
11 KiB


cdist #3: type parameters

Lecture content
TODO Create a new type named __colourful_file
TODO The objective is to create a type that creates colourful file
TODO The content of the file should be "colour=…", where "…" is a colour specified by a parameter
TODO Add an optional parameter named colour
TODO Use the __file type inside your type to create a file
TODO Use the $__object_id variable inside your type
TODO Extend your type to be more colourful
TODO Modify the optional parameter to be able to be specified multiple times
TODO For each time it is specified, add a line "colour=…" to the file
TODO Create a new type __my_dotfiles
TODO Objective is to manage the dotfiles in your home directory
TODO Make it a singleton type
TODO Create a sub directory files in the type
TODO Add your .emacs config to the files folder
TODO Add a for loop to your type to deploy .[A-z]* to your home directory
TODO Add a .bashrc or .zshrc to the files folder (depending on your shell)
TODO In the initial manifest, add __my_dotfiles when the target host is localhost
TODO As usual commit all changes to your ungleich-learning-circle repo


cdist #2: Your first cdist type

Lecture content
Begin to understand how cdist types function
DONE Create a new type named `__my_computer`

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DONE Mark the type as a singleton type

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DONE Create a `manifest` file in it

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DONE Use this type to install the following packages: zsh, mosh, emacs, nmap, sipcalc

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DONE Edit the initial manifest and use __my_computer for localhost

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DONE Match using the $__target_host variable

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DONE Modify your type to use a for loop to install the packages

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DONE Deploy / manage your ~/.emacs file in this type

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DONE Ensure that permissions and ownership are correct

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DONE Use different verbosity levels when configuring

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DONE Ensure that all your changes are committed and pushed in your ungleich-learning-circle repository

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DONE Use magit inside emacs for that

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DONE Documentation steps to be done in cdist.org

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DONE Create a new org document named `cdist.org` in the same folder as the learning.org file

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DONE Explain the difference between a singleton and non-singleton type

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DONE Explain the difference between the different verbosity levels

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Document (copy&paste) some of the cdist runs in a "log" section```


cdist #1: Introduction

Lecture content
Begin to use cdist
DONE Checkout cdist quickstart https://www.cdi.st/manual/latest/cdist-quickstart.html

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DONE Install cdist locally

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DONE Create a new cdist configuration directory in ~/ungleich-learning-circle/USERNAME/dot-cdist

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DONE Create an empty initial manifest ("use touch")

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DONE Commit that status

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DONE Ensure that you can login as root to localhost via ssh without a password

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DONE Configure cdist to configures the motd of your localhost

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DONE Ensure you have a case block matching on $__target_host

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DONE Use the -c parameter to cdist to specify the configuration directory

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DONE Use the -vv parameter to get more verbose output

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DONE Search for / understand what MOTD stands for

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DONE Configure cdist to create the file /etc/cdist-configured

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DONE Configure cdist to setup the timezone on your local computer

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DONE Configure cdist to ensure emacs is installed

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DONE Ensure that in the end all changes are committed in your repository

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Organisation #5: Emacs refresher

Lecture content
Objective: get confident with emacs commands
Find out and document how to do the following steps
DONE Search for something forward C-s

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DONE How to continue searching C-s C-s

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DONE Search for something backward C-r

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DONE Search for regular expressions instead of string (forward, backward) C-M-s C-M-r

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DONE Go to the beginning of the line C-a

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DONE Go to the end of the line C-e

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DONE Delete a word in front (to the right of the cursor) M-d

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DONE Delete a word in back (to the left of the cursor) M-BackSpace

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DONE List all "occurences" of a word in a file M-s o

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You can copy above instructions into an emacs buffer
And test it by showing all occurences of the word "Search"
DONE Search (GREP) for a word in all files in a directory RECURSIVELY M-x rgrep

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DONE Save the CURRENT buffer C-x C-s

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DONE Save ALL open files C-x-s

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DONE Split the window/buffer vertically C-x 2

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DONE Split the window/buffer horizontally C-x 3

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DONE Switch between the different windows C-x o

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DONE Close all buffers besides the active one C-x 1

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Don't kill it!
DONE Close only the active buffer C-x 0

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Don't kill it!
DONE Kill the active buffer C-x k

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DONE Describe/Explain the difference between closing and killing

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closing is that emac do not display the buffer. and the contents on the buffer are kept on behined screen.
killing is that emac delete the buffer. and if contents are not stored, it is losted
DONE Switch between buffers that are not shown C-x b

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DONE Document two very similar, but slightly different ways

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C-x b is that the selected buffer is displayed on the focused window
C-x C-b is that all buffers is dispalayed on the new window
C-x 4 b is that the selected buffer is displayed on the new window
DONE Document all above commands in your learning org sheet

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DONE Share your documentation at the end of the session (not before)

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Organisation #4: Organising yourself

Lecture content
Objective: have a todo list based on org mode
Configure the "org-directory" to be ~/ungleich-learning-circle/USERNAME/
This is important as it will be used by the todo function later
Extend your function from the organisation #1 session
Instead of opening a fixed file, we include two variable parts:
The hostname of the machine
The year
Pressing F3 should open ~/ungleich-learning-circle/USERNAME/learning-$(hostname)-$(year).org
we call this "your personal agenda"
Configure mu4e to create a org-mode tasks from an email
Store these tasks in ~/ungleich-learning-circle/USERNAME/todo.org
Configure emacs to open the "org-agenda" with "C-c a"
List all TODO entries
List the agenda of the day
List the agenda of the week
Bind F8 to open the "org-todo-list"
Create some sample tasks in it
From now on, maintaining tasks should be
Pressing F3 to open your personal "logfile"
Adding a TODO item
Pressing F8 to see the tasks with priorities
Bonus tasks
Configure mu4e to store org-mode tasks in …/todo-$(hostname)-$(year).org


Organisation #3: Managing your emails

Lecture content
Be able to manage all your mails in mu4e
All email is synchronised using isync/mbsync
Email is indexed with mu (xapian backend)
Email is viewed in mu4e
All new emails arrive in the inbox
Install mu4e
Start mu4e in emacs
Configure mbsync for your ungleich mail account
Synchronise all mails into ~/Maildir/ungleich
This structure leaves room for other mail accounts, like ~/Maildir/gmail
Verify that mbsync synchronises the mail
Index mails using `mu` on the command line (only first time)
Configure mu4e to get email with mbsync -a
Configure mu4e to "archive" emails into ~/Maildir/ungleich/YEAR/
This gives you a good performance / organisation for the next decades
Configure mu4e/emacs for sending emails
Send other participants an email via mu4e
Verify that it arrives
"Archive" it afterwards


Organisation #2: Creating, managing and sharing with "magit"

Lecture content
Install "magit" for emacs
Bind C-x g to open magit-status in ~/.emacs
Create a new directory ~/ungleich-learning-circle/ (with emacs)
Use C-h b in dired mode to find out how to
Create a sub directory ~/ungleich-learning-circle/YOURNAME/ (with emacs)
Move your previously created learning.org file into ~/ungleich-learning-circle/YOURNAME/ (with emacs)
Initialise it with git (with magit)
Create the repo "ungleich-learning-circle" on code.ungleich.ch under your username
Add your remote on code.ungleich.ch to your local git repo with magit
Push your repo
Add a new remote of a another participant
Move your ~/learning.org to ~/notes
Commit that file with magit
Push the repo with magit
Merging the remote repo with the command line
End result: everyone has everything of everyone else


Organisation #1: org-mode introduction

Lecture content
Install emacs
Install org-mode
Create a function that opens ~/learning.org in your ~/.emacs
Bind that function to "f3" (configure it in .emacs)
Create a new item named "2020-04-10"
Create a sub item "ungleich learning circle"