2019-12-15 00:47:25 +01:00

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This container provides fully automated SSL containers in IPv6
## Requirements
You need to have docker configured to use IPv6. The following code can
be placed in /etc/docker/daemon.json:
"ipv6": true,
"fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8::/64"
You need to replace "2001:db8::/64" with your own IPv6 network.
Read more about [enabling IPv6 in docker](
## How it works
IPv6 addresses are globally reachable, so IPv6 based containers can be
reached from anywhere in the world.
This container uses the domain ****, which gives a
name to every IPv6 address.
Read more about how
[]( works.
## How to use
Start the container and use the logs to gets its domain name:
id=$(docker run -d ungleich/nginx-letsencrypt-ipv6)
docker logs ${id} 2>/dev/null | grep "^Getting certificate"
Getting certificate for
With this information, you can now connect to your container:
% curl
Welcome to running with IPv6+LetsEncrypt
## How to extend it
The http server part usually does not need to be modified, as it only
serves letsencrypt requests and redirects everything else to https.
If you want to extend the https server, simply overwrite
**/etc/nginx/https.conf**. It is by default empty and only exists to
be overwritten. It is included in the https block and lets you define
proxy or other configurations that you need.
As this file is only included by the generated https server, you can
safely create it in your Dockerfile.
If you want start anything **after** the certificate was retrieved and
the https server is up and running, put your code into
**/**. Note: It should be executable.
## More information
Read more about this on the
[ungleich blog](