2020-04-14 14:33:44 +02:00
* What is cleaness?
** the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean.
* Todays Lesson is to see if the two places are really clean.
* Here is the state of Schwanden aka Place5.ungleich.
** Dusty tables, floor, servers .. Entire room.
** Fiber caps on the table.
** Pieces and cuts from lable-machine one the floor.
** Five usb-sticks on the floor.
** Two keyboards on the table.
** Nine transivers on the table.
** 1.5m Fiber cable on the on the table.
** one non-used notebooks on the table (Schreiber).
** Two small plastic bags on the floor.
** Cartons and Newspaper on the floor.
** Two fibre cables hanging next to server1.
** Label-machine lying on the production table.
** Paper and plastic bag with screws lying on the floor under the main server rack.
** One white RJ-45 cable is lying on the floor behind the switches.
** The kerlink Gateway dirty.
** The Closet needs to be sorted out again everything there is messy.
** Cable managment is wrong. Too long cable for too short distance, Too many crossed cables ..etc.
2020-04-14 17:00:12 +02:00
2020-04-14 14:33:44 +02:00
* What can this cause?
** First of all the dust and dirt can damage our machines.
** The server-room will appear to be unpleasant environment.
** Newspaper and cartons will make it look like a Recycling center
** Cables, tanscivers lying around would lead to
*** Loss of stuff
*** Stuff will damage
*** Will make it really hard to find
*** pain to our inventory
** When guest, visitors, investors come by to visit it will be really bad impression.
2020-04-14 17:00:12 +02:00
*Place6 Office west
* Office west
** Floor not clean
** There is big box package opened.
** There is opened empty Synology package filled with bread crumbes
** there is air sponf lying on the floor
** Hard as rock orange on the basket
** Opened M&M on the table
** Dead HDD on the table with a tray.
** 2 new ssds on the table
** dirty tables
** used tee cups
** cable ties
** stinky fridge
* office East
** Dusty
** Dead or alive batteries on the big table
** A POE adapter and 2 ethernet cables sitting on the chair
** trays are under the big table in plastic box
** Used Paper from Flip charts should be Nicley kept or thrown away.
* Place6-east
** bad or poor cabling
** Dusty servers
** Monitor on the floor
** paper on the producton server
** two HDDs on the production
** usbsticks without a cap
** 2 transcivers fiber caps Power-cable on the table
** Plastic bag on the floor
** cable crossing between the two rooms
* Place6-west
** Monitors on the table
** two UPS on the table
** a Carton box with us power-cables on the table
** Paper and paperbag on the floor
** inventory or inventory schelves is mixed up
** Server is opened for ?
** several RJ-45 cables on the floor
** one HDDs is on the floor
** Big Trash bag with trash fell under the table
* Place6-north
** Dead cable hanging on the production shelves
** Pw-cable hanging on the production shelves
** dusty
* What is cleaness?
** the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean.
* How do we keep stuff clean?
** Clean it after our last use.
* How do we Improve it?
** By running a regular a cleaning schedule.