Nico Schottelius 95a46c5577 import gpm from unix.schottelius.org
Signed-off-by: Nico Schottelius <nico@ikn.schottelius.org>
2009-10-08 22:52:35 +02:00

135 lines
4.7 KiB

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<H1>linux.schottelius.org: gpm</H1>
<h3>what is it?</h3>
<P>gpm means general purpose mouse and is the mouse support for linux
in the console.
<h3>how to get it?</h3>
<P>Perhaps the best way to get gpm currently is via
<A HREF="http://www.venge.net/monotone/">monotone</a>, a cvs
successor. You have to retrieve the collection "org.schottelius.gpm" from
"linux.schottelius.org". You can get the public server key from
<A HREF="server-key.pub">here</A>.
<h3>monotone - get (aka "pull")</h3>
<P>Here's a small manual howto get gpm via monotone:
# create a database
scice% monotone --db=gpm.db db init
# get the server key
scice% wget -q http://linux.schottelius.org/gpm/server-key.pub
# read the server key
scice% monotone --db=gpm.db read < server-key.pub
monotone: read 1 packet
# do an anonymous pull
scice% monotone --key="" --db=gpm.db pull linux.schottelius.org org.schottelius.gpm
monotone: warning: doing anonymous pull
monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection org.schottelius.gpm
monotone: connecting to linux.schottelius.org
monotone: [bytes in: 722110] [bytes out: 7405]
monotone: exchanged goodbyes and flushed output on fd 7 (peer linux.schottelius.org), disconnecting
# extract source from the database to a directory
scice% monotone --db=gpm.db --branch=org.schottelius.gpm checkout your-destination-directory
monotone: fetching heads of branch 'org.schottelius.gpm'
<h3>monotone - upload (aka "push")</h3>
<P>I assume you've got a database initialised (see above).
# generate a key pair (if you want to contribute changes)
scice% monotone --db=gpm.db genkey you@example.com
monotone: generating key-pair 'you@example.com'
Enter password:
Confirm password:
monotone: storing key-pair 'you@example.com' in database
<P>For more information visit monotone's homepage, it has excellent
<P>Releases and archives are available
in <A HREF="ftp://arcana.linux.it/pub/gpm/">Italy</a> and
in <A HREF="ftp://ftp.schottelius.org/pub/linux/gpm/">Germany</a>.
<P>CVS is still available, but obsolete. The last time a commit to cvs
could have happened was 19-May-2004 (it was earlier than that, but at this
time we changed to monotone). Still, if you really want (a perhaps outdated tree),
here's the way to go:
$ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@ar.linux.it:/data/cvs login
(Logging in to cvs@ar.linux.it)
CVS password: (type "cvs" here)
$ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@ar.linux.it:/data/cvs checkout gpm
<P>Is included in the package.</P>
<P>Well, there's now an irc channel #gpm on irc.freenode.org.
<h3>mailing list</h3>
The mailing list devoted to gpm is "gpm@lists.linux.it"
The list is managed by Mailman and is currently open,
so non-subscribers are allowed to post.
In order to subscribe to the mailing list, visit
http://www.linux.it/mailman/listinfo/gpm or send a message
with "subscribe" in its body to gpm-request@lists.linux.it . For example:
echo subscribe | mail gpm-request@lists.linux.it
<h3>mailing list archive </h3>
<A HREF="http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/gpm/">http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/gpm/</A>
[ <A HREF="http://linux.schottelius.org">linux.schottelius.org</A> ]
[ Nico at Schottelius dot org ]