New website of the [Swiss Society for Public Health](, developed by [datalets,ch]( using the open source, [Django]( [Wagtail CMS]( The frontend has been implemented by [moving water]( using [Bootstrap]( framework.
> Nota bene: this is a work in progress, licensing details and live site coming soon!
The easiest way to set up your machine would be to use [Vagrant](, then in the project folder in the terminal type: `vagrant liverun`.
To set up a full development environment, follow all these instructions.
**Frontend setup**
You will need to have Ruby and SASS installed on your system, e.g.:
If you are only working on the frontend, you can start a local webserver and work on frontend assets without the backend setup described below. Mock content is at `mockup`, and there is a `grunt browser-sync` setup for working with frontend assets.
To use Docker Compose to deploy the site, copy `ansible/roles/web/templates/docker-compose.j2` to `/docker-compose.yml` and fill in all `{{ variables }}`. This is done automatically in Ansible.
To do production deployments, you need to obtain SSH and vault keys from your system administrator (who has followed the Ansible guide to set up a vault..), and place these in a `.keys` folder - then to deploy a site:
We use a StackScript to deploy to Linode, the basic system set up is to have a user in the sudoers and docker group, and a few basic system packages ready.
For further deployment and system maintenance we have a `Makefile` which automates Docker Compose tasks. This should be converted to use [Ansible Container]( In the meantime, start a release with Ansible, then complete it using `make`, i.e.: