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cinit, Nico Schottelius, 2005-04-28 [last change: 2005-05-07]
cinit is a fast init system with dependency features.
It is orientated on the design off Richard Gooch's
need [0] and Felix von Leitner's minit[1]. Minit does not support real
dependencies (you don't know whether the service you depend on really
started) and the need concept is somehow slow (as seen in gentoo).
In addition, minit needs libowfat and dietlibc, which may not be found
on every Unix system.
cinit main features:
- portability: it should run on every POSIX compatible system.
- true dependencies
- parallel execution
- highly customisable (see conf/*)
Getting cinit
This README is part of the source, so you should have it.
If not, goto the homepage [2] and download the tar archive
or get the lastest snapshot via monotone.
If you want to fine tune cinit parameters, add different path names,
change the DESTDIR, ... have a look at conf/*.
You can install cinit parallel to any other init-system, it won't
kill other init's config nor /sbin/init, if it exists.
You only have to tell your kernel to execute /sbin/cinit instead
of /sbin/init.
Everybody do:
# make all install
If it's the first time you operate with cinit, also do:
# make install-conf
This will populate /etc/cinit with some default services for Linux
(mounting root r/w, starting gettys, setting hostname).
This should work on most Linux systems, still you should have a
look at /etc/cinit and see whether services are correct.
You'll have to configure /etc/cinit and add your existing services.
Please read doc/configuring.cinit for details.
sampleconfig.tar is the tar-ball I used for testing, beware if you use it:
It loads dvorak at startup!
There are currently no tools to merge your existing init-system
to cinit (like sysvinit-merge, bsd-merge or minit-merge) available.
If someone cares and tries to do that, I would be happy to include
the script(s).
Additionally I would be thankful for tar-balls containing a complete
replacement of $your_unix_init.
Author, Contact, Bug reports, etc.
Nico Schottelius (nico-linux-cinit<<at>>schottelius [[dot]] org) is the
author. Bug reports should be send to this address.
The homepage of cinit is [2].
[0]: need: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rgooch/linux/boot-scripts/
[1]: minit: http://www.fefe.de/minit/
[2]: cinit: http://linux.schottelius.org/cinit.html