclude lists
using hardlinks and < tt > rsync< / tt > < / p > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_introduction" > 1. Introduction< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > ccollect< / tt > is a backup utility written in the sh-scripting language.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
It does not depend on a specific shell, only < tt > /bin/sh< / tt > needs to be
bourne shell compatible (like < em > dash< / em > , < em > ksh< / em > , < em > zsh< / em > , < em > bash< / em > , … ).< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_supported_and_tested_operating_systems_and_architectures" > 1.1. Supported and tested operating systems and architectures< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > ccollect< / tt > was successfully tested on the following platforms:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
GNU/Linux on amd64/hppa/i386/ppc
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
FreeBSD on amd64/i386
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
Mac OS X 10.5
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
NetBSD on alpha/amd64/i386/sparc/sparc64
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
OpenBSD on amd64
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > It < strong > should< / strong > run on any Unix that supports < tt > rsync< / tt > and has a POSIX-compatible
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
bourne shell. If your platform is not listed above and you have it successfully
running, please drop me a mail.< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_why_you_could_only_backup_from_remote_hosts_not_to_them" > 1.2. Why you COULD only backup from remote hosts, not to them< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > While considering the design of ccollect, I thought about enabling
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
backup to < strong > remote< / strong > hosts. Though this sounds like a nice feature
(< em > Backup my notebook to the server now.< / em > ), in my opinion it is a
bad idea to backup to a remote host.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > But as more and more people requested this feature, it was implemented,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
so you have the choice whether you want to use it or not.< / p > < / div >
< h4 id = "_reason" > 1.2.1. Reason< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you want to backup < strong > TO< / strong > a remote host, you have to loosen security on it.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Imagine the following situation: You backup your farm of webservers < strong > TO< / strong >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
a backup host somewhere else.
Now one of your webservers which has access to your backup host gets
compromised.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Your backup server will be compromised, too.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > And the attacker will have access to all data on the other webservers.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h4 id = "_doing_it_securely" > 1.2.2. Doing it securely< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Think of it the other way round: The backup server (now behind a
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
firewall, not accessable from outside) connects to the
webservers and pulls the data < strong > from< / strong > them. If someone gets access to one
of the webservers, this person will perhaps not even see your machine. If
the attacker sees connections from a host to the compromised
machine, she will not be able to log in on the backup machine.
All other backups are still secure.< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_incompatibilities" > 1.3. Incompatibilities< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
< h4 id = "_versions_0_6_and_0_7" > 1.3.1. Versions 0.6 and 0.7< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > The format of < tt > destination< / tt > changed:< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
Before 0.7 it was a (link to a) directory
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
As of 0.7 it is a textfile containing the destination
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > You can update your configuration using < tt > tools/config-pre-0.7-to-0.7.sh< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > Added < em > remote_host< / em > < / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
As of 0.7 it is possible to backup < strong > to< / strong > hosts (see section remote_host below).
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
< h4 id = "_versions_0_5_and_0_6" > 1.3.2. Versions 0.5 and 0.6< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > The format of < tt > rsync_options< / tt > changed:< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
Before 0.6 it was whitespace delimeted
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
As of 0.6 it is newline seperated (so you can pass whitespaces to < tt > rsync< / tt > )
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > You can update your configuration using < tt > tools/config-pre-0.6-to-0.6.sh< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > The name of the backup directories changed:< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
Before 0.6: "date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M"
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
As of 0.6: "date +%Y%m%d-%H%M" (better readable, date is closer together)
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > For the second change there is no updated needed, as XXXX- is always before
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
XXXXX (- comes before digit).< / p > < / div >
< h4 id = "_versions_0_4_and_0_5" > 1.3.3. Versions 0.4 and 0.5< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Not a real incompatibilty, but seems to fit in this section:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > 0.5 does < strong > NOT< / strong > require< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > anymore!< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h4 id = "_versions_lt_0_4_and_0_4" > 1.3.4. Versions < 0.4 and 0.4< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Since < tt > ccollect< / tt > 0.4 there are several incompatibilities with earlier
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
versions:< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > List of incompatibilities< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< tt > pax< / tt > (Posix) is now required, < tt > cp -al< / tt > (GNU specific) is removed
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
"interval" was written with two < em > l< / em > (ell), which is wrong in English
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
Changed the name of backup directories, removed the colon in the interval
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
ccollect will now exit when preexec returns non-zero
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
ccollect now reports when postexec returns non-zero
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > You can convert your old configuration directory using
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > config-pre-0.4-to-0.4.sh< / tt > , which can be found in the < strong > tools/< / strong >
subdirectory:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [10:05] hydrogenium:ccollect-0.4# ./tools/config-pre-0.4-to-0.4.sh /etc/ccollect< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_quick_start" > 2. Quick start< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > For those who do not want to read the whole long document:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< pre > < tt > # get latest ccollect tarball from http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/ccollect/
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
# replace value for CCV with the current version
export CCV=0.7.1
# replace 'wget' with 'fetch' on bsd
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
"$holen" http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/ccollect/ccollect-${CCV}.tar.bz2
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
# extract the tarball, change to the newly created directory
tar -xvjf ccollect-${CCV}.tar.bz2
cd ccollect-${CCV}
# create mini-configuration
# first create directory structure
mkdir -p miniconfig/defaults/intervals
mkdir miniconfig/sources
# create sample intervals
echo 2 > miniconfig/defaults/intervals/testinterval
echo 3 > miniconfig/defaults/intervals/testinterval2
# create destination directory, where the backups will be kept
mkdir ~/DASI
# create sample source, which will be saved
mkdir miniconfig/sources/testsource
# We will save '/bin' to the directory '~/DASI'
echo '/bin' > miniconfig/sources/testsource/source
# configure ccollect to use ~/DASI as destination
echo ~/DASI > miniconfig/sources/testsource/destination
# We want to see what happens and also a small summary at the end
touch miniconfig/sources/testsource/verbose
touch miniconfig/sources/testsource/summary
echo "do the backup, twice"
CCOLLECT_CONF=./miniconfig ./ccollect.sh testinterval testsource
CCOLLECT_CONF=./miniconfig ./ccollect.sh testinterval testsource
echo "the third time ccollect begins to remove old backups"
echo -n "Hit enter to see it"
CCOLLECT_CONF=./miniconfig ./ccollect.sh testinterval testsource
echo "Now we add another interval, ccollect should clone from existent ones"
echo -n "Hit enter to see it"
CCOLLECT_CONF=./miniconfig ./ccollect.sh testinterval2 testsource
echo "Let's see how much space we used with two backups and compare it to /bin"
du -s ~/DASI /bin
# report success
echo "Please report success using ./tools/report_success.sh"< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Cutting and pasting the complete section above to your shell will result in
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the download of ccollect, the creation of a sample configuration and the
execution of some backups.< / p > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_requirements" > 3. Requirements< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
< h3 id = "_installing_ccollect" > 3.1. Installing ccollect< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > For the installation you need at least< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
the latest ccollect package (< a href = "http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/ccollect/" > http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/ccollect/< / a > )
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
either < tt > cp< / tt > and < tt > chmod< / tt > or < tt > install< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
for more comfort: < tt > make< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
for rebuilding the generated documentation: additionally < tt > asciidoc< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
< h3 id = "_using_ccollect" > 3.2. Using ccollect< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < div class = "title" > Running ccollect requires the following tools to be installed:< / div > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< tt > date< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > rsync< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > ssh< / tt > (if you want to use rsync over ssh, which is recommened for security)
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_installing" > 4. Installing< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Either type < em > make install< / em > or simply copy it to a directory in your
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
$PATH and execute < em > chmod < strong > 0755< / strong > /path/to/ccollect.sh< / em > . If you would
like to use the new management scripts (available since 0.6), copy
the following scripts to a directory in $PATH:< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< tt > tools/ccollect_add_source.sh< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > tools/ccollect_analyse_logs.sh.sh< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > tools/ccollect_delete_source.sh< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > tools/ccollect_list_intervals.sh< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > tools/ccollect_logwrapper.sh< / tt >
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > After having installed and used ccollect, report success using
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< em > ./tools/report_success.sh< / em > .< / p > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_configuring" > 5. Configuring< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > For configuration aid have a look at the above mentioned tools, which can assist
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
you quite well. When you are successfully using < tt > ccollect< / tt > , report success using
< tt > tools/report_success.sh< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_runtime_options" > 5.1. Runtime options< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > ccollect< / tt > looks for its configuration in < em > /etc/ccollect< / em > or, if set, in
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the directory specified by the variable < em > $CCOLLECT_CONF< / em > :< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > # sh-compatible (dash, zsh, mksh, ksh, bash, ...)
$ CCOLLECT_CONF=/your/config/dir ccollect.sh ...
# csh
$ ( setenv CCOLLECT_CONF /your/config/dir ; ccollect.sh ... )< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you start < tt > ccollect< / tt > , you have to specify in which interval
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
to backup (daily, weekly, yearly; you can specify the names yourself, see below)
and which sources to backup (or -a to backup all sources).< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The interval specifies how many backups are kept.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > There are also some self-explanatory parameters you can pass to ccollect,
simply use < tt > ccollect.sh --help< / tt > for info.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_general_configuration" > 5.2. General configuration< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The general configuration can be found in $CCOLLECT_CONF/defaults or
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
/etc/ccollect/defaults. All options specified there are generally valid for
all source definitions, although the values can be overwritten in the source
configuration.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > All configuration entries are plain-text files (use UTF-8 for non-ascii characters).< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h4 id = "_interval_definition" > 5.2.1. Interval definition< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The interval definition can be found in
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< em > $CCOLLECT_CONF/defaults/intervals/< / em > or < em > /etc/ccollect/defaults/intervals< / em > .
Each file in this directory specifies an interval. The name of the file is
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
the same as the name of the interval: < tt > intervals/'< interval name> '< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The content of this file should be a single line containing a number.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
This number defines how many versions of this interval are kept.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [10:23] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% ls -l conf/defaults/intervals/
insgesamt 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 3 2005-12-08 10:24 daily
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 3 2005-12-08 11:36 monthly
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 2 2005-12-08 11:36 weekly
[10:23] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/defaults/intervals/*
4< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This means to keep 28 daily backups, 12 monthly backups and 4 weekly.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h4 id = "_general_pre_and_post_execution" > 5.2.2. General pre- and post-execution< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you add < em > $CCOLLECT_CONF/defaults/< tt > pre_exec< / tt > < / em > or
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< em > /etc/ccollect/defaults/< tt > pre_exec< / tt > < / em > (same with < tt > post_exec< / tt > ), < tt > ccollect< / tt >
will start < tt > pre_exec< / tt > before the whole backup process and
< tt > post_exec< / tt > after backup of all sources is done.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The following example describes how to report free disk space in
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
human readable format before and after the whole backup process:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [13:00] hydrogenium:~# mkdir -p /etc/ccollect/defaults/
[13:00] hydrogenium:~# echo '#!/bin/sh' > /etc/ccollect/defaults/pre_exec
[13:01] hydrogenium:~# echo '' > > /etc/ccollect/defaults/pre_exec
[13:01] hydrogenium:~# echo 'df -h' > > /etc/ccollect/defaults/pre_exec
[13:01] hydrogenium:~# chmod 0755 /etc/ccollect/defaults/pre_exec
[13:01] hydrogenium:~# ln -s /etc/ccollect/defaults/pre_exec /etc/ccollect/defaults/post_exec< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_general_delete_incomplete" > 5.2.3. General delete_incomplete< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you add < em > $CCOLLECT_CONF/defaults/< tt > delete_incomplete< / tt > < / em > , this
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
option applies for all sources. See below for a longer
explanation.< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_source_configuration" > 5.3. Source configuration< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Each source configuration exists in < em > $CCOLLECT_CONF/sources/$name< / em > or
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< em > /etc/ccollect/sources/$name< / em > .< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The name you choose for the subdirectory describes the source.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Each source contains at least the following files:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< tt > source< / tt > (a text file containing the < tt > rsync< / tt > compatible path to backup)
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > destination< / tt > (a text file containing the directory we should backup to)
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Additionally a source may have the following files:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
< tt > verbose< / tt > whether to be verbose (passes -v to < tt > rsync< / tt > )
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > very_verbose< / tt > be very verbose (< tt > mkdir -v< / tt > , < tt > rm -v< / tt > and < tt > rsync -vv< / tt > )
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > summary< / tt > create a transfer summary when < tt > rsync< / tt > finished
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > exclude< / tt > exclude list for < tt > rsync< / tt > . newline seperated list.
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > rsync_options< / tt > extra options for < tt > rsync< / tt > . newline seperated list.
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > pre_exec< / tt > program to execute before backing up < strong > this< / strong > source
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > post_exec< / tt > program to execute after backing up < strong > this< / strong > source
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > delete_incomplete< / tt > delete incomplete backups
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
< tt > remote_host< / tt > host to backup to
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [10:47] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% ls -l conf/sources/testsource2
insgesamt 12
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nico users 20 2005-11-17 16:44 destination -> /home/nico/backupdir
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 62 2005-12-07 17:43 exclude
drwxr-xr-x 2 nico users 4096 2005-12-07 17:38 intervals
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 15 2005-11-17 16:44 source
[10:47] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/exclude
etwas mit leerzeichenli
[10:47] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% ls -l conf/sources/testsource2/intervals
insgesamt 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 2 2005-12-07 17:38 daily
[10:48] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/intervals/daily
[10:48] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/source
/home/nico/vpn< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_source" > 5.3.1. Detailed description of "source"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > source< / tt > describes a < tt > rsync< / tt > compatible source (one line only).< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > For instance < em > backup_user@foreign_host:/home/server/video< / em > .
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
To use the < tt > rsync< / tt > protocol without the < tt > ssh< / tt > -tunnel, use
< em > rsync::USER@HOST/SRC< / em > . For more information have a look at the manpage
of < tt > rsync< / tt > (1).< / p > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_destination" > 5.3.2. Detailed description of "destination"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > destination< / tt > must be a text file containing the destination directory.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > destination< / tt > < strong > USED< / strong > to be a link to the destination directory in
earlier versions, so do not be confused if you see such examples.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [11:36] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/destination
/home/nico/backupdir< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_remote_host" > 5.3.3. Detailed description of "remote_host"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > remote_host< / tt > must be a text file containing the destination host.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
If this file is existing, you are backing up your data < strong > TO< / strong > this host
and < strong > not< / strong > to you local host.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < strong > Warning< / strong > : You need to have < tt > ssh< / tt > access to the remote host. < tt > rsync< / tt > and
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > ccollect< / tt > will connect to that host via < tt > ssh< / tt > . < tt > ccollect< / tt > needs the shell
access, because it needs to find out how many backups exist on the remote
host and to be able to delete them.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [10:17] denkbrett:ccollect-0.7.0% cat conf/sources/remote1/remote_host
home.schottelius.org< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > It may contain all the ssh-specific values like < em > myuser@yourhost.ch< / em > .< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_verbose" > 5.3.4. Detailed description of "verbose"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > verbose< / tt > tells < tt > ccollect< / tt > that the log should contain verbose messages.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If this file exists in the source specification < strong > -v< / strong > will be passed to < tt > rsync< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > `
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
Example:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [11:35] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% touch conf/sources/testsource1/verbose< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_very_verbose" > 5.3.5. Detailed description of "very_verbose"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > very_verbose< / tt > tells < tt > ccollect< / tt > that it should log very verbosely.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If this file exists in the source specification < strong > -v< / strong > will be passed to
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > rsync< / tt > , < tt > rm< / tt > and < tt > mkdir< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [23:67] nohost:~% touch conf/sources/testsource1/very_verbose< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_summary" > 5.3.6. Detailed description of "summary"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you create the file < tt > summary< / tt > in the source definition,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > ccollect< / tt > will present you a nice summary at the end.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > backup:~# touch /etc/ccollect/sources/root/summary
backup:~# ccollect.sh werktags root
==> ccollect.sh: Beginning backup using interval werktags < ==
[root] Beginning to backup this source ...
[root] Currently 3 backup(s) exist, total keeping 50 backup(s).
[root] Beginning to backup, this may take some time...
[root] Hard linking...
[root] Transferring files...
[root] Number of files: 84183
[root] Number of files transferred: 32
[root] Total file size: 26234080536 bytes
[root] Total transferred file size: 9988252 bytes
[root] Literal data: 9988252 bytes
[root] Matched data: 0 bytes
[root] File list size: 3016771
[root] File list generation time: 1.786 seconds
[root] File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
[root] Total bytes sent: 13009119
[root] Total bytes received: 2152
[root] sent 13009119 bytes received 2152 bytes 2891393.56 bytes/sec
[root] total size is 26234080536 speedup is 2016.26
[root] Successfully finished backup.
==> Finished ccollect.sh < ==< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > You could also combine it with < tt > verbose< / tt > or < tt > very_verbose< / tt > , but these
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
already print some statistics (though not all / the same as presented by
< tt > summary< / tt > ).< / p > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_exclude" > 5.3.7. Detailed description of "exclude"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > exclude< / tt > specifies a list of paths to exclude. The entries are seperated by a newline (\n).< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [11:35] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/exclude
etwas mit leerzeichenli
something with spaces is not a problem< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_intervals" > 5.3.8. Detailed description of "intervals/"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you create the subdirectory < tt > intervals/< / tt > in your source configuration
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
directory, you can specify individiual intervals for this specific source.
Each file in this directory describes an interval.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [11:37] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% ls -l conf/sources/testsource2/intervals/
insgesamt 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 2 2005-12-07 17:38 daily
-rw-r--r-- 1 nico users 3 2005-12-14 11:33 yearly
[11:37] zaphodbeeblebrox:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/testsource2/intervals/*
20< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailled_description_of_rsync_options" > 5.3.9. Detailled description of "rsync_options"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you create the file < tt > rsync_options< / tt > in your source configuration,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
all the parameters in this file will be passed to rsync. This
way you can pass additional options to rsync. For instance you can tell rsync
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
to show progress ("--progress"), or which -password-file ("--password-file")
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
to use for automatic backup over the rsync-protocol.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [23:42] hydrogenium:ccollect-0.2% cat conf/sources/test_rsync/rsync_options
--password-file=/home/user/backup/protected_password_file< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailled_description_of_pre_exec_and_post_exec" > 5.3.10. Detailled description of "pre_exec" and "post_exec"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you create < tt > pre_exec< / tt > and / or < tt > post_exec< / tt > in your source
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
configuration, < tt > ccollect< / tt > will execute this command before and
respectively after doing the backup for < strong > this specific< / strong > source.
If you want to have pre-/post-exec before and after < strong > all< / strong >
backups, see above for general configuration.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [13:09] hydrogenium:ccollect-0.3% cat conf/sources/with_exec/pre_exec
# Show whats free before
df -h
[13:09] hydrogenium:ccollect-0.3% cat conf/sources/with_exec/post_exec
# Show whats free after
df -h< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h4 id = "_detailed_description_of_delete_incomplete" > 5.3.11. Detailed description of "delete_incomplete"< / h4 >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you create the file < tt > delete_incomplete< / tt > in a source specification directory,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > ccollect< / tt > will look for incomplete backups (when the whole < tt > ccollect< / tt > process
was interrupted) and remove them. Without this file < tt > ccollect< / tt > will only warn
the user.< / p > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_hints" > 6. Hints< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
< h3 id = "_smart_logging" > 6.1. Smart logging< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Since ccollect-0.6.1 you can use the ccollect-logwrapper.sh(1) for logging.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
You call it the same way you call ccollect.sh and it will create a
logfile containing the output of ccollect.sh. For more information look
at the manpage < em > ccollect-logwrapper< / em > . The following is an example running
ccollect-logwrapper.sh:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > u0219 ~ # ~chdscni9/ccollect-logwrapper.sh daily u0160.nshq.ch.netstream.com
ccollect-logwrapper.sh (11722): Starting with arguments: daily u0160.nshq.ch.netstream.com
ccollect-logwrapper.sh (11722): Finished.< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h3 id = "_using_a_different_ssh_port" > 6.2. Using a different ssh port< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Mostly easy is to use your ~/.ssh/config file:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > host mx2.schottelius.org
Port 2342< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you only use that port for backup only and normally want to use another port,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
you can add < em > HostName< / em > and "HostKeyAlias" (if you also have different
keys on the different ports):< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > Host hhydrogenium
Hostname bruehe.schottelius.org
Port 666
HostKeyAlias hydrogenium
Host bruehe
Hostname bruehe.schottelius.org
Port 22
HostKeyAlias bruehe.schottelius.org< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h3 id = "_using_source_names_or_interval_in_pre_post_exec_scripts" > 6.3. Using source names or interval in pre_/post_exec scripts< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The pre-/post_exec scripts can access some internal variables from < tt > ccollect< / tt > :< / p > < / div >
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
INTERVAL: The interval specified on the command line
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
no_sources: number of sources
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
source_$NUM: the name of the source
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
name: the name of the currently being backuped source (not available for
generic pre_exec script)
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
< h3 id = "_using_rsync_protocol_without_ssh" > 6.4. Using rsync protocol without ssh< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you have a computer with little computing power, it may be useful to use
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
rsync without ssh, directly using the rsync protocol
(specify < em > user@host::share< / em > in < tt > source< / tt > ). You may wish to use
< tt > rsync_options< / tt > to specify a password file to use for automatic backup.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > backup:~# cat /etc/ccollect/sources/sample.backup.host.org/source
backup:~# cat /etc/ccollect/sources/sample.backup.host.org/rsync_options
backup:~# cat /etc/ccollect/sources/sample.backup.host.org/rsync_password
this_is_the_rsync_password< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This hint was reported by Daniel Aubry.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_not_excluding_top_level_directories" > 6.5. Not excluding top-level directories< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you exclude "/proc" or "/mnt" from your backup, you may run into
trouble when you restore your backup. When you use "/proc/*" or "/mnt/\*"
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
instead, < tt > ccollect< / tt > will backup empty directories.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "admonitionblock" >
< table > < tr >
< td class = "icon" >
< div class = "title" > Note< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "content" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When those directories contain hidden files
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
(those beginning with a dot (< strong > .< / strong > )),
they will still be transferred!< / p > < / div >
< / td >
< / tr > < / table >
< / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This hint was reported by Marcus Wagner.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_re_using_already_created_rsync_backups" > 6.6. Re-using already created rsync-backups< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you used < tt > rsync< / tt > directly before you use < tt > ccollect< / tt > , you can
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
use this old backup as initial backup for < tt > ccollect< / tt > : You
simply move it into a directory below the destination directory
and name it "< em > interval< / em > .0".< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Example:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > backup:/home/backup/web1# ls
bin dev etc initrd lost+found mnt root srv usr vmlinuz
boot doc home lib media opt sbin tmp var vmlinuz.old
backup:/home/backup/web1# mkdir daily.0
# ignore error about copying to itself
backup:/home/backup/web1# mv * daily.0 2> /dev/null
backup:/home/backup/web1# ls
daily.0< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Now you can use /home/backup/web1 as the < tt > destination< / tt > for the backup.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "admonitionblock" >
< table > < tr >
< td class = "icon" >
< div class = "title" > Note< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "content" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > It does not matter anymore how you name your directory, as < tt > ccollect< / tt > uses
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the -c option from < tt > ls< / tt > to find out which directory to clone from.< / p > < / div >
< / td >
< / tr > < / table >
< / div >
< div class = "admonitionblock" >
< table > < tr >
< td class = "icon" >
< div class = "title" > Note< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "content" >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Older versions (pre 0.6, iirc) had a problem, if you named the first backup
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
something like "daily.initial". It was needed to use the "< strong > 0< / strong > " (or some
number that is lower than the current year) as extension. < tt > ccollect< / tt >
used < tt > sort< / tt > to find the latest backup. < tt > ccollect< / tt > itself uses
< em > interval.YEARMONTHDAY-HOURMINUTE.PID< / em > . This notation was < strong > always< / strong > before
"daily.initial", as numbers are earlier in the list
which is produced by < tt > sort< / tt > . So, if you had a directory named "daily.initial",
< tt > ccollect< / tt > always diffed against this backup and transfered and deleted
files which where deleted in previous backups. This means you simply
wasted resources, but your backup had beer complete anyway.< / p > < / div >
< / td >
< / tr > < / table >
< / div >
< h3 id = "_using_pre_post_exec" > 6.7. Using pre_/post_exec< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Your pre_/post_exec script does not need to be a script, you can also
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
use a link to< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
an existing program
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
an already written script
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The only requirement is that it is executable.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_using_source_specific_interval_definitions" > 6.8. Using source specific interval definitions< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When you are backing up multiple hosts via cron each night, it may be
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
a problem that host "big_server" may only have 4 daily backups, because
otherwise its backup device will be full. But for all other hosts
you want to keep 20 daily backups. In this case you would create
< tt > /etc/ccollect/default/intervals/daily< / tt > containing "20" and
< tt > /etc/ccollect/sources/big_server/intervals/daily< / tt > containing "4".< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Source specific intervals always overwrite the default values.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
If you have to specify it individually for every host, because
of different requirements, you can even omit creating
< tt > /etc/ccollect/default/intervals/daily< / tt > .< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_comparing_backups" > 6.9. Comparing backups< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you want to see what changed between two backups, you can use
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< tt > rsync< / tt > directly:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [12:00] u0255:ddba034.netstream.ch# rsync -n -a --delete --stats --progress daily.20080324-0313.17841/ daily.20080325-0313.31148/< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This results in a listing of changes. Because we pass -n to rsync no transfer
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
is made (i.e. report only mode)"< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This hint was reported by Daniel Aubry.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_testing_for_host_reachabilty" > 6.10. Testing for host reachabilty< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you want to test whether the host you try to backup is reachable, you can use
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the following script as source specific pre-exec:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > #!/bin/sh
# ping -c1 -q `cat "/etc/ccollect/sources/$name/source" | cut -d"@" -f2 | cut -d":" -f1`< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This prevents the deletion of old backups, if the host is not reachable.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > This hint was reported by Daniel Aubry.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_easy_check_for_errors" > 6.11. Easy check for errors< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If you want to see whether there have been any errors while doing the backup,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
you can run < tt > ccollect< / tt > together with < tt > ccollect_analyse_logs.sh< / tt > :< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > $ ccollect | ccollect_analyse_logs.sh e< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_f_a_q" > 7. F.A.Q.< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
< h3 id = "_what_happens_if_one_backup_is_broken_or_empty" > 7.1. What happens if one backup is broken or empty?< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Let us assume that one backup failed (connection broke or the source
hard disk had some failures). Therefore we’ ve got one incomplete backup in our history.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > ccollect< / tt > will transfer the missing files the next time you use it.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
This leads to< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "ulist" > < ul >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< li >
< p >
more transferred files
< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p >
much greater disk space usage, as no hardlinks can be used
< / p >
< / li >
< / ul > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > If the whole < tt > ccollect< / tt > process was interrupted, < tt > ccollect< / tt > (since 0.6) can
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
detect that and remove the incomplete backups, so you can clone from a complete
backup instead< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_when_backing_up_from_localhost_the_destination_is_also_included_is_this_a_bug" > 7.2. When backing up from localhost the destination is also included. Is this a bug?< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > No. < tt > ccollect< / tt > passes your source definition directly to < tt > rsync< / tt > . It
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
does not try to analyze it. So it actually does not know if a source
comes from local harddisk or from a remote server. And it does not want
to. When you backup from the local harddisk (which is perhaps not
even a good idea when thinking of security), add the < tt > destination< / tt >
to < em > source/exclude< / em > . (Daniel Aubry reported this problem)< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_why_does_ccollect_say_permission_denied_with_my_pre_postexec_script" > 7.3. Why does ccollect say "Permission denied" with my pre-/postexec script?< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The most common error is that you have not given your script the correct
permissions. Try < tt > chmod 0755 /etc/ccollect/sources/'yoursource'/*_exec< / tt > `.< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< h3 id = "_why_does_the_backup_job_fail_when_part_of_the_source_is_a_link" > 7.4. Why does the backup job fail when part of the source is a link?< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > When a part of your path you specified in the source is a
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
(symbolic, hard links are not possible for directories) link,
the backup < strong > must< / strong > fail.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > First of all, let us have a look at how it looks like:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > ==> ccollect 0.4: Beginning backup using interval taeglich < ==
[testsource] Sa Apr 29 00:01:55 CEST 2006 Beginning to backup
[testsource] Currently 0 backup(s) exist(s), total keeping 10 backup(s).
[testsource] Beginning to backup, this may take some time...
[testsource] Creating /etc/ccollect/sources/testsource/destination/taeglich.2006-04-29-0001.3874 ...
[testsource] Sa Apr 29 00:01:55 CEST 2006 Transferring files...
[testsource] rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/etc/ccollect/sources/testsource/destination/taeglich.2006-04-29-0001.3874/home/user/nico/projekte/ccollect" failed: No such file or directory (2)
[testsource] rsync: stat "/etc/ccollect/sources/testsource/destination/taeglich.2006-04-29-0001.3874/home/user/nico/projekte/ccollect" failed: No such file or directory (2)
[...]< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > So what is the problem? It is very obvious when you look deeper into it:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > % cat /etc/ccollect/sources/testsource/source
% ls -l /home/user/nico/projekte
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nico nico 29 2005-12-02 23:28 /home/user/nico/projekte -> oeffentlich/computer/projekte
% ls -l /etc/ccollect/sources/testsource/destination/taeglich.2006-04-29-0001.3874/home/user/nico
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nico nico 29 2006-04-29 00:01 projekte -> oeffentlich/computer/projekte< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > < tt > rsync< / tt > creates the directory structure before it creates the symbolic link.
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
This link now links to something not reachable (dead link). It is
impossible to create subdirectories under the broken link.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > In conclusion you cannot use paths with a linked part.< / p > < / div >
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > However, you can backup directories containing symbolic links
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
(in this case you could backup /home/user/nico, which contains
/home/user/nico/projekte and oeffentlich/computer/projekte).< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_how_can_i_prevent_missing_the_right_time_to_enter_my_password" > 7.5. How can I prevent missing the right time to enter my password?< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > As < tt > ccollect< / tt > first deletes the old backups, it may take some time
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
until < tt > rsync< / tt > requests the password for the < tt > ssh< / tt > session from you.< / p > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The easiest way not to miss that point is running < tt > ccollect< / tt > in < tt > screen< / tt > ,
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
which has the ability to monitor the output for activity. So as soon as
your screen beeps, after < tt > ccollect< / tt > began to remove the last directory,
you can enter your password (have a look at screen(1), especially "C-a M"
and "C-a _", for more information).< / p > < / div >
< / div >
< h2 id = "_examples" > 8. Examples< / h2 >
< div class = "sectionbody" >
< h3 id = "_a_backup_host_configuration_from_scratch" > 8.1. A backup host configuration from scratch< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > srwali01:~# mkdir /etc/ccollect
srwali01:~# mkdir -p /etc/ccollect/defaults/intervals/
srwali01:~# echo 28 > /etc/ccollect/defaults/intervals/taeglich
srwali01:~# echo 52 > /etc/ccollect/defaults/intervals/woechentlich
srwali01:~# cd /etc/ccollect/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect# mkdir sources
srwali01:/etc/ccollect# cd sources/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# ls
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# mkdir local-root
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# cd local-root/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/local-root# echo / > source
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/local-root# cat > exclude < < EOF
> /proc
> /sys
> /mnt
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/local-root# echo /mnt/hdbackup/local-root > destination
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/local-root# mkdir /mnt/hdbackup/local-root
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/local-root# ccollect.sh taeglich local-root
/o> ccollect.sh: Beginning backup using interval taeglich
/=> Beginning to backup "local-root" ...
|-> 0 backup(s) already exist, keeping 28 backup(s).< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > After that, I added some more sources:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > srwali01:~# cd /etc/ccollect/sources
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# mkdir windos-wl6
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# cd windos-wl6/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-wl6# echo /mnt/win/SYS/WL6 > source
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-wl6# ln -s /mnt/hdbackup/wl6 destination
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-wl6# mkdir /mnt/hdbackup/wl6
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-wl6# cd ..
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# mkdir windos-daten
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-daten# echo /mnt/win/Daten > source
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-daten# ln -s /mnt/hdbackup/windos-daten destination
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-daten# mkdir /mnt/hdbackup/windos-daten
# Now add some remote source
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/windos-daten# cd ..
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# mkdir srwali03
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# cd srwali03/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/srwali03# cat > exclude < < EOF
> /proc
> /sys
> /mnt
> /home
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/srwali03# echo 'root@' > source
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/srwali03# echo /mnt/hdbackup/srwali03 > destination
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources/srwali03# mkdir /mnt/hdbackup/srwali03< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h3 id = "_using_hard_links_requires_less_disk_space" > 8.2. Using hard-links requires less disk space< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > # du (coreutils) 5.2.1
[10:53] srsyg01:sources% du -sh ~/backupdir
4.6M /home/nico/backupdir
[10:53] srsyg01:sources% du -sh ~/backupdir/*
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:52.28456
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:53.28484
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:53.28507
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:53.28531
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:53.28554
4.1M /home/nico/backupdir/daily.2005-12-08-10:53.28577
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# du -sh /mnt/hdbackup/wl6/
186M /mnt/hdbackup/wl6/
srwali01:/etc/ccollect/sources# du -sh /mnt/hdbackup/wl6/*
147M /mnt/hdbackup/wl6/taeglich.2005-12-08-14:42.312
147M /mnt/hdbackup/wl6/taeglich.2005-12-08-14:45.588< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > The backup of our main fileserver:< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > backup:~# df -h /home/backup/srsyg01/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
591G 451G 111G 81% /home/backup/srsyg01
backup:~# du -sh /home/backup/srsyg01/*
432G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-24-01:00.15990
432G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-26-01:00.30152
434G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-27-01:00.4596
435G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-28-01:00.11998
437G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-29-01:00.19115
437G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-30-01:00.26405
438G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-01-31-01:00.1148
439G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-02-01-01:00.8321
439G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-02-02-01:00.15383
439G /home/backup/srsyg01/daily.2006-02-03-01:00.22567
16K /home/backup/srsyg01/lost+found
backup:~# du --version | head -n1
du (coreutils) 5.2.1< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Newer versions of du also detect the hardlinks, so we can even compare
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the sizes directly with du:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [8:16] eiche:~# du --version | head -n 1
du (GNU coreutils) 5.93
[8:17] eiche:schwarzesloch# du -slh hydrogenium/*
19G hydrogenium/durcheinander.0
18G hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-17-00:27.13820
19G hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-25-23:18.31328
19G hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-26-00:11.3332
[8:22] eiche:schwarzesloch# du -sh hydrogenium/*
19G hydrogenium/durcheinander.0
12G hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-17-00:27.13820
1.5G hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-25-23:18.31328
200M hydrogenium/durcheinander.2006-01-26-00:11.3332< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > In the second report (without -l) the sizes include the space the inodes of
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
the hardlinks allocate.< / p > < / div >
< h3 id = "_a_collection_of_backups_on_the_backup_server" > 8.3. A collection of backups on the backup server< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > All the data of my important hosts is backuped to eiche into
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
/mnt/schwarzesloch/backup:< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [9:24] eiche:backup# ls *
woechentlich.2006-01-26-22:22.4153 woechentlich.2006-02-12-11:48.2461
woechentlich.2006-01-26-22:23.4180 woechentlich.2006-02-18-23:00.7898
woechentlich.2006-02-05-02:43.14281 woechentlich.2006-02-25-23:00.13480
woechentlich.2006-02-06-00:24.15509 woechentlich.2006-03-04-23:00.25439
durcheinander.2006-01-27-11:16.6391 durcheinander.2006-02-13-01:07.2895
durcheinander.2006-01-30-19:29.9505 durcheinander.2006-02-17-08:20.6707
durcheinander.2006-01-30-22:27.9623 durcheinander.2006-02-24-16:24.12461
durcheinander.2006-02-03-09:52.12885 durcheinander.2006-03-03-19:17.18075
durcheinander.2006-02-05-23:00.15068 durcheinander.2006-03-17-22:41.5007
woechentlich.2006-02-04-10:32.13766 woechentlich.2006-02-16-23:00.6185
woechentlich.2006-02-05-23:02.15093 woechentlich.2006-02-23-23:00.11783
woechentlich.2006-02-06-08:22.15994 woechentlich.2006-03-02-23:00.17346
woechentlich.2006-02-06-19:40.16321 woechentlich.2006-03-09-23:00.29317
woechentlich.2006-02-12-11:51.2514 woechentlich.2006-03-16-23:00.4218< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > And this incremental backup and the archive are copied to an external
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
usb harddisk (attention: you < strong > should< / strong > really use -H to backup the backup):< / p > < / div >
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > [9:23] eiche:backup# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs 14G 8.2G 4.9G 63% /
/dev/root 14G 8.2G 4.9G 63% /
/dev/root 14G 8.2G 4.9G 63% /dev/.static/dev
tmpfs 10M 444K 9.6M 5% /dev
/dev/hdh 29G 3.7M 29G 1% /mnt/datenklo
tmpfs 110M 4.0K 110M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/mapper/nirvana 112G 90G 23G 81% /mnt/datennirvana
230G 144G 86G 63% /mnt/schwarzesloch
/dev/mapper/archiv 38G 20G 19G 52% /mnt/archiv
280G 36M 280G 1% /mnt/usb/backup
[9:24] eiche:backup# cat ~/bin/sync-to-usb
rsync -av -H --delete /mnt/schwarzesloch/ "$DDIR/schwarzesloch/"
rsync -av -H --delete /mnt/archiv/ "$DDIR/archiv/"< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
< h3 id = "_processes_running_when_doing_ccollect_p" > 8.4. Processes running when doing ccollect -p< / h3 > < div style = "clear:left" > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > Truncated output from < tt > ps axuwwwf< / tt > :< / p > < / div >
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
< div class = "listingblock" >
< div class = "content" >
< pre > < tt > S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily -p ddba034 ddba045 ddba046 ddba047 ddba049 ddna010 ddna011
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba034
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba034
R+ 11:40 23:40 | | | | | \_ rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded --link-dest=/home/server/backup/ddba034
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | | \_ ssh -l root ddba034.netstream.ch rsync --server --sender -vlogDtprR --numeric-ids . /
S+ 11:41 0:11 | | | | | \_ rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded --link-dest=/home/server/backup/ddb
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba034
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddba034\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba045
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba045
R+ 11:40 0:02 | | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddba045/destination/daily.2006-10-19-1807.6934
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba045
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddba045\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba046
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba046
R+ 11:40 0:02 | | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddba046/destination/daily.2006-10-19-1810.7072
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba046
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddba046\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba047
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba047
R+ 11:40 0:03 | | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddba047/destination/daily.2006-10-19-1816.7268
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba047
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddba047\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba049
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba049
D+ 11:40 0:03 | | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddba049/destination/daily.2006-10-19-1821.7504
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddba049
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddba049\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna010
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna010
R+ 11:40 0:03 | | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddna010/destination/daily.2006-10-19-1805.6849
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna010
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddna010\] :
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna011
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna011
R+ 12:08 0:00 | | | | \_ rm -rf /etc/ccollect/sources/ddna011/destination/daily.2006-10-20-1502.7824
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ccollect.sh daily ddna011
S+ 11:40 0:00 | | | \_ sed s:^:\[ddna011\] :< / tt > < / pre >
< / div > < / div >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
< div class = "paragraph" > < p > As you can see, six processes are deleting old backups, while one backup
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
(ddba034) is already copying data.< / p > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "footer" >
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Version 0.7.1< br / >
2009-07-01 22:44:36 +02:00
Last updated 2009-07-01 09:53:57 CEST
2009-05-26 23:45:19 +02:00
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