101 lines
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101 lines
2 KiB
# Nico Schottelius
# Copying: GPLv3
# Support for Hangeul
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
# Fix/Setup mutt
export MAIL
# Background
xsetroot -solid black
# Add "private fonts"
xset fp+ ~/oeffentlich/rechner/os/unix/xf86/fonts
xset fp rehash
# Read the resources
xrdb < ~/.Xresources
# remove mouse
unclutter &
# Make touchpad usable
synclient PalmDetect=1
synclient TapButton2=2
synclient TapButton3=3
# Disable mouse tapping while writing and one second later
syndaemon -i 1 -R -t -d
# Use less memory for huge urxvtd
urxvtd &
# assign some keys to actions
# keyboard
setxkbmap de neo
xset r rate 200 30
# i3status | i3bar -d &
exec i3 > ~/.i3log-$(date +%s) 2>&1
# Old stuff
# enable fancy hotkeys
# gnome-power-manager &
# Backgrounds
#xloadimage -zoom 46 -onroot -quiet -center ~/bilder/2007-09-29/fueller/20070929234709.jpg &
#xloadimage -zoom 46 -onroot -quiet -center ~/photos/20070929.gossau.fueller/20070929234709.jpg &
# Screensavers used
# xscreensaver &
# screensaver with fading
# Ratest tested, but not liked
#xset r rate 100 40
#xset r rate 150 30
# Previous method to load neo keyboard layout
#setxkbmap de neo -print | xkbcomp - -I/home/user/nico/build/neo/linux/X $DISPLAY
# Helper programs used
# unclutter &
# transeterm blue &
# transeterm red &
# transeterm yellow &
# transeterm green &
#firefox &
#urxvtcd &
#( sleep 5; tmutt & ) &
#( sleep 2; cd ceofhack && 4xterm ) &
#tmutt &
# pull together the "visible" autostart apps
# Window managers used
# ( i3status | dzen2 -fg white -ta r -w 1280 -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso8859-1" -ta c ) &
# exec i3 > ~/.i3log 2>&1
#exec blackbox
#exec /usr/bin/scrotwm
#exec blender
#exec fluxbox
#exec ion
#exec ion2
#exec ion3
#exec /usr/packages/wmii-snap/bin/wmii
#wmii -V 2>~/WMIILOG
#exec awesome
#exec i3 -V -d all > ~/.i3log-$(date +%s) 2>&1