Website of the [Swiss Society for Public Health](, developed by [datalets,ch]( using the open source, [Django]( [Wagtail CMS]( The frontend is implemented by [moving water]( using [Bootstrap]( framework.
An easy way to set up your machine could be to use [Vagrant](, then in the project folder in the terminal type: `vagrant up`. Then when it is ready, follow instructions for *publichealth/static/org/archive-message.html#Database setup*. To set up a full development environment using Docker or native components, follow all these instructions.
Use the LTS version of node.js (we recommend using [](https://gipublichealth/static/org/ with `nave use lts`), then:
The first command (`..install -g..`) may require `sudo` if you installed node.js as a system package. Afterwards, to compile the frontend, you should be able to run:
If you are only working on the frontend, you can start a local webserver and work on frontend assets without the backend setup described below. There is a `grunt browser-sync` setup for working with frontend assets.
If not using Vagrant: after installing Python 3, from the project folder, deploy system packages (here shown for Ubuntu users) for the development libraries of Python, libJPEG and libPQ (Postgres Client):
Currently the project has two main production deployment strategies: native and Docker Compose, the latter optionally managed by Ansible. Native is currently the default one. To switch to Docker Compose, change the symbolic `Makefile` link to point to `Makefile.docker-compose` or run your make commands as follows:
This project supports [Ansible]( and [Docker Compose]( for automated deployment. To get started, copy `ansible/roles/web/templates/docker-compose.j2` to `/docker-compose.yml` and fill in all `{{ variables }}`. This can also be done automatically in Ansible.
If you only want to run a certain set of actions, subset the tags which you see in the output above. For example, to only update the NGINX configuration:
To do production deployments, you need to obtain SSH and vault keys from your system administrator (who has followed the Ansible guide to set up a vault..), and place these in a `.keys` folder. To deploy a site: