2020-04-30 11:05:14 +02:00

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A clean environment promotes health, reduces stress and increases productivity.

Based on the last sessions the following table is the summary of the whole issues in the company.


Uncleanliness Define a cleaning schedule


unsorted equipments Regular inventory round


Cable mess Recableing, Labeling


Explain a high level concept on how to ensure the office and server room stays clean.

Understanding the importance of cleanliness.

Office is where we spend our working days and The server-room is the place where we store our essential datas to our business so cleanliness is the heart of the whole business.

High level

Hiring a cleaning company/person that understands the sensitivity of the job.

Letting it be everyone's job(Resposibility), such as returning back equipments after operating, not eating on the production area etc..

Define a cleaning scheduale

How to clean the office?

Clean weekly

How to clean the server-room?

Clean weekly and deep cleaning every 3 months

Cleaning equipments


Microfible cloths

Antistatic cleaning solutions

other relevant cleaning products

Who cleans the server-room and the office?


Define and list WHO does WHAT and WHEN.

Everyone cleans up his own messes

Everyone brings stuff back to where they belong after using them

According to the cleaning schedule the responsible person cleans up regularly

According to the inventory round check schedule the resposible person checks up regularly

List all operational tasks

General cleaning

Cleaning floor, servers, dusts etc..

TODO Sami/Balazs

Sort equipments

Collect all missing parts from all places and a put them all in one place

Count and wrap up every thing in their place

Document the inventory

TODO Sami/Balazs

Cable mess

To be re-cabled

All cables to be labeled

TODO Sami/Balazs