Nico Schottelius ad7d431041 die beschreibung von der ersten vorstellung verbessern
Signed-off-by: Nico Schottelius <nico@ikn.schottelius.org>
2009-06-06 14:23:56 +02:00

11 lines
382 B

[[!meta title="EOF - die erste Vorstellung"]]
[[!meta date="2007-09-05"]]
This speech was made in the Chaos Computer Club Zuerich (CCCZH)
in the rooms of the Dock18 at the 5th of September 2009.
It is the first public presentation about EOF (in German).
* [[View as PDF|eof-die-erste-vorstellung.pdf]]
* [[View LaTeX source|eof-die-erste-vorstellung.tex]]
[[!tag publication]]